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Hi Guys


I am trying to see if Judy will purchase each of us our own CASE of yarn if she hits it big out in LV ---


If she makes OVER a MILLION, the deal is on, so keep all your body parts CROSSED this week that she is a big winner .


Orders can be taken now, so she will have a shopping list when she gets home .


Judy-thanks in advance .... I wish I'da thought of this sooner, we could have all mailed you some lucky charm to bring along with you, you know ?

Like shamrocks, troll dolls, etc ...

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Judy, Great purse and love that blue.

Thank all of you nice ladies for the boost of confidence I needed. A counselor friend of mine once told me that it is hard for a care giver to admit they deserve anything. But with all of your help I am learning to be less guilty.

Welcome Norah, to one of the best CALS around. I haven't tried any of the new organic yarns yet, but I have heard they are great.

Well, gotta go and do laundry, then I get to decide what to make next:book. See ya all later.

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Hi Guys


I am trying to see if Judy will purchase each of us our own CASE of yarn if she hits it big out in LV ---


If she makes OVER a MILLION, the deal is on, so keep all your body parts CROSSED this week that she is a big winner .


Orders can be taken now, so she will have a shopping list when she gets home .


Judy-thanks in advance .... I wish I'da thought of this sooner, we could have all mailed you some lucky charm to bring along with you, you know ?

Like shamrocks, troll dolls, etc ...



I love this idea!!! :jumpyay Hmmm, I think I'll take a case of that bamboo yarn :yes


Good luck, Judy!! :clap:xfin :clover

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Welcome Norah...its a great place to hang out and show off your work...the ladies are fun to.


I love your idea Julie...will start making my list for Judy so im ready when she wins all that money....ummm what do i want!!!



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Well, gotta go and do laundry, then I get to decide what to make next:book. See ya all later.


see now, i just combined the two because i'm felting my purse. not sure if it will work so keep your fingers crossed (it's my first time)

but if nothing else it was a good excuse to sit and crochet before i did the laundry! (i have both boys napping at once, all three if you count my husband - better run take advantage!)

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I have a shawl a SP made for me from bamboo yarn...it's scrumcious!


so, you don't happen to have any pictures of that shawl, do you? i tried the pattern i was thinking of and i just don't like it. i think the N hook is too big for the look i want so it ends up looking chunky and not as soft as i hoped. must find a new pattern...

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Hi everyone, I have been missing in action for a few days, Just got caught up with all the many posts. Welcome and hello to Norah, have a safe and happy trip Judy, and I love the purple RR with the red center, like a flower. I have yet to start on my RR and I have not been working on my ME project. I have been Christmas shopping and intertaining some out of town guests, but I could not wait to get on the computer to see what everyone been up too. :hug

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so, you don't happen to have any pictures of that shawl, do you? i tried the pattern i was thinking of and i just don't like it. i think the N hook is too big for the look i want so it ends up looking chunky and not as soft as i hoped. must find a new pattern...

The one she made is the sweat pea shawl (I think that's the name) from the SnB book....

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I'm not picky - I'll take any yarn. But, if you're asking, I certainly wouldn't mind a bunch of Red Heart's SOFT yarn. I really liked working with it last time!

Isn't it a dream? That's what I'm using for the ME wave project.

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Thanks for all the good wishes, ladies! I'll miss you guys...but if anyone wants to reach out I'll be reading my email from my cell phone - don't want to have to plow through 100 messages in my inbox when we get home!:eek



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Good morning ladies :flower


Cheerios - You're just trucking right along on that ghan girl! :jumpyay Can't wait to see it :yes


Dragonlady - Welcome to the group :hug Yep, I think most of us are at a standstill until after the holidays. Is the chainmail hat a pattern of yours or did you find it somewhere else? Sounds quite interesting to a fantasty/medieval fan like myself :yes

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OK OK.. I know that What Not to Crochet upsets some people's sensibilities, but I have been laughing my fool head off this morning just reading some of the things on there. Some of them aren't as WNTC-worthy as others, but some :think I just wonder!



I must admit there's one or two that I just go "Huh?" :think But yes, I think some of them have no business being on there but kudos to the folks that have the nerve to post saying they think she's off base when it doesn't deserve to be on there. :yes

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I am going to join this the first of the year. I have the yarn and the pattern for a couple years now but never seemed to have time to make something just for me. But 2008 I am going to start it for sure.

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