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Help with doilies, they end up wavy

Poial Liisi


Hi everyone,


I have attempted a few doilies now and I can't seem to get them to come out properly. After a certain amount of rows they all start getting wavy. I have double checked that I follow the patterns but just can't get them to not be wavy.


Could anyone think of why it is doing that? I'm pretty new to crocheting, but wold love to finish a doily that is presentable.


Thank you for your help.



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5 answers to this question

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It is quite normal for certain doily patterns to have a wave to them at certain points in the making. It is the results of using different stitches of varying heights to create the design. It normally will smooth back out when futher rows are done. That is also one of the reasons most doilies need to be blocked. It has been my experience that it will tend to wave more if you are a loose crocheter. So you might want to check your tension also.

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i actually believe opposite to Kathy (but she is a doily queen afterall, have you seen her designs?!) but in my experience those who crochet too tight, or with too small a hook get waves, and no amount of blocking them will flatten them out. too many stitches not getting enough height and bunching up the only way they can, into waves. maybe try a hook a lil bigger, and one a lil smaller like Kathy suggested. the great thing with patterns is they are guides, not gospel. make a doily in yarn with a yarn appropriate hook and you have a baby shawl, make a tote in thread and get a small wrist purse. keep playing until you find something that wors for you :)

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Doily's are always wavy while you're making them. Assuming you're using the correct size hook for the thread (what are you using anyways?)


Gently tugging around all the edges is usually enough to smooth them out somewhat by getting the stitches to line up properly.


It's amazing the mistakes that starching, blocking, and/of ironing can fix.

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Ditto what everyone said above, except I wouldn't worry too much if you crochet a little looser/tighter than gauge as long as you're consistent. Doilies often look ruffled until you've completed many rows, sometimes halfway through, but they mostly settle down at the end. What hasn't can be tamed by pin blocking or steam iron.


Hang in there

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