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color choice for baby

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So my brother in law and sister in law are adopting. They are hoping for a agirl, but won't know until they are chosen.


So. i want to make a stuffed elephant. It would look so sweet in a light blue, but is that ok for a girl? It wouldn't be worn, it's a toy, so I'm thinking I can get away with it. Maybe make the bottom of his feet pink?

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I think the 'blue is for boys/pink is for girls' has been going out of style. The color of toys doesn't really make any difference. An elephant would be a really cute gift for you to make.

~ Debby

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Go for it in blue it will look wonderful.

Besides 'long ago' pink was for boys because it is a 'strong' color and blue was for girls because it is more 'delicate'.

I personally don't care(ok not a big pink fan so both daughters have blues which brings out their eyes:) and fair skin).

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Congratulations to you and your family on the upcoming addition! Babies are wonderful!! I'm sure that the child will be dressed gender specific, as most usually are. So....a sweet, adorable child holding/playing with a colored toy won't distract from the baby's gender. I learned one really important question to ask yourself - will the baby know the difference and/or will she care? :lol


A blue elephant sounds fun, especially with colored feet. I'm sure it will be wonderful and made with love!




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Blue sounds good. My daughters wore blue clothes when they were babies, too. It was only my poor son who had a limited color palette (and the older he grew, the smaller the color selection available to us).

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I am going to throw this out there, what about going with light grey? You could make the foot pads blue, pink, or one of each. Just a thought. :hook

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I did not know that about the colors being swapped in days gone by. I do have pictures of my dad in dresses because that's what all babies wore so the mother's could get to the diapers.


Back on subject . . . I think you're blue elephant will be really cute! ~ Debby

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