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Well it's rainy and dreary - a few degrees colder and it'd be snow!

It's a great day to stay in, crochet, and have leftovers for dinner:c9


I want to make more squares - I have patterns I haven't tried yet (like that's news to anyone here who knows my pack-rat tendencies):devil


I have binders full of patterns I haven't tried yet. Not to mention the books I have and the patterns saved on my computer and on discs.

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I have binders full of patterns I haven't tried yet. Not to mention the books I have and the patterns saved on my computer and on discs.

We could start a store if we joined our collections! The only thing I HAVEN't done is put them on disc. That sounds like an excellent idea...clean up my favorites list on the 'puter!

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Morning, everyone. It's gloomy here today. All gray and no sun. At least I don't have to go anywhere.

Kristy, I love that yarn you picked up. Sounds like it's going to be beautiful.:yes

Judy, thanks for the link. I think I'm going to have to try one of those after the holidays.:hug

Valerie and Mel, enjoy your day off.:hug

I'm cranking on Christmas projects now, but building quite a list of WIMs for me once the holiday stuff is done.:yes

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Well it's rainy and dreary - a few degrees colder and it'd be snow!

It's a great day to stay in, crochet, and have leftovers for dinner:c9


I want to make more squares - I have patterns I haven't tried yet (like that's news to anyone here who knows my pack-rat tendencies):devil


Judy I have CDs full of patterns, tons saved in both our computers, a shelf of print-outs, binders, magazines, books,etc. And I still want more. I'm not sure why, as I am quite slow at crocheting.

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I spent yesterday working on another RR for a Christmas Present. It is about 36 inches point to point. That makes 7 RR's in various stages of completion. :eek OOPS, make that 8. I forgot about MY Cotton one that is a filler project.

I now need 5 for presents.


I guess I better get my rear in gear and make a trip to Hobby Lobby. I definitely need more black yarn.

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Morning ladies,

Didn't get to work on my me project at all lately. I did however get to hear a bunch of babies and kids yell and cry this weekend. Does that count for anything. Sorry about that burst.:blush

I love downloading patterns everyday. I think I download at least two a day. What craft has so many free patterns out their. I'm loving it. Hope everyone a great day. I'm hoping to sit on my tush longer than 5 min today. Sorry another outburst. I should go now.

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Morning ladies,

Didn't get to work on my me project at all lately. I did however get to hear a bunch of babies and kids yell and cry this weekend. Does that count for anything. Sorry about that burst.:blush

I love downloading patterns everyday. I think I download at least two a day. What craft has so many free patterns out their. I'm loving it. Hope everyone a great day. I'm hoping to sit on my tush longer than 5 min today. Sorry another outburst. I should go now.


Oh you poor dear :hug Now see, you're about to learn another great things about the 'Ville. :yes If you need an outburst you can come on in here and burst away! These ladies are a great group of listeners and we don't take it personally :D I wish for you an entire hour of sitting on your tushy today! :manyheart

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Ashley, sounds like you're having one of those days that we women seem to smack up against...a series of days , in your case. Here are some:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Misa - Sorry that made me cry. I am just a mess today. I don't know why, things are usually crazy here. I think it started when my husband accidentally threw out my dinner this morning that i cooked last night because it was in an old ice cream container and thought for some reason I put my ice cream in the fridge. (a little plastic thing.) So I guess I was bound to have a bad day today.


Thanks for your gals support.

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Cindy, Phil has occasionally used the word "obsessive" in referring to me and crocheting:lol

I'll own it:devil


Here, here :party And I'll take ownership in that as well :D


My DD and DS say the same thing about me. Looks like I'll be taking a little ownership in it as well :elle


Morning ladies,

Didn't get to work on my me project at all lately. I did however get to hear a bunch of babies and kids yell and cry this weekend. Does that count for anything. Sorry about that burst.:blush

I love downloading patterns everyday. I think I download at least two a day. What craft has so many free patterns out their. I'm loving it. Hope everyone a great day. I'm hoping to sit on my tush longer than 5 min today. Sorry another outburst. I should go now.


Ashley, I'm so sorry to hear about the rough times you've had. You can come to the 'ville and burst, rant, vent, whatever you need to do. We are here for each other. :hug:hug

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Good Afternoon Ladies:rose


I went to Hobby Lobby this morning and got my yarn :clap:clap

But that is not all that I bought. I bought a new Christmas Tree, lights and ornaments. The ornaments were 50% off, the tree was 30% off, but I used a 40% off coupon instead. My Dd has no idea I was buying this stuff today. She will probably be mad since she didn't get to go with me to pick the stuff out, but since I got her some pink ornaments (well, almost everything but the lights and tree is pink) I think she will like it. I thought I'd be nice and let her do the tree the way she wants it to be.


We lost almost all of our Christmas decorations in a flood, so we are starting over. I just wish I had time to crochet some ornaments and other goodies to replace the ones I lost, but I have to get these RR's done first.

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Is it to late to join? I would love to make something for me...I have been meaning to make a throw for me, but always end up making something for one of the kids. I would love a chunky weight throw. I think I will go yarn shopping friday to see what I can find.


Count me in.

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Is it to late to join? I would love to make something for me...I have been meaning to make a throw for me, but always end up making something for one of the kids. I would love a chunky weight throw. I think I will go yarn shopping friday to see what I can find.


Count me in.


Oh it's rarely ever too late to join around here. Heck, some get revived after a while even :lol Welcome to the group :hug Can we ask your first name? We like to keep it nice and friendly :yes


Also, what's a "scarflette"? I saw that in your siggie and I'm stumped :think

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Misa - Sorry that made me cry. I am just a mess today. I don't know why, things are usually crazy here. I think it started when my husband accidentally threw out my dinner this morning that i cooked last night because it was in an old ice cream container and thought for some reason I put my ice cream in the fridge. (a little plastic thing.) So I guess I was bound to have a bad day today.


Thanks for your gals support.

Ashley - He threw out your dinner! :eek Shame on him! :hug :hug :hug

Rosie's daughter was here a couple weeks ago and when she saw my stash, she said she hadn't seen so much yarn anywhere but in a yarn shop. And she didn't see all of it by any means! :lol :lol :lol

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Oops I missed a post.


Ashley - He threw out dinner?!? Oh I'd be upset about that one, too :yes Of course, I'm the type that would have also asked him where he was taking us to dinner that evening since there was now no dinner :lol Hope you worked something out :hug

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My how this weekend flew by.

Daughter and SIL came to visit Sat. When they went to leave van would not start.

His Dad who lives in Delaware, said it was starter, so we have spent past 3 days getting old starter off and new starter on. (Because of all the rain, cold and snow) The van is parked across the street on the edge of an old farm and once it gets darker you can't see. Can't push it in our drive because it is a steep hill. It still isn't working, and now he is calling him again to try and figure it out. Everyone is grouchy and in the dumps so I came in here to get away from it all. I don't know anything about cars so I can't offer them any help or advise.

Even my visits to the Frog Pond hasn't helped, I keep trying different poncho patterns and yarns and haven't found anything I am happy with yet. So right now I am working on some rectangles for HAP. Since I can't do anything more for SIL, at least I can help someone else.

Trying to keep my spirits up but it is hard when you have depressed people grumbling all over the place and crashing on the living room floor.

Oh well thanks for letting me dump on you guys, guess I'll go back to the grumpies, :lol.

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Carol, I am so sorry to hear about your bad weekend. I hate being stuck with a houseful of grumpies.


Feel free to vent, dump, rant, whatever you need to. It does help. We are here for you. :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Carol, come in here any time to rant - we all do:lol

...is there something in the air these days...?? Or "just" the pre holiday crazies?

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Carol, come in here any time to rant - we all do:lol

...is there something in the air these days...?? Or "just" the pre holiday crazies?


I think you may well have hit the nail on the proverbial head :lol

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Wow its been busy in here, thats what I like to see, everyone busy doing Me things.


Ashley sorry to hear your having a bad time. You can come and chat with us anytime.:hug


Carol sorry your weekend ended badly. :hugIts hard when you have grumpy people around you but what I do is act silly in front of them and try to cheer them up, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.


Jennifer welcome to the group.


Mel sounds like you had fun on your shopping trip.

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