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free hook


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I picked up a british knitting magazine (Knit Simple? Simple Knitting? One of them is the import.) and it had a free bamboo crochet hook with it. I could see getting a free pair of needles or a stitch holder, but a hook? Given the animosity some knitters have for crochert, I thought it was an interesting marketing idea.


It doesn't have a brand name, so it's not like they're trying to generate product/brand awareness/loyalty. I don't recall any crochet patterns or finishing techniques in the issue, though I might look through it again just to be sure. Must be then it's just a 'goody' to generate issue sales (last time I bought the magazine, it had a calendar). Knitters do find a hook useful as a tool for picking up dropped stitches or gettinhg a more forgiving terminal row (crochet instead of a two needle cast off). Easier to bulk mail than a row counter and probably pretty inexpensive to buy (compared to other tools they might have included) , but I'd've been more thrilled with a cable stitch holder since I keep loosing mine :-)


Not sure what I'll do with a bamboo hook (since I prefer metal ones), except maybe using it to keep my hair up in a bun LOL (metal and plastic slip out too easy).

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From what I have read on the Net, the knit-crochet feud exists only in the USA. Certainly, there is no conflict here in India. Few people here do either, but those who do one, usually know both, and knit or crochet according to the requirements of the project they have in mind, or simply knit when they feel like knitting, and crochet when they feel like crocheting. We who love crafts give each craft the respect due to it.

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That's really cool! I never have understood animosity between knitter and crocheters. I've never experienced it before, but I know it exists, and why really? Why not just figure that it is in essence the same art form?

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I've read knitting patterns that require crocheting or using a hook to finish up a project. Personally like both knitting and crocheting. It all depends on what I'm in the mood for, but I'm much better at crocheting.

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That is a very good idea for them to offer a crochet hook in their magazine. I have found, when I am in a craft store, and start talking to the people I meet in the yarn department that most of them do both knitting and crocheting, yet some prefer knit over crochet, which is fine, since I prefer crochet over knit. Yet, maybe I have been lucky but the ones I've spoken to have always been nice about what they prefer. One lady, when I said I had learned to knit years ago but was having trouble re-learning, actually showed me a stitch but wasn't condescending about it.


Either craft is an art form in itself.


LI Roe

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They have something free with every issue. Simply Knitting I believe is the mag you are referring too. Like other knitting mags, they do occasionally crochet patterns for those of us who do both. I've received all kinds of freebies: sheep measuring tape, stitch markers, point protectors, a knitting bag, calendars, free Rowan inserts, knitting needles, knitting needle roll, gadgets zippered pouch, gauge counter? (can't remember what that doodad is called), row counter in the shape of a sheep, not to mention all the awesome alan dart toy patterns. It's my favourite knitting magazine. I wish there was a crochet version of it. Imagine the bliss in receiving a crochet mag like that every month!

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Here is a link to the magazine. I think that I read somewhere that they were going to produce a crocheting magazine. I can't find that info anywhere on their website....so don't quote me. But, that is probably why they gave a crochet hook as their freebie for this month. I hope that what I read about the crochet magazine is true...if it is as good as the knitting magazine...we will all love it!
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I saw the magazine today at Barnes and Noble. It was priced $9.50, a little high...although I know the Interweave magazines are $8 for a single issue, so I guess it's not out of line really. I wasn't likely to buy a copy since I just barely know how to knit, but I would have liked to look inside and couldn't because it was all packaged up to hold the hook:sigh I've never tried a bamboo hook either...

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I bought this issue, just for the hook! lol I don't knit:think

I'd never used a bamboo hook either but have to say I didn't like it at all. I don't know if it's just this particular one but it wasn't smooth going through the yarn. But saying that, I just bought some new Boye hooks (my favourite!) and the new ones aren't as smooth as the ones I've had ages either.

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