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Judy - You're as bad as I am about Vegas. I don't like to gamble but the shopping was fun. That and ordering room service. I don't know what it is with me and room service but everytime DH gets sent somewhere I like to hang out and order room service. To me that's the ideal vacation :D

It is ideal...and with half a suitcase full of the yarn I'm planning on taking - perfection!:lol

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It is ideal...and with half a suitcase full of the yarn I'm planning on taking - perfection!:lol


Yep :yes After our first 2 days in Vegas I was so bored with everything I just parked myself in that posh Caesar's Palace room with my hook, the Yarn Hamper of Death and the room service menu. It was heaven :c9

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Hi Ladies


Sorry I didn't explain what the stitch was this morning. I was running late, and if I would have tried to post it, I would have been late. That stitch has a few different names. I had been using it for my dishcloths and never knew that it was a named stitch. I was just doodling one day, tried it and fell in love with the stitch. I use it a lot now :yes


My camera battery is charging, so I will try to take a pic of MY shawl later. It is the one I started and worked on last night, and it is already 12" long :eek

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Good morning/evening to all. I must do some house chores today but here are my photos for the week. I have not taken a photo of the Granny Garden as I have not made much progress with that one. I have only made 3 flowers.


I am captured by the Soft Wave and I like the way it is coming together.

I am also making a few hats and scarfs for our trip to the UK this Christmas.


Misa the afghan looks great. I like the stripe effect and the colours.


Donna you are progressing with that skirt and it looks fantastic.






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Love the tree shirt...i need to try that since i dont have one.



I love the layout of the colors.



Love them all but i just love the way your "wave" is turning out....isn't great to watch each new color,shhh....don't tell Cara i said that??


I will try to get my photos taken and put up later tonight....have to charge my camera.

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Love them all but i just love the way your "wave" is turning out....isn't great to watch each new color,shhh....don't tell Cara i said that??



Don't make me pull this CAL over, young lady :lol :lol :lol

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Cara your Me ghan is looking nice. Tuon is such a character. :)


Tabby and Cherilynn thank you for the compliments. Cherilynn, I can't take credit for the idea. I got it from the tree skirt CAL. Amanda figured out the pattern for it from the RR pattern.


Ines, your hats and scarves look great. I love how your waves ghan is coming along. It's looking very nice.


Shay that's the reason I decided to make one too. The one I have is 9 years old and not big enough for the tree. Last year I put it under the tree and it disappeared. So I figured why not joing along with everyone else in making them.


Don't make me pull this CAL over, young lady


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Good morning/evening to all. I must do some house chores today but here are my photos for the week. I have not taken a photo of the Granny Garden as I have not made much progress with that one. I have only made 3 flowers.


I am captured by the Soft Wave and I like the way it is coming together.

I am also making a few hats and scarfs for our trip to the UK this Christmas.








Beautiful job!! Your ripple is very pretty. :cheer:clap:cheer

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Donna, that tree skirt is going to be just gorgeous. Somehow I never pictured crochet as being right for a tree skirt, but it very clearly is just perfect for one.

Cara, your ME blanket is really pretty.

Ines, your hats and scarves are lovely and your soft ripple is looking great too.


I was hoping to post a picture of my cardigan progress, but I can't find my camera. I suspect that dh has it somewhere. I think I have really figured out how to make it work now. My cardigan has a front border that is sort of along the lines of this one. I think adding buttons like this will make it work:


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Hello...I don't have a pic of my progress this week as I had to take care of my son who is ill and had to go to the dr tosay. But I have about half of the back and flap done on my crocheters messenger bag done. I hope to work on it more tonight as time allows.

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Donna: Love the tree skirt. I want to make one :yes


Cara: Love the ghan. Very pretty colors.


Ines: Love them all. The soft wave is gorgeous. I have to decide what colors to make mine.


Tabby: Love the cable ghan. I wish I had the nerve to try cables. Maybe someday I will.

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Oh I love photo day... even when I may not have some to share.


Tabby that is going to be a beautiful piece ... lovely soft colours and pattern.


Thank you all for the lovely comments. I do like my Wave although there are times I have doubts and then after I add another row and colour it becomes appealing again. That is the reason why it makes one keep crocheting it.


Happy crocheting all. I must do some work.

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Thanks Cara. I've had this yarn for quite a while and didn't have a clue what I was going to do with it. It is working up so pretty. And of course, I tweaked the stitch again :lol:lol


Brenda, I'm sorry to hear about your son being ill. Taking care of a sick one is time consuming. Hope he is feeling better real soon. :hug

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