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I'm Falling For You .......................


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Hello Cara! How are you doing today? :manyheart:hug:manyheart


Believe it or not I'm cranky today :lol I truly wanna smack some members of my family this week. DH is gonna be at the top of the list if he's not careful. :rofl I dunno they're just getting on my nerves. Usually I'm quite chipper but they're irritating me :irk


I'll just keep sneaking in here to whine and laugh with y'all. Y'all are the only thing keeping me sane this week :manyheart

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I'll just keep sneaking in here to whine and laugh with y'all. Y'all are the only thing keeping me sane this week :manyheart


You know we're here! (Although I'm a little worried about your relying on US to keep you sane. :eek ) :D

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Cara, here are some :hug :hug :hug :hug

...I think Monday is preying on your mind. It's the toughest part...waiting.


Why yes, yes it is :worried


Oh well, by the time DH got home I was practically barking and snarling at people. He just brought me some of "his" Oreo's from the kitchen....he doesn't share his Oreo's. I think he knows I'm a wee bit annoyed :lol


Anyway, I'm just now sitting down to start my evening's stitching :hook

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That is cute-- Big Daddy is sharing his oreos . It is almost funny to picture that-- you being so mad at him that he gives you an Oreo to make you in a better mood.

When I get in a bad mood, Sam better not come at ME with an Oreo. He usually does the opposite. he takes the oreos and runs for cover .

Usually upstairs, out to mow the yard, anyplace that I AINT .


If I have a whole WEEK in a bad mood, he mows until there is a DUSTCLOUD out in the yard from no more grass growing .


He has learned, although it took him MANY years, that when I'm in a bad mood, back slowly away. Do not talk, do not hand me food, just back away and no one gets hurt .

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He has learned, although it took him MANY years, that when I'm in a bad mood, back slowly away. Do not talk, do not hand me food, just back away and no one gets hurt .


My Phil is like you...so when he's in a mood I just go off and crochet or read:D

"Not my problem";)

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Judy- I feel for you. It must be rough being on the other end -

It used to be - I would take it personally...then I decided that if he wanted to waste precious hours and days of his life being in a snit, it was HIS problem, not mine.

With age, DOES come wisdom:)


Don;t whether he's mellowing or I am, but he rarely does that any more...

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It does sound like you have it figured out well. Sam is like you, why waste time getting all worked up over something "stupid" is what he usually calls it. Anything to him is stupid.

I bet if you hooked him up to a MOOD-METER ,it'd be Straight line, like one of them EKG's of the dead people on tv shows. He NEVER gets mad and NEVER gets really excited .

Just HO-HUM every day.

I'm the opposite- Mount Vesuvius ,just waiting to BLOW !!!!

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Julie, me and my siblings share a similar trait to Sam - except we do have a switch. It takes an awful lot...really a lot...but when we BLOW - watch out! Remember the story of the scar on my brother's knuckles (from when I ducked and he hit the plaster wall behind my head)?:lol

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Yea, I'd say there must be a little bit of a FUSE in there someplace that can be lit from time to time .


Sam doesn't have one ,I don't think . I remember one of our kids asking him a few years ago what is the maddest he ever got ?

None of them could ever remember seeing him mad, so it was like something UNIQUE for them ,to see if he ever HAD gotten mad .


I've seen him twice in about 30 years get what I'd call M A D . Not a pretty picture, but I actually told him it was 2 of the best days he's ever had . I actually was glad to see some EMOTION from him .


He's so laid back, he's laid DOWN . It was like watching someone come to life right before my eyes .

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I've seen him twice in about 30 years get what I'd call M A D . Not a pretty picture, but I actually told him it was 2 of the best days he's ever had . I actually was glad to see some EMOTION from him .


He's so laid back, he's laid DOWN . It was like watching someone come to life right before my eyes .

:rofl :rofl :rofl

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I've seen him twice in about 30 years get what I'd call M A D . Not a pretty picture, but I actually told him it was 2 of the best days he's ever had . I actually was glad to see some EMOTION from him .


He's so laid back, he's laid DOWN . It was like watching someone come to life right before my eyes .


Are you positive Sam doesn't have a long lost little brother living in Texas? :lol :lol The joke around here is you could hand Eric a million dollars cash money and he just look at it and say, "Cool" in that monotone of his and stick it in his wallet. :lol :lol

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Sam is always like that -- not about the LOTTERY , we don't even play, so we sure aint gonna win, but when we get our tax check back. I'm always so excited, and he's like , oh ,good................

and that's it .



They may have been conjoined twins separated at birth and brought up in totally different environments, just to see how much they'd end up alike and different ,living apart .


Weird how me and you connected the dots, wasn't it?

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I'm more the laid back one and Keith is very impatient sometimes and gets snippy but he's gotten better since his accident 20 years ago and then even more better since he married me :D He's amazed at how well I know him :lol


Here's what I got so far on my patches quilt in fall colors :)




I shortened it for an oversized lapghan it's going to be 17 squares wide and 23 squares long.

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Oh Heather that's gonna be great! Love those colors :yes


Julie - yep we'd actually have to play the Lottery, too but still :D One year for his Christmas I saved all year. Bought him these fancy jammies he loves to wear (3 pairs no less), a 27" TV for the bedroom and that World of Warcraft game with a 6 month subscription. He was still an installer which was a much lower paid job and I had tons of medical bills that year so I really wanted to do something great for Eric. Even had to borrow money from my sister there at the end to do it. I figure for sure I finally would get a reaction. Yeah, right. I could tell he loved them all because these were the handful of items he'd been longing for all year but I really wanted excitement but alas I was disappointed again :lol

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Oh Heather that's gonna be great! Love those colors :yes


Julie - yep we'd actually have to play the Lottery, too but still :D One year for his Christmas I saved all year. Bought him these fancy jammies he loves to wear (3 pairs no less), a 27" TV for the bedroom and that World of Warcraft game with a 6 month subscription. He was still an installer which was a much lower paid job and I had tons of medical bills that year so I really wanted to do something great for Eric. Even had to borrow money from my sister there at the end to do it. I figure for sure I finally would get a reaction. Yeah, right. I could tell he loved them all because these were the handful of items he'd been longing for all year but I really wanted excitement but alas I was disappointed again :lol


I can so relate!

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