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Do you ever leave mistakes?

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Yep, I leave mistakes, but it depends on who the project is for. The baby blanket, yep, I made a mistake. The horse I'm making for my SS and his other sister, **** no, because I'm sure his mom will be inspecting it, and probably her mom, and I don't know how much crochet they know.

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For friends and family, I'll leave in a mistake or two so long as it doesn't affect the overall design. One reason my dad gave me for leaving in mistakes was "to remind the recipient that it was made by hand, not a machine, and made just for them".


LOL, I sometimes leave in the black hairs that fall on my black yarn projects. Gives it added warmth, I figure!

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I will leave small mistakes. They do bring luck IMO.

Our hands work in connection with our eyes & our minds. It's music with yarn.

But we aren't machines. My crochet is human, with human stitches & human mistakes in every piece weather Ispot it or not. I can feel the items "breathe" (not in the biological way so don't think I am gone nuts lol). And it's not a little hole I left from a missed stitch. :lol Just a spiritual feeling.


All that aside...if it throws everything off, I'll fix it or frog it. The first time I used Homespun for a ghan it was turning out angled because I was adding a stitch on one side & missing a stitch on the other side lol...that one got frogged.:lol So it depends on the error as well.

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The question with me is do I ever have a square without a mistake, lol. I crochet because I love it. I usually crochet something specifically for a certain person. I pick out the pattern and the yarn with them in mind. It's the thought and time and love that I put in that matters. I suppose I might be different if I sold my items, but mostly I just gift them to family and friends. My Mom always intentionally leaves at least one mistake and she also purposely crochets a strand of her hair into everything she makes. It sounds kinda odd, but she said her grandmother taught her to do that so a piece of her would always be with her work.

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I am not usually anal about anything else, but I cannot stand to leave a mistake in either my knitting or crocheting. But on the odd occasion that I have, it is always something I have made for someone else. Why? Because it is usually someone who doesn't knit or crochet and wouldn't have a clue that there was a mistake in it. But I absolutely cannot leave a mistake (if I know about it) in something I make for myself or a very close family member. I could not bring myself to wear something with a known mistake I made. Believe me, I've tried. It was a waste of the time and yarn it cost me to make. I felt just like when I was a teenager with the biggest zit in the world on my face for everyone to see. Never mind that, as I said before, most people wouldn't have a clue. I just can't do it.

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Heck yah. Life is too short (er um, and so is my interest span, HA HA). If I frogged it, i'd prolly drop the whole thing.


Now, having said that, I have never made anything IMPORTANT! I am newly preparing to return to crocheting and have plans to make some way cool stuff. Wonder will my attitude change then? ????

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My Mom always intentionally leaves at least one mistake and she also purposely crochets a strand of her hair into everything she makes. It sounds kinda odd, but she said her grandmother taught her to do that so a piece of her would always be with her work.

:laughroll Maybe I could tell DH that. He thinks its so funny that all my work has a hair or 2 in it. I shed worse than the cat and I had long red hair so when I mad my snowmen last year there were stripes of red in them. :D

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It depends. I made two granny skull caps and forgot a few chain ones in between the shells. WHen I discovered it a row later, I kept goin'. I get compliments on these hats ALL THE TIME!


The dress I was doing for Hazel was flaring out on one side~very noticeable. Thanks to Darski I realize I was crocheting into the ch 1 at the beginning of each round! I did frog it, but I've yet to work on it with gusto again. It was almost done! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

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If people notice (I notice) or if it effects how the stitches are or if I'm not too far from the mistake, I'll frog.


So Obviously I don't frog often. Most people I give crochet items to, don't crochet and never notice mistakes.


That's me too!

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I leave mistakes...that's not to say that I don't correct as I go along, 'cause I do...but as time as gone on though, I've gotten a little more anal, but really it depends on the mistake. Is it noticable (usual answer is no...the average person is not gonna notice the mistake unless you point it out...) how far done is the mistake, is it in the same row or a few rows down or will ripping it require losing over 1/2 the project's work...is the mistake such that it's throwing off the pattern...yes to any of these questions and I'll start frogging to correct...


I go for overall results rather than following a pattern to the letter. Besides, sometimes a mistake can turn into a happy mistake, where there's a slight change in design that makes the finished project look better than if it had stayed true to the written pattern.

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What do you do when there is a mistake in the pattern itself, and you're not sure what to do about it...say at the beginning or end of a row? I've tried a couple of different things and usually found something that worked and made sense and gone on with it, but I did run across one a few years ago and never did figure out what to do. Needless to say, that project was scrapped and I did something else.

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