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I'm Falling For You .......................


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Thanks Mary I was completely stuck on that one little color. :lol Don't ask me why but I think that was what was holding me back from starting it. I have some that look awfully close to the paddy green sitting here. I think I will go ahead with my ghost quilt since I have all the colors for it in my stash. I think I'll start collecting the colors for Cara's or Tabby's next.

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I'm gonna stick to the 5 squares a day for most of the days I think :yes I'm gonna do Tabby's (the top one with the extra crow).


I probably won't be around a whole lot for the next week or two then after that well, we'll see what happens. I've been keeping something to myself because I don't wanna be a bummer but what the heck, let's get it out there...my urologist told me on Wednesday that he's 90% sure I have kidney cancer. What we thought was a cyst isn't acting like a cyst anymore :(


Sorry to be such a party pooper but I felt my buddies deserve an explanation and I'm an open book...I give out too much information some times :lol


Anyway, I'll still be lurking just probably not talking a whole bunch :no I'm having a harder time being perky through this one :sigh


Gonna post this same thing in the other CALs I'm in. :yes

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I'm so very sorry to hear that . You will be in my thoughts daily . Please keep us informed as to what route they will take regarding treatment .

We are all here for you if you need us and feel like talking. If not, it's ok, too.


If you need space, it's fine, we will understand, but if you need people , we are here .


Don't you dare give up, whatever you do . You are tough and can fight this, especially with so many people behind you .

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I'm so very sorry to hear that . You will be in my thoughts daily . Please keep us informed as to what route they will take regarding treatment .

We are all here for you if you need us and feel like talking. If not, it's ok, too.


If you need space, it's fine, we will understand, but if you need people , we are here .


Don't you dare give up, whatever you do . You are tough and can fight this, especially with so many people behind you .


Thanks y'all :manyheart Sorry to unload like that but I've done good until today. Didn't sleep well last night and the fatigue was already overwhelming me and today is just horrible. I just felt kind of all alone :blush


I'm not giving up. I'm hoping it's not cancer at all. But if it is (and he said to me when I asked what the chances were it was something else, quote, "I wouldn't hold my breath") hopefully it's early since we've been watching this for months anyway. They can just yank that sucker outta there and whatever else they do and I'll be right as rain before I know it. I just really hate that pain :( I'm gonna have 'em install a zipper this time. Maybe it won't hurt so bad the next time they have to go in for something :irk


Thanks again guys. I feel better now I got that off my chest :yes And to think, last December I was just looking for a crochet stocking pattern and I found me a bunch of friends instead :manyheart

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You keep those positive thoughts . You don't yet know what you may deal with, like you said it may be a small spot they can remove and you'll be looking back at this 5 years from now going I'm glad they got that outta there .

If the Dr has been watching it ,then you have surely caught it early. He wouldnt have allowed it to get out of control if he has known it was there.


I know the thought of surgery is not fun, but if they find that with me at some point, I will want the surgery TODAY ---

Get it done, sooner the better .



Take care and you come in here all you need to. We will all help you as much as we can .


PS- we are MUCH better than a stocking pattern, aint we ????

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Well, I've done 8 motifs on the PS so far (I had already done like 15 right before this CAL came along) Has anyone here done the Prairie Star? I know some people at the 'ville have, but not sure who. The only concern I have right now is that it doesn't lay flat. I'm hoping that it will work itself out, because I know I'm doing the pattern right. Not gonna worry too much about it for now.

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Cara Im so sorry for what your going through. We are all here for you.:hug


Julie didnt you nearly do a PS a few times.:D


Anyone that is doing Tabby's pattern what color are you using for the background is it a peach or light pink. I bought the lightest pink today, couldnt get peach, unless we do it in blue. Any ideas.

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Donna- Krystal may have made one too, I think she did, I don't know... my memory somedays is about as long as a GNAT .


And yep, Wendy -- I did NEARLY make a PS about 127 times at last count .

I'm never gonna live that one down until I get one made, am i ?

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Good Morning.


I've done the PS twice. The first one didn't lay as flat as I thought it should. Kinda wavy in the center but I did something wrong & I can't remember what. :think Something that took me a while to figure out, that I remember. I was already on the white part by time I said DOH! The second one was way better but I still don't think they lay entirely flat. Just make sure your doing it right & you'll be fine.:) Good Luck! :cheer


Oh, I remember what I did on the first one that made it wavy. I accidentally used an H hook in the center out of habit & then when I picked it up again I used an I hook. DOH. :lol :lol :lol

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Thanks, Tabby. I'll keep on trucking and hopefully when it's done it'll look right. I'm impressed that you've made two of these. I can already tell this is gonna take me a WHILE.

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