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Recycling Prayer Shawls & Comfortghans for Foster Care Age-Outs

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Not quite sure where to post this and I don't seem to be able to post under charity crochet which would seem the most logical place to ask this question, but here goes: Well, I went to prayer shawl ministry last night which was quite enjoyable. We are trying to figure organizations to distribute the completed shawls to and how to avoid burnout amongst the crafters. The concern is the demand will overwhelm the supply and the workers. One suggestion was that the recipients "recycle" the shawl (return it to the church for another person to use) when they no longer are in need of that level of comfort. We have an elderly congregation and many of members enter the hospital and don't return home. Those families could decide what they would like to do with the shawl; they could return it or simply make a donation of materials for the ministry, etc.


I also suggested making comfortghans for kids who are aging out of the foster care system; these kids often have no where to go and their only possessions are the clothes on their back; many end up in homeless shelters. A comfortghan would give them something of their own. What do you think?

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I agree that the kids in/out of foster care could use a blankie fer shure.


About the reusing shawls... I don't know that I would want a shawl that belonged to "some dead person I don't know" :eek I understand that is silly and foolish but it is what I felt when I read your suggestion. if the family passes it on to someone else; that is their prerogative.


You can also set up an uneasy feeling in some minds if you start implying (the rumour gets out) that a donation is expected. What about families who have no money.. are they going to be "mentioned" when the sewing group gets together... would they think they might be "mentioned" when the sewing group gets together?


I believe that a prayer shawl ministry must be conducted in only the most loving and giving way. You don't want people to refuse to receive one because they can afford to pay for the free shawl (their perceptions would be wrong but they perceive this way anyway). I understand that you can cover this entire process in prayer so that no evil thoughts can disturb your hopes and dreams but I think we can make the way smoother with some prayerful thought first.


I am so pleased that you are part of this wonderful ministry. I applaud your efforts and your ideas to make the whole world smile :hug

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I completely agree with Darski. I also think that having people return shawls or make a donation would place a burden on them. I think that a ministry should give expecting nothing in return. You don't want people to have the perception that there are "strings attached". Best of luck in your venture.:)

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when i make a gift for someone it is just that a gift. and in no way would i ever expect payment for it. i do not sell much in the way of my craft because of the "i could make it cheaper than that factor" and the pleasure of giving the gift is what makes me want to keep crocheting. open the donations up to the sunday school classes in your church, say that it cost x dollars to make a shawl, would they like to donate to make how every many shawls? the cost is i know at my church most classes would offer to help and would keep doing so if they are gently reminded thru the year.

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I had a whole post written and it disappeared. I don't like the recycling idea either. I'm not sure how to balance demand with need. However, I don't think that people will necessarily ask for them so that situation may rectify itself. I don't asking for donations is the way to go and certainly not monetary donations. I have no problem with once a year perhaps asking if people have yarn they would like to donate that they consider the shawl ministry.


I have a large yarn stash but others are on a limited income and buying yarn which seems to be getting much more expensive than when I bought most of my stash at 65% off while working at Hobby Lobby. I'm sure all of these work themselves out but I sure would like to know how other shawl ministries do these things. I'm lost. . .I don't agree with lots of the concerns the leader raised b/c I think alot of it is irrelevant but at the same time, I have no great suggestions to offer, either.

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OH no, no one is asking for money for the shawls. Sorry if that wasn't made clear. But if a family wanted to donate yarn, hooks or the like we would certainly accept, but not ask except maybe once a year before the ministry starts up for the summer (it is not year-round yet).

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I agree with the shawl idea. I think that when an elderly person is given a shawl, or something else, it should be left with their family. It will warm the heart of the family to have something to remember that they were loved and cared about by others. I don't think I could ever ask for something back. I love the idea of comfortghans for the foster children that have out grown their foster homes. I may look into something like that here.

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No, don't ask for the shawls back. I found out that several people in the congregation had received prayer shawls when I started a prayer shawl ministry at my church. They like to keep the shawls, as they use them on and off even after being comforted from whatever event precipitated the gift. As for being concerned about the number you would need, would you be open to asking if the older folk would like to join you? When the group started at my church, several older people said they appreciated being able to help. I even sew together knit squares from a woman with macular degeneration (ie she is almost blind). It seems that we always have just the shawl we need when it is needed.

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Yep we have all ages in the ministry and 2 meeting times. I figure that most people won't ask for a shawl but the pastor, or our hearts, etc will tell us who could benefit so personally I don't demand will be an issue.


That's what I think - the shawl is not just a one-time shot for comfort. It will be a go-to piece when someone is sad, lonely, grieving, perhaps praying, meditating etc. Leave it with the person it was given to.

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I don't understand why you can only ask for donations once a year. You could put a notice in the church bulletin or bulletin board on a regular basis. It is a ministry and should be ongoing shouldn't it? People don't just get ill at certain times of the year. You would be asking for donations from the whole congregation. If you keep it in their minds they might think of you when they see yarn on sale somewhere! You never know.

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I give you lots of credit for getting this going. Our church has talked about ways to serve our community and the prayer shawl idea never caught on as there are not as many crocheters/knitters that are willing to put in the time and try to meet even a portion of the demand as "quicker" crafts/gifts. It is overwhelming.


If you put out an appeal periodically for yarn and/or volunteers, you might be surprised how many yarn donations you get. It is worth a try.


Thanks for filling such an important need,



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Thanks. It is actually another member's baby. We have both knitters and crocheters. The knitters tend to go to the morning meeting. I thought it would be a nice way to meet new people and learn a little more about the people I do know. One of these times, though I want to go and try learning the basics of knitting. Plus it's a nice way for me to learn to make something new as each time a shawl is finished, we share the pattern we used with others. A member also crocheted small thread crosses that we sew onto the shawl before it is given. We aren't all using the same pattern which is nice.


I think we have maybe 10 people so far. We have far more quilters - the church puts together quilts and gives them away to the homeless shelters.


I have been asking for yarn on Freecycle and have donated a large portion of my stash that wasn't set aside for specific projects, am looking at the thrift stores for yarn and will donate my crochet hooks in a few weeks as I am upgrading to wooden hooks. I love sitting and stitching with friends so this fills a spiritual need as well as a companionship need for me. Thanks for your kind words.

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About paying for everything - if this is a ministry through your church, perhaps you could talk to the church leaders and they could help in some way. They may be able to set up a fund or make an occasional announcement or something to help out. They should do something to help. :yes

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Perhaps instead of asking for the donations from the families recieving the shawls, someone in the group could hang up a flyer on each floor of the hospitals and elderly homes where there are high levels of traffic. Have the main body of the flyer asking for volunteers who knit, sew and crochet to join the group and then mention that donations of yarns and hooks is always welcome.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Auntie K, What a great idea!! How about a box for donating yarn. For boxes in a nursing home or assisted living center, maybe even say that the yarn will be used to make an item for that center or home....

Great idea!!!


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My dd and I just completed a project where we helped make and collect comfortghans for a local childrens support group. There are many children out there who would love to have a comfortghan. I have met one who received her blanket over six years ago. Even though she is now in a wonderful home, the blanket is still very precious to her.


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