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Guest SamplerLady

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Guest SamplerLady


:*ciam Only 358 days till Christmas not to mention all the birthdays between now and then. :rofl


How about we all make a chronological list of the people we need to obtain gifts for this coming calendar year. Post it here if you like, on your blog if you dare, or just keep it in a secret file on your computer somewhere enquiring minds and fingers won't find it.


Start adding tentative ideas for gifts for that person, or clues as to what kind of gifts would be special for that person, i.e., collects Mickey Mouse stuff, likes purple, "needs" hats, etc.


Set aside some hours each day, week, or month to work on gifts. One way of organizing is to start/make an individual's Christmas gift the same month as their birthday.


The object of the Gift-along is to encourage (and remind) each other to get our winter holiday gifts done before the winter holidays hit with full force. Just imagine how nice it would be to have the time in December to crochet snowflakes for package decorations instead of burning the midnight oil to finish that afghan for Aunt Sophie! :D


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Guest ParchedWhisper

That hits everything right on the head. I would love to make some of the beautiful snowflakes I have the patterns for. And I think the list of everyone we need to make gifts for is a great idea also.


*gets to work on it*

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Great idea SLady!! Well here's my rough draft for Christmas gifts:




Hubby....knitted raglan sweater from woolease T&Q

Tabi....teaparty set & poncho set

Garrett....sockmonkey in superman costume

Miranda....hookcase stocked!




Mom....handpainted wool seraphina shawl (full length)




Juliet....kitchen set in cotton




Chad....knit scarf & hat set from bernat denimstyle yarn

Mother....adagio & filet heart ornament




Jesse....tweedy pillowghan




Teddy...ripple afghan(mexicana) & sockmonkey




Charla's baby.....baby blanket, layette, sockmonkey




Andy...knit scarf & hat set in wool




Summer...bath set in soft blues & aqua




Bethany...bath set in cobalt blue & black

Anna...booga bag or shawl








Daddy....Packers stadium blanket


Just for me: my snowflake shawl, cabled knit poncho



Well I figured the cost of all my projects and checked with hubby for approval and it's a go!! I can now start on these knowing that I can afford to make it all if done throughout the year. Now what to start with??? I'm ordering the yarn for the afghans from our tax return but I think I'll work on the teaset for now.



(edited on 1/20/05)

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SLady - that was a fantastic description!

my list:


mom - ghan


nannie - fancy cross to frame 90% complete


christi - fulled peacock bag DONE


rachelle -


michell - navy throw (started already, but main project and finish in may)


sherry - hat/scarf set - fulled autumn purse/phone cozy set -


elizabeth - floral granny ghan (starting now & ongoing, but main project of month)


gabrielle - 63squares (started already, but main project for the month)


scot - hat/scarf set


tracy - stripe ghan (maybe)


me - jacket


elizabeth - yo yo cardigan


okay, i'm going way out of order :eek2 - but i guess as long as i do stuff from the list, it's good, right:ohdear :P

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Guest ParchedWhisper

short list, but as i am pretty much a beginner, I am sure it will be more than enough. LOL...plus all the other little things I want to make..I should be crocheting long into the next year.



Ella-a kitchen set and some house slippers

Dad-slippers and one of those afghans that doubles as a pillow

Brett-hat and scarf and gloves

Bonnie-hat scarf and hobo bag

Logan-blanket and stuffed dragon

Josh-blanket and stuffed dragon

Beverly-hmmm..she is hard...will have to think on hers

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ok here's my frugal list for gifting LOL


Robert-suprise (he doesn't read this so an eagle filet pretty)

2 sister in laws-"an inspired scarf" and hats to go along

5 nephews-simple scarves

my 2 children-hats and scarves

my aunt-a kitchen set (she said she wanted potholders)

hat and scarf set for my mother (or she'll be jealous)

and perhaps a couple of others if i see something else I WANT to make LOL

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I sat down a couple of nights ago and made up my list, I have 12 ppl and plan to make each a bday gift and a christmas gift. That gives me two gifts per month. Though a lot of them are small so I will probably get more made per month, which will leave time for extras that I am sure will come up lol. So here's my list done in order of bdays:


Gina (5-13) Purse


Kell (5-25) Dishcloths, stitch markers, knitting needles, Goddess, stitch markers


Brandi (6-15) Barefoot Sandals, Poncho or top of some sort


Cynthia (7-11) Purse, Poncho and matching bracelet


Jaqui (7-17) Filet Squirrel, Kitchen stuff (towel toppers, dishcloths, etc.) Thread doily for kitchen table


Brandon (8-2) Treasure bag, Game Boy case, blanket


Geno (8-20) Brown scarf, Brown Blanket


Austin (9-9) Gameboy Case, remote caddy


Tom (9-24) Blanket, remote caddy


Rita (10-27) Blanket, purse,hat,scarf


Rah-Rah (12-5) blankie bag, Posh Poncho


Items subject to change if I run across something I like better than what's listed ;)


Edited to correct typos :blush

Edited again to change FO's to red text

Edited again to make some changes to list and update FO's

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Guest ParchedWhisper

Oh my goodness. That Goddess for all seasons. I hope you don't mind if i snag it. I have a whole bunch of people who would love that!


Geez....Now I am really excited and I can make them for my circle!!!!!!!! You and awsome Marvie!!!!!!!!!!!:hyper :danc

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Of course I don't mind =) I think she's awesome. I already have two dorito cans, bought and eated just so I can make her lol I haven't printed the instructions yet, but I did save em to my puter and just need to wait for hubby's ink order to arrive.

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Guest ParchedWhisper

lol..I'll have to get my hubby to eat the chips..i can't stand snack food. lol....but i am sure he won't mind.:yay2

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I have at least 10 Sunday school teachers and helpers I like to do something for at Christmas. Christmas 03 I made towel toppers (with towel!) or hot drink mixes (for the guys). This Christmas I made coaster sets for everyone. I need to decided what to make this year. Maybe more coasters? I'm thinking if they like them, then they'll add them to the ones they've already got from me; if they don't then they're small and easy to give away (sigh.....). I need to think of what design I'd like to do if I do coasters again.


I would like to do something for my parents but my mom especially is not easy to please and is not into homemade things so much. If furry/boa type scarves are still in maybe she'd like that and my dad might wear a nice hat. Dunno. I'm thinking an afhan might be nice - gotta think of the colors though. Maybe an afghan for their anniversary and Christmas ornaments for Christmas?


My mother-in-law isn't easy either - maybe a scarf and hat set, maybe a lap robe.


You see, half my time is taken up just thinking about what to do!!


Since I did little afghan/blankets for my two youngest this Christmas it might be nice to do some for my oldest 3. I thought about doing them for birthdays but since my dd's b'day is Jan 24 there's not time to do one for her.... maybe she won't mind hers being late? Or do them all for Christmas? It can't be a secret though as I don't have enough time without them around to do them.


Perhaps some other things for friends' birthdays.......


That's all so vague, I know, compared to you all who seem so organized! But, if I can at least agree with myself on a gift for the SS teachers then I can start working on them and not have them all to do in November/December.


think think think............ I'll probably come back to this post or make another one with more definite details.........

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Guest SamplerLady



Karen, your blog link doesn't work.... :(


Here's my list of recipients.

February 13: 2ndGS, 3 year old Tristan ~ February 14: Valentine's Day ~ March 28: ED, 28 year old Rachel ~ April 2: YS, 13 year old Noah ~ May 8: Mother's Day ~ May 26: ES, 25 year old Josh ~ June 19: Father's Day ~ September 1: EGS, 7 year old Nathaniel ~ October 6: My 53rd Birthday ~ October 12: 2ndGS, 3 year old Kodie ~ October 19: 3rdS, 20 year old Micah ~ November 3: YD, 24 year old Amanda ~ December 7: Kids' Dad ~ Decmber 10: GD, 5 year old Brooke ~ Decmber 24: 2ndS, 23 year old Zachary ~ December 25: Christmas

I haven't even started deciding what needs to be made.


I'm hoping people will share links and ideas for gifts so we all can benefit from each other's ideas. I had the container for the Goddess, but I think it got chucked when we de-junked. Good thing it's easy to replace. I might make that for ED out of some exotic yarn...hmmm I wonder how an Eyelash skirt would look on her? Marvie what kind of accessories were you thinking of to go with yours?


Karen, the first step to getting all this done is having a vague idea of what needs to be done and then starting in on it. Your idea of working on what you "know" needs to be done while waiting for inspiration on the other items is exactly the way to go. Often we get bogged down on not being able to figure one out, we forget to do what can in the mean time! :)


Glad to see you all here and please, please, please put up pics as you go along. Maybe we'll open up our gallery somewhere!

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Well I actually started the first goddess this afternoon. I was thinking, instead of just putting rocks or marbles in her that I'll use crystals, herbs, whatever things seem appropriate for ther person receiving her, then bless the whole thing.


As for accessories, I haven't thought too hard about it yet, but there are winter and fall deco patterns at the BellaOnline site, done with thread. I am thinking that I'll probably make something similar in lightweight yarns, since I don't work with thread yet, assuming I can find something that will work. I'm going to check out the craft shop on base and see if any ideas come along. Maybe something with beads, you just never know what's going to jump into your basket at the craft store ;)


I'll definately post pics!

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OOOh Marvie that's soo cool I was planning on making that Goddess for my Bff for her Birthday.


As for my list I haven't sat still long enough this new year to plan YET... I'll post it when I can (minus a few that will be for ppl on this board :P )

This is such a cool idea!

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"Karen, the first step to getting all this done is having a vague idea of what needs to be done and then starting in on it. Your idea of working on what you "know" needs to be done while waiting for inspiration on the other items is exactly the way to go. Often we get bogged down on not being able to figure one out, we forget to do what can in the mean time! "


So true,:thinking1 and so applicable to many areas of life!

Thanks also for the heads-up about the link; I hope it's working now.:))

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hello all,

Wow you are all so organised! I am with karen, my main problem lies in not being able to make up my mind about the gift for each person. So I am just going to make some as this is a nice way of ensuring that I do actually make something instead of just poring over my patterns and internet all the time searching for that exclusive one-of-a-kind gift lol:) Usually my gifts are all made in the 11th hour and thats why I don't have anything to show off as I have already given it away like for example I made Dot's poytail hat for my friends daughter . I wanted to put that up in the Phat hats crochet along:)


So this gift-Along seems to be just what i need to keep me motivated to doing something.


So for starters I am going to be making the birthday sachets starting with january and make a matching doily from Denise's site:)


Hope I last :)



Vims from Chennai India

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I've almost completed the first goddess. She just needs one more arm then I can post a pic of her. I'll probably be heading to the craft store soon to look for accessory ideas for her.


Here are a couple of thoughts I had while making her....


because I didn't want the rocks I used for weight to shake rattle and roll around, I stuffed it with paper towels after weighting the bottom down.




I didn't have polyfil to stuff her chest and head with so I used cotton balls... it took exactly 13 cotton balls, one each for her breasts, then the rest for her neck and head.


Picture to come later =)

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Guest ParchedWhisper

can't wait to see her! She sounds awsome. I was a bit unsure about having things rattle around in there also. Great idea with the papertowels.


I finished my shawl, but I have no idea who to gift it too. lol I think she will be one of the things I'll put up and pull out if I need an extra gift.

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Guest SamplerLady

mmouseplus.gifI'm wondering if the Goddess was filled with sand or kitty litter if it would be heavy enough for a door stop or book ends..... Hmmmm Wouldn't a pair of Goddesses holding up my books look way cool?


Right now my bookends are a pair of tall jars filled with marbles. Looks cool and works as they are heavy enough....

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kitty litter and sand are both pretty heavy in bulk, I would think they would be.... That's such a cool idea. They would look awesome!

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Ok, I posted under Crochet-alongs that I wanted to join, but I think ya'll did move the topic here and named it "Gift-along". Great idea! I wanted to join up, too, to be motivated to make gifts all year long, and not in the 11th hour as someone else mentioned.


But I must say, I'm already OVERWHELMED at your lists! ha!ha! Slow down! Please!


Naw, I'm sure I'll have a list just as detailed soon, too. It WOULD be nice to know what my goals are instead of some ambiguous and vague IDEA! :))


I'll be back! Meanwhile, I'm gonna be joining ya'll if I may....Mother, may I?



My blog: http://www.karlacardell.blogspot.com

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Of course you can join us Karla! The more the merrier!


Don't let yourself be overwhelmed. Start out by making a list of Who you plan to gift too. That's what I did. Then over the next couple of evenings I added the actual things I thought I'd make each person.


I organized my list in order of b-days bc I plan to make them bday gifts and christmas gifts, then I tried to sort of split the projects up in my mind by size, such as big stuff will get done in the cold months (no a/c here so no choice on that lol) and small stuff can be worked on when it's warmer.


You just gotta figure out what will work for you =)



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