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RAOK (non-Crochetville) Gone Bad


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I was setting up for a craft show on Friday night and the woman opposite my booth had a ton of knitted scarves. (Maybe I insulted her because I thought they were crocheted:lol). Anyway she said she makes a lot of chemo hats and scarves for cancer victims and the homeless through her church.


Since I'm overstocked with yarn, I offered a huge bag of stuff I'll never use (the cheap acrylic) and brought it to the show on Saturday morning.


SHE NEVER EVEN THANKED ME. I asked if she saw my bag of yarn and she said yes. That was the extent of her answer. I said "well, you're welcome." I then said if you don't want it, I'll take it back.


She didn't say another word for the rest of the show.


I swear. I don't know why I bother.

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Sorry to hear this happened to you. I too donated a ton of yarn and thread to someone I thougt would really like it and never so much got a thank you and bearly an acknowledgement at all. There were even a few skiens of expensive yarns in there. All she had to do was say thank you and I would have been happy but not a word. Well at least there are still some people in this world that appreciate it.

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:heart:heart:heart I wish to honor your giving spirit & encourage you to ALWAYS "bother" to care ~ as I am a firm believer that what you give you will get back in like kind. It may not be in the exact circumstance you are in at the present - but down the road a piece...and that is what will matter!;)
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HOW RUDE, i would have taken it back from her and given it to someone who would enjoy it and be glad to have it, how hard is it to say thank you. i recently gave a bunch of yarn away to members here and in other places and you know what, i got a thank you EVERY time, shows the villagers here are the best. im very sorry you had to deal with someone who supposidly helped so many others. makes ya wonder if she really did, please though don;t stop being a kind caring person, as shuttlebuggy said what goes around comes around and someday it will be your day:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart

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Some people are just jerks. Maybe she doesn't REALLY give those items to charity and her conscience was bothering her. Maybe she just said it to brag herself up, then you went and gave her yarn for her "cause."

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What I forgot to indicate in my original post is that it was an older woman, in her 60s maybe? who wanted the yarn. She should have known better!


So now, I've seen similar requests on craigslist but I refuse to donate yarn/fabric directly to individuals who "claim" to be using these donations for charity.

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Wow, what a truly rude way for her to act! I swear, I am more and more convinced that there are people walking around today in polite society that were raised by wolves. :no



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Wow, what a truly rude way for her to act! I swear, I am more and more convinced that there are people walking around today in polite society that were raised by wolves. :no


Oh, don't compare them to wolves. ;) Wolves are polite.

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