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Hi everyone,

Glad to here most are well and crocheting along at a good pace.

Mel, I see you are still speedy, sore finger and all. I like the shawl.

Crocheted parts of my purse are done, all that remains now is the sewing. Should be able to post pics tomorrow, I took some as I was going along so the progress is documented. Started as a pattern from here and now is something totally different, the only similarity is the cables on the front... It is weird how I really like a pattern, but once I start I go off on a completely different tangent, Does this happen with you guys too??

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Hi everyone,

Glad to here most are well and crocheting along at a good pace.

Mel, I see you are still speedy, sore finger and all. I like the shawl.

Crocheted parts of my purse are done, all that remains now is the sewing. Should be able to post pics tomorrow, I took some as I was going along so the progress is documented. Started as a pattern from here and now is something totally different, the only similarity is the cables on the front... It is weird how I really like a pattern, but once I start I go off on a completely different tangent, Does this happen with you guys too??



All the time :D

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Hi Ladies,


Been out all day. Visited the other threads first and had many posts to read. This one is much easier to catch up..

Hmmmm....gotta get Tab, Julie and Krystal in here with me to stir things up a bit more:devil:devil:devil

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I imagine its slow because everybody is crocheting for others instead of themselves since Xmas is fastly approaching.



I have a bag I'm making for my 16 yo goddaughter and it has morphed. I didn't like the idea of an open tote bag, so I stopped going up in the height and have now begun to decrease slightly as I make a flap to cover the opening. I'm going to make it an abbreviated shoulder bag, and trim it in a deep blue suede to match the light blue body. I WILL NOT line it, so I bought a couple of small zippered bags to put inside for her important stuff. The finished product should be interesting:P

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It's certainly therapy for me...crochet has gotten me through some very nerve-wracking times over the years.


Have a good night, Valerie. Tammy is in good hands now.

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Valerie~I'm really sorry about your friend Tammy. I'm glad they got there in time & that she's getting the help she needs now. :hug:manyheart



Crocheting has also gotten me through some stressful times. It is my sanity. I believe that whole heartedly. :yes:crocheting

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Hello Wendy,


I'm still searching for my second "ME" ghan. However, in the meantime, I've just started a RR or at least attempting to do one. Is it suppose to ruffle up during the beginning stages. I'm on row 7 and it still has the ruffle effect. Does it straighten out later or do I need to take it down.


How was your outing with your Mum. Hope you had a great day!

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I figured it out. I duplicated round 2 and put doubles in each double :eek . I should have known better than trying to start something so late/early. Thanks anyway, I'll frog it in the later hours of the morning. I'm going to bed. What time is it where you are?

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Cheerios, I'm looking forward to seeing Elvis:D


Valerie, I'm glad you figured out the problem with the RR. Sometimes the simpler patterns give me fits till I make at least a few of them!

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Valerie Im glad you got it worked out.


Does anyone know how to add the granny squares to the round ripple.



here's the link...don;t know if there are specifics...I also have this saved:



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