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Hi Linda,


Woke up with a slight headache. However, I'm sure crocheting will help. CVS has a cosmetic reset coming up starting Feb. 4th. My assistant is part of the team resetting all 21 of the stores in my district. He will be gone the whole month of February so I won't have an off day until he gets back. I have only 1 shift supervisor that can open/close with me. She is hourly so I have to take up the slack. When he return, we'll talk about getting together again. Everything should be up to par and I should have normal hours.

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Howdy doody


Valerie enjoy your day off and take care with all the hours you will be doing. Hope you get a break later on.


Ines the lapghan looks very nice and colorful, would have taken ages to knit it together.


Im 3/4s done with the Beckys block quilt.

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Good to see you see Julie. I was wondering where you were. It sounds as though you have been ill. I hope you are on the mend, my friend.


Yes the rug is very colourful but nothing out of this world. I was stunned at the price they were asking but I fell in love with it for its simplicity and I will one day knit one. Hold on what am I saying? Am I mad ...I would rather crochet it. My aunt in Milan had a few rugs that some friend had made her (all knitted) and they were lovely but I think I still prefer to crochet.


As I did not post on Friday as I have not made any progress on anything since returning I thought I would post the 3 items I will work on to completion before attacking other UFOs. Notice I quote "other UFOS" not something new.


1. Started around October 2007 - have one more strip almost completed. Progress so far- I need about 12 strips in total.



2. This I started after completing the huge soft wave at the end of last year. I am about a third of the way through.



3. I cannot remember when this was started...I only have 10 rows to go. What on earth distracted me before finishing this one?


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Judy for this one I went back to joining the way I used to join before I was told I should slip stitch. You basically pick up both loops of the stitch and pass the needle from one side to the other side in a S formation. it seems to buttress the joining but it also does result in a thick ridge as you can see. I tried a few joining methods on this and ended up liking this one for this particular afghan.

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Ines your projects look great, I like the join on the strips i actually thought you had sc them together. Your wave ghan is beautiful and so is the doily. I have started one of those drum afghans and havent got very far as I had to undo 50 rows, wasnt happy and now Im finding it hard to get back into it.

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Thanks Wendy and Cindy. Oh Wendy, don't it make you want to cry when that happens? Give yourself a break and then I am sure you will run with it again. Yes this seam join is not one I tend to use these days but it looked good for this project. Try it and see if you like it.

Wendy I noticed you have started on filet work...It is one of my all time favourites. Not surprisingly in the stash of UFOS I have 2 of these that I need to complete. This is the year... I must finish some of my abandoned work.

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Hi, again:manyheart


Not much new....but at least I began making saltines for my ghan! Right now, though, I feel lazy and tired. I'm SURE that's a result of the Chinese food we had for dinner. I'm eating lightly tomorrow, for sure:yes


See y'all tomorrow:hug

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I've posted this in the Sky and Valentine's Day CALs but since it is also a ME project I'll post here too :D


The hearts shawl is done!!




This was actually a pretty quick project! It's a bit small though. I'll get hubby to take a picture of it on my back once he gets home this evening. I'm also not sure if I really like the border either but I think it will grow on me :lol

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Ines, your work is lovely, as always.

I've been very lazy this afternoon. I've been alternately playing computer games and reading. And cuddling with Sarge on occasion.

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Valerie sorry I do not have a specific published pattern. I am sure that that there are lots out there...I work on the formula of a hill and a valley ...whatever stitches you increase on your hill, you need to decrease in your valley. There are various ways you can increase as there are ways you choose to decrease. I play around until I have the effect I want. But again I am sure there is a published pattern out there that is similar or the same. Many members have the Ripple book as reference.

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Ines-Welcome back. I hope your tests come back with great results. Take care of that foot. You projects are beautiful.


Valerie-sounds like you are going to be putting in lots of hours. I hope it doesn't get too stressful for you. Take care of yourself and rest when you can.


Wendy-sorry to hear you had to frog so much. I hate it when that happens.


Julie-sure have missed you.


Judy-have fun with your saltines.


Karen-your shawl is gorgeous. Love the pattern, love the color. Great work.


If I missed anyone, I'm sorry :hug


My scrapie wave ghan is on hold. I still haven't decided which way to repeat the colors I've used, so until I make the final decision, it will sit here by me. Hilly puts it on top of my basket so it is softer when she props her leg up on it when she is on the computer.


Since my scrapie is on hold and I really want a warm snuggly ghan, I have started a 2 strander. I was going to make this one a scrap one too, but when I was looking to see what single colors I had, I found enough of 2 solid colors to make it with. I am using white throughout, with the 2 alternating solid colors. I'll post a picture when I get the second color going.

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Ines, your work is lovely, as always.

I've been very lazy this afternoon. I've been alternately playing computer games and reading. And cuddling with Sarge on occasion.





Is Sarge a miniature Schnauzer? A guy was in my store the other day and he had 2. He said they were actually smaller than the miniature at home. The 2 in the car weighed about 5 to 6 pounds and the miniature weighed about 10. I gave him my number to have his wife call me and tell me where she got them off exit 17. I would like to purchase a Schnauzer. I've wanted one for a long time. My great niece is 4 years old and I would like for it to grow up with her.


How much does Sarge weigh?

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I have a mini Schnauzer. SarahJane is 12 lbs or less (depending on if she's been running or eating, lol) I may have her parents and aunt and uncle soon.


Kathy, what are those smallers 5 to 6 pounders called. I hope that guy's wife call me so that I can get one.

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