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I can sympathize with the lack of listening and such. All I have during the day is the 4 year old and it seems that she has already started learning to tune me out. LOL At least she listens when she is supposed to. So I suppose that's all I can really ask for. Although I must say the conversations in here are usually alot more entertaining. :lol


I haven't worked on my tree skirt in a few days. I think I will spend most of tomorrow on it. Today I am working on my WB and have all the squares for block 10 done. I just have to sew them together now.

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That's great progress Tab!

I still plan on getting started on the ripple for ME by next week.

Cheerie, that pattern for the RR (Sew on Fire one) is very easy!




Good night, ladies...

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Mel, your shawl is absolutely awesome! Great job and a great way to present it.

I use the pattern for the baby round ripple on the first post of the Van Gogh CAL. It is super easy to follow.

I got about an hour of crocheting on my ME RR tonight. Unfortunately I made a mistake and had to frog about a fourth of a row, but I'm back on track again now.

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Poor Cara - you sad, sad soul... NOTHING to do around the house but sit and work with pattern, hook and yarn anytime you want. Oh, sigh... that is such a horrible thing - how DO you do it? :rofl Well, someone must sacrifice for the good of the rest, right? :rofl



I know, I know. It's a rough life but I do it for the good of mankind :angel:devil

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Thanks Ladies for the kind words :hug:hug

Well, not only did I put a rectangle shawl on my 'ME' to do list, I started one. I really liked the stitch I used on Mom's, but I just had to tweak it a bit for mine.

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today is for meeeeee...........

i`ll make the half moon shawl hopeing it`s gonna be warm and big enough for me (i`m not big or fat i`m slim but looooooove big shawls)

i told hubby it`s my day to work something for me (he is happy with the first scaarf i`ll do matching quick hat to make him feel happier ;) )

see you later

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Thanks Ladies for the kind words :hug:hug

Well, not only did I put a rectangle shawl on my 'ME' to do list, I started one. I really liked the stitch I used on Mom's, but I just had to tweak it a bit for mine.

Mel, did you post the shawl pattern here? Or did you already answer my question and I'm too foggy to remember?:think

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Mel, did you post the shawl pattern here? Or did you already answer my question and I'm too foggy to remember?:think


I couldn't find a pattern I liked that wasn't too frilly (Mom's not a frilly kinda gal), so I just used the Griddle Stitch (at least that is what my stitch book calls it). I did modify it a little though....had to put my own touch on it :D

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Hi Ladies

Holy smokes, this is what i get for not checking in for several hours-- way behind on posts !


Mel- love the shawl, it was a very pretty color and it was nice of you to give it to your mom . I have never heard of the griddle stitch, guess I'll have to google it to see if i can find it .


For all the ladies with the hook questions- I love the hook with the bamboo handle. In fact, i have been trying to find a couple more, with no luck. They had them at Hobby Lobby ,but the smallest size they had was I , so I got it, but would like to have one in G and H . i have an order ready to mail in for the others if I don't have any luck finding them today .


I'm actually surprised I like it that much, it kinda looks like it'd be uncomfortable to hold, but it fits perfectly , and in fact, seems to feel better in my hand than the other plain hooks do now. My hands ache in the winter when it is cold, so this helps out, not having to grip it so tightly .It's more of a loose-hold .


And Tab- you are right ,as far as hooks, i do prefer the boye hook (ends) more than the Bates- mainly because they are thinner and have more of a "hook" to them , and also because they are longer , but Bates are ok too.


I know everyone has their favorites for different reasons. :yes


Anyhow , guess I'll go off today and see if I can find the hooks in a G and H and if not, I'll just order them .


JoAnns has their crochet hooks and knitting needles I think the sign said 30 % off ..... Went to one last night, but their selection was scant at best-- they don't have a good yarn area at all.


I had a little skinny grandma asking me to help her find John Deere green yarn, and they didnt have anything remotely in that color at that store, so I sent her to walmart. the walmart in that town actually is a nicer yarn area than the JoAnns. This Joanns has more fabric and "decoration type " holiday stuff than anything else .

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Doing great, Julie. Plans have been finalized for our trip to Vegas in Dec - celebrating our anniversary in high style! Haven't been there in several years.... Looking forward to staying at the Bellagio again:c9

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Judy-sounds fun. We've never been there, but it looks so pretty at night with all the lights . That'd be my favorite part. I don't know how to play any of the games they have, except I could maybe do the coin ones- but dont know any card games or any of those. We'd have to sell our underpants to get back home .

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I don;t do much gambling....we play video games...various ones...mostly I shop:yes

We're meeting friends there...going to see Phantom of the Opera, too - their treat since the guy has a nephew in the play. The guy's wife has a black belt in shopping:lol:lollove going with her!


Well, gotta get going...


See y'all later!

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Just checked "griddle stitch"...and I've been doing it all along for my fce/dishcloths!! Alternating dc and sc!!!


And here I've always heard it called the Up and Down Stitch :lol



The guy's wife has a black belt in shopping:lol:lollove going with her!


A black belt in shopping :rofl :rofl


I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go :lol:lol


Saw that on a bumper sticker once and about wrecked the car :rofl


Only one measley little row done on my blanket yesterday but it was my day out :yes Only craft item I got was an extra skein of the blue and linen Vanna's for my blanket. Just have this feeling I'm gonna run out before the end so I picked up some extra.


Have a great day y'all :manyheart

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Oh, Cara - good for you :yes, listening to that "inner voice"... I should have listened to mine when making the daisy border!


If I listened to that little voice a bit more often I'd probably get in less trouble, too :wink

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I haven't made a ton of progress on my tree skirt but here it is none the less. It is looking so pretty. I can't wait till I can get the tree up and see it under there.




Judy that is great you are getting the plans finalized for Vegas. I haven't been there in so long.

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Donna - Your tree skirt looks amazing!! Excellent work :clap:cheer:clap


Judy - You're as bad as I am about Vegas. I don't like to gamble but the shopping was fun. That and ordering room service. I don't know what it is with me and room service but everytime DH gets sent somewhere I like to hang out and order room service. To me that's the ideal vacation :D

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That and ordering room service. I don't know what it is with me and room service but everytime DH gets sent somewhere I like to hang out and order room service. To me that's the ideal vacation :D


Now that sounds like a vacation. I am 6-7 hours away and have never been to Vegas. I have only been to their airport a handful of time between flights. One day I will have to go.


Hello to all. Can't wait to see everyone's progress.


Sewnsew - Love the tree skirt. How much bigger are you hoping to make it?


I'll be popping back in during naps. See ya.:manyheart


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Thanks Cara and Ashley. I'm planning on making it about 3 ft maybe a bit more. I won't know for sure till I get my tree out. I want it to peek out from under the tree so I will use it to measure how much further I have. I think most tree skirts are about 42 inches. So it will be between 36 and 42 I think.

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