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Keeping Track of Patterns and Soon To Be WIPs

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Hi All!


It seems that there are about a million and one patterns and projects that I'd like to do, but I find myself at odds with picking one, remembering what I thought I wanted to do next :eek , etc....(yes, I have the attention span of a gnat! :hook ) Anyway...I've been thinking about ways to organize all my ideas and want-2-makes so I thought I'd ask: How do you keep track of ideas or possible projects? Notebook? Binder? Sticky notes in the magazine of the pattern you like?

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When I finish a project I usually just look through a mag until I find a pattern I want, or I check my stash to see what I have in yarn/thread. Sometimes I am in the mood to make a certain pattern and other times I wouldn't be... I just go with what I am feeling at the time. Good luck with your decision.

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I have a Microsoft Word document. It's nice because I can change it whenever I have other projects to add. I put the WIPs at the top, followed by what I will start next. After that is everything that I would like to do "someday."


I also have a folder on my computer for crochet patterns that I would like to make. I copy the web address on to each pattern that I down load so that I can remember where I found it and who to give credit to. Someday I'd like to print them out and put them into a notebook, but by the time I get around to it I'll have too many!

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I keep a list in a notebook that's reserved for crochet...if I see something I love or think of something I might be able to puzzle out myself, I jot it down, and if when I finish something I'm not sure what to do next I consult the list. What I actually do next has more to do with my mood at the time than anything, though. I don't tend to plan the next thing at all, I just follow where my whim leads...

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I started out keeping patterns from sites on the internet in my word documents but after my computer crashed, I lost everything. Since then I have my patterns in my word documents but the ones I love the most I have saved under bookmarks in yahoo. That way if my computer crashes I can find my most favorite ones anytime under bookmarks. I have also started to print off the ones I would love to do the most and put them in sheet protectors and then those go into notebooks. After a while they can really add up, but I enjoy looking at them especially now that I am recovering from a wreck and cannot crochet. Best of luck to you in whichever way you choose to keep up with the patterns.

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I keep all of my dowmloaded patterns in binders.......I keep all other information in a notebook.....the notebook has relavant info for current projects....any size changes or modifications that I made, and what size hook I am useing for each....(you KNOW how hooks can get seperated from WIPs)! At the back of my book is my To Do list......I put a star after the projects that I really want to do soon. When I finish a project I go to my "to do" list and choose my next project. Sometimes my choice is ruled my finances.......and I have to choose something that I have yarn/thread for in my stash already......and sometimes my choice is ruled by material overload...I like to make totes from plastic bags.....so when my plastic bag stash startes getting out of hand, I start cutting them up and I make a tote.

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Heh, I find that I have to use multiple methods. I put stickies in the books & mags; I save patterns I like as Word files and print off the ones I think I'll want to make sooner than later and have them in a certain place to peruse when I want to make something new; I have also tried keeping a list on my blog of WIP, WIM, and potential future WIM. But then I have to remember to go and update that. :lol

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I have a binder with my favorite patterns in those clear document protectors. it has a lot of quick patterns that i go back and forth with, like my favorite crochet necklaces, flowers, slippers, etc. i also have a spiral with all the patterns i would like to do someday. mostly tank tops, dresses, and skirts. then at the back of the notebook i have a list of what i plan to make and what yarn to use, but i dont usually feel like doing whats on that list because there's always something new that i feel like making! but i have scratched off about 5 things on that list so far. then there are my magazines and books. and it doesnt help that i have subscriptions and go to the library for books. patterns will be the death of me!

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Thanks everyone for the great ideas! I used to print everything out and put them in a binder, but I've far outgrown the storage space I have :eek I think I'll start keeping things organized in computer files as word and pdf's, maybe even break them down according to clothing, wraps, Decor, etc., and keep a copy on a jump drive (I too have experienced the dreaded computer crash one too many times). I'm also going to start a small notebook with all the particulars too...I really like the idea of recording pattern, types of yarn used and especially the hook size...like Debbie says those pesky hooks have a habit of taking a hike when you need them most :lol Oooo, this looks like I'll be very busy for awhile...oh my.....:out

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I collect all the patterns I can from the net so I have bunches of them. In order not to use up all of the 8o gigs I am supposed to have on my computer, I move them all to CD's every so often.


I keep the (Word.docs) separated as I save them. The categories vary with my brainpower on any given day. :wlol


I do print out what I am making or auditioning and then just deal with 7 million binders I am amassing :rofl

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I have my downloaded patterns saved to a crochet folder which is sorted by project type (kitchen, accessories, afghans, holiday, etc) backed up to an external harddrive as well.


for keeping track of what patterns I want to do soon and my crocheting goals (yes i'm a goal-oriented gal, lest i get lost in all the activity that goes on in my mind!LOL) i use GoogleNotebooks (personalized google is my homepage) where i have a couple of projects listed per person (me, DD, DH, parents, etc) as well as some "general crocheting" I might like to get done. I like using googlenotebook because 1) i can access it from any computer on the internet 2) i can update/change it as often as necessary 3) i can link directly to a pattern on the internet or a pattern on my PC as well as have notes in the field.


anyway, just wanted to share. i only recently started using googlenotebooks and am so glad i did! (i also have a recipe section for recipes i want to try. LOL)

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I use a memory stick {is that the right term?}. This way if my computer crashes, which it has before, I don't lose my saved patterns anymore! I don't have a lot of storage space at home, so I can't print out all the wonderful patterns I find on the net. I have it broken down into folders, like afghans, baby stuff, potholder, holiday, etc. I also have a folder for pics of ideas that I love but don't have a pattern for, thinking I can "fake" my own pattern.



I copy the web address on to each pattern that I down load so that I can remember where I found it and who to give credit to.


I wish I had thought to do this. People are always asking me where I found a pattern, and since I didn't do this, I'm always searching for the web address! This would save sooo much time!



When I finish a project I usually just look through a mag until I find a pattern I want, or I check my stash to see what I have in yarn/thread. Sometimes I am in the mood to make a certain pattern and other times I wouldn't be... I just go with what I am feeling at the time.


This, too, is usually how I pick my next project, unless I'm doing a request for someone.

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