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My afghans didn't place at the fair, but....

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I did get three blue ribbons (firsts) and three red ribbons (seconds) for my other projects. I just think there was too much competition in the afghan department this year. There had to be at least 25 afghans, which is quite a lot.


Then someone entered afghans in the other category, and in the bedspread catagory and won. To me, that wasn't fair. I could easily enter that stuff, but it to me should have all been in the "afghan" catagory. Just sour grapes, I guess.


I did get a first and second in the clothing department. I made a pretty pink/purple dress and panties and booties and bonnet set (first) and a burial gown, bonnet, and booties for a preemie (second). Also first for a doll outfit, second for an ornament, second for an Other Project (crochet caddy tissue cover) and first for a plastic canvas project.


So I think I did pretty well. Disappointed in the afghans, but there's always next year!


I am already looking for patterns for next year's projects!



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Way to go!!!

Do you have pics of your finished items??



When they come home, I'll try to get my daughter to post some pics. I have no idea how.



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I guess you are like me. I don't know the first thing on how to post pictures and don't even have a digital camera. My daughter doesn't live with me, and if I were ever to post any pictures, I would have to have her come here with her camera and help me out. One day, I will do that.

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Congratulations!!! I love entering in the fair. It's a good feeling to get those blue ribbons. I have been trying for 8 years for best of show. Our county fair is 1st week of September

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How wonderful that you received ribbons for your handcrafted work.


Our local 4-H fair no longer has ANY handcrafted categories other than woodworking and scrapbooking. They used to have clothing, yarn/thread and embroidery type items. Now the only clothing category is sort of like a "fashion assembly" where you put boughten outfits together. There is a quilt show, but most of the entries there are pretty much "professional" offerings.


It is so sad not to see any importance/value placed on perpetuating skills such as sewing, crochet, and knitting at our local level.

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