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CAL Before 2008 ( I Will Finish One Day)


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I am so flattered that all you talented people responded so positively to my doll clothes.

I always admire all the work you do and to have you compliment me has made my day.

Thank you all so much...:2blush, :hug

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I am still here but am not making the progress that I would like. I didn't get anything done this weekend, but did get a cute plastic bag holder finished last week. We spent a lot of time on the road to attend a family funeral so I was able to use the time to get some crocheting in. I have a lot of chores to do this week, especially with Christmas coming so fast, but hope to squeeze in a little project time this weekend.


We are in the middle of a nasty snow storm so I plan on going home early and getting a little work done. Maybe I will actually get some time to finish a couple of things tonight....I hope!



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I love the bag.


I am still around I couldn't find this thread at all been looking and looking I just finally subscribe to it so I won't lose it again.


I am doing my nieces blanket which I will be done with by tomorrow I have more yarn left from her blanket that I decided to do a baby hat and scarf also.

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I don't know where everyone went, but I finished the purse and had to add some ties and a belt. I will get to that newsboy cap yet...:lol.




I love this. It is just so stylish - wonderful.


I am still plugging away but I have to get my tail in gear and work on my son's flannelghan fer shure@

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I love this. It is just so stylish - wonderful.


I am still plugging away but I have to get my tail in gear and work on my son's flannelghan fer shure@


I hear ya! I have to finish Dad's flannelghan and start on FIL's as well. I did finish Mom's slippers; half done with Grandma's pair.


We were without power from last Tues to Sat, so I'm quiet behind. And we leave next Tues to fly home! Eep!! Tick tock...

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I'm still here! Love the purse pics....great colors! I have been working on all kinds of stuff but I don't think any of it's on my list.:think I'm working on a shrug for me that is looking pretty good but mostly I've been making Christmas gifts...lots and lots of scarves! Right now I'm working on a scarf with pockets for my father. It's in dark grey Patons Wool. So far, it's looking pretty good! :clap



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I gave the pretty Chemo hat to my friend in case her daughter might need it.


I just heard that the surgery (today) did not go well. The tumor was the size of a grapefruit and they could not get all of it. I am going to change my list to add a pink ribbon shawl or ghan.


For those of you who do so, please pray for this young woman.

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Darski, I have a pink ribbon shawl (Kollage Inspirations yarn) already made...would you like me to send it to you?




Thank you for that offer :hug


boy this place just really fills your :bheart


But... I need to make this one myself. It has to be personal for the sake of my friend.

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Thank you for that offer :hug


boy this place just really fills your :bheart


But... I need to make this one myself. It has to be personal for the sake of my friend.



I understand completely. I'll keep your friends daughter in my prayers.:hug



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Losing control of my list, everytime I am almost done, some little creature comes in and adds more. Now I have 1 tie done, another to do, 1/2 of a hooded scarf done, and 2 fisherman caps to do, and they were not on the list!!! if I catch that little thing....:box

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Losing control of my list, everytime I am almost done, some little creature comes in and adds more. Now I have 1 tie done, another to do, 1/2 of a hooded scarf done, and 2 fisherman caps to do, and they were not on the list!!! if I catch that little thing....:box



LOL, I know exactly what you mean!!:) That little thing has been at my house too....as if I'm not already stressed enough trying to get things finished! :crocheting




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I have been treading water crochet wise this week and the calendar is starting to scare me a little. I have 1 week to finish my MIL's and SIL's gifts, make a few small things for other gifts and then keep working on the two afghans I want to finish. Luckily the afghans are small and dish clothes don't take too long, but I am starting to look around for the panic button.....



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I bet that little guy who keeps adding to Kim's and my list stole the panic button too!!

I finished the 2nd tie and did the 2 fisherman's caps, was informed I have to make one more cap, and then I can finish the hooded scarf, and then Finally get to the newsboy cap :yay

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I bet that little guy who keeps adding to Kim's and my list stole the panic button too!!

I finished the 2nd tie and did the 2 fisherman's caps, was informed I have to make one more cap, and then I can finish the hooded scarf, and then Finally get to the newsboy cap :yay



LOL, I think you're right!!:yes I got my family gifts mailed out today so that's alot of stress gone but now I have to finish up gifts for friends. My goal is to finish the shawl I'm making this weekend...after that, I have no clue how I'm going to get it all done! :smiling LOLLLL.....


Post pics of the newsboy cap when you can...I've been wanting to make one of those!



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I bet that little guy who keeps adding to Kim's and my list stole the panic button too!!

I finished the 2nd tie and did the 2 fisherman's caps, was informed I have to make one more cap, and then I can finish the hooded scarf, and then Finally get to the newsboy cap :yay


Which hooded scarf are you doing? I have worked and frogged this one several times and it just isn't working for me. I must be doing something wrong. :( It just seems to be turning out too small and short for an adult size for me.

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After putting my list and my crocheting on hold for two weeks while I dealt with end of the semester final exams, the little creature got to my list too! I've got to do a few more winter items for my nieces and nephews, but I think I can handle it. I'll just be crocheting until Noon on Christmas Eve! :lol I have made progress on my grandmother's shawl though, I've only got 4 more rows and the edging to go before it's done. I expect to have it done early tomorrow. Then I can move on to something else finally. Well, back to :crocheting for me. Good luck everyone!

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I bet that little guy who keeps adding to Kim's and my list stole the panic button too!!

I finished the 2nd tie and did the 2 fisherman's caps, was informed I have to make one more cap, and then I can finish the hooded scarf, and then Finally get to the newsboy cap :yay


Well it got up to 5 caps, and then I hid the pens and pencils so it can't be added to anymore, :whew , :lol.


Here are the 5 caps, 2 ties, and the still unfinished hooded scarf which I will be doing today...

:lookout Get Back you nasty little thing, NO MORE CAPS!!!! :box (except for the newsboy one).


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Kim, Sara, Relynn, Lesa and Lissa: sending power hugs your way to give you some energy:hug :hug :hug :magic...don't know if it will work, but I am thinking of you all...:yes:tup




Thanks and right back atcha'! :D:hug




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Well it got up to 5 caps, and then I hid the pens and pencils so it can't be added to anymore, :whew , :lol.


Here are the 5 caps, 2 ties, and the still unfinished hooded scarf which I will be doing today...

:lookout Get Back you nasty little thing, NO MORE CAPS!!!! :box (except for the newsboy one).




Well, for you it's caps, for me it's scarves! That little critter has added 4 more scarves to my list!! Maybe if I put out some candy it will get distracted and leave my list alone? :candycane:candycane:candycane


Love the colors on your scarves and caps! Very nice!:clap



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