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Guest SamplerLady

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That's an awesome idea! I wonder if my base craft shop has any? I'll definately look for some and give it a try! I was wanting to make some baby slippers too but haven't done it yet because I didn't want the baby (she's 15 months) to slip and bust her head on these hard floors. Thanks Sherry =)

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Ok here are some of my ideas

afghans for my 3 older children's birthdays. It's going to be a crunch for dd as her birthday is this month, the 24th and the yarn hasn't arrived yet. Oh well she'll enjoy knowing I'm doing it. The other months are March (DS1) and Sept (DS2).


Some kitchen things for my MIL's birthday (late March?)


I'd like to do something for my mother for mother's day. (May)


Something for my parents' anniversary in June. I don't know whether to give them Christmas ornaments then, or an afghan. then the other one for Christmas. I just thought they'd enjoy a box of ornaments they can use later.


Christmas gifts for the SS teachers. I'm not sure how things have really gone down. As I've missed a lot of church maybe people have just not had opportunity to say anything, except for a few people. I don't want people to fall over saying thanks, but I don't want to spend time making things that aren't appreciated, ykwim? So, how about a snowflake ornaments for their tree or window?


Maybe something for all 5 kids for Christmas, but I don't know.

And maybe something for my SIL's and MIL for Christmas. I don't know my SIL's very well though. Gotta think.


Anyway, I guess that's enough to start with, huh? And I'm not the fastest crocheter so I better get busy - my main concerns are these first 2 birthday afghans (unless I chicken out and do them for Christmas to give them all at once). You know it's weird, why am I thinking like this, but I worry maybe I'd get two done, and give them, and then die, and my third child wouldn't get one!! what a dismal thought, what is wrong with me, but I hoped that maybe telling someone would help me. sorry guys.

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Guest SamplerLady
mmouseplus.gifI started a scarf for 2ndGS yesterday and must have frogged it a dozen times. Couldn't find a stitch that appealed to me at all. Kind of a bust day as far as crocheting. Did make a hat for charity, but.....no gifts. :D
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OK I have decided on my second gift for this month... I have a friend who has a bit of a temper... and when I saw THIS I decided it'd be a perfect birthday gift for her.... soooo I'll be starting it within the next day or so, hope to finish it by the end of the weekend.

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I have my first project done for January (baby blanket) and the other one barely started. I keep getting distracted by other projects I want to try ... it'll be interesting to see if I can get it done before the end of the month.

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Well done Faith for getting one done. I need to get my act together. The farthest I've gotten besides ordering yarn for dd's afghan (which I now have decided I need some more {different} yarn as well for it) is bringing the tea towels I have for my MIL downstairs - but haven't done the sewing on them yet! I think I still need some yarn to do her b'd present so better get ordering (well, after the cc bill comes so it can go on a new month).


What I should do is get a snowflake or two done. And, cut and stitch the tea towel.




:bounce :bounce :bounce

edited to add (it's now evening) - I got the tea towels cut and zig-zagged on the sewing maching this afternoon. I think I will do two towels for her, and the other towels I will give away or sell. (I had got a set with two terry towels - which will each make two towels for topping - and a more linen-y type towel for dishdrying. I will give her two topped towel-halves and the linen-y one, plus some dishcloths.) Now I get to go order some cotton yarn to match!! :danc

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Guest minwifeof4boys58

I have been doing teh gift a long and have all of my Jan birthdays done except for my 4 yo nephew.. I only see him once a year and that's at Christmas.. can anyof you think of a great idea to crochet for him.. something cute aand fun without being over the top?




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I finished another Christmas present. Thats two this month. Im on a roll. Started a 3rd one. Only problem is I am not working on my 63 squares. That one is so frustating :bang I dread working on it again. Im so bad with gauge and not getting any better.:<>

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Great job ya'll! You've gotten off to a great start =)


Lea, when my son was four he never left the house without his cars or "guys" (any sort of action figure) and I often wished for some way for him to tote them around (other than *my* purse... so why not make him a cute (but manly *g*) little pouch of some sort? I bet he's like my boy was and has to take toys with him when he leaves home lol.

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I made a snowflake yesterday! Of course it needs to be washed, stiffened and blocked (and maybe sprinkled with glitter) but I'll do that when I have a good number to do.

I'm pleased anyway, that I have got one done now.


And I have made an order for yarn, which includes stuff for my MIL's b'day present, and some yarn for my dd's and ds1's Christmas presents.

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Well, here is my starter Gift-A-Long list..... whew! I do not know how long each will take me, and I am sure I will be adding TONS more......



Keagan, Lexie, Emma- Granny Square purses **neices

Tyler, Kyle, Brady- Goodie bags **nephews

Jamie, Ansley, Steven, Tyler, Jim, Reggie and Caleb- Camo ski hats ** sons, older nephews and hubby

Vince- Purple and Black rectangle granny ghan **best friend

Mom-In-Law- Shawl and Hascarf

Mom- Afghan, not sure what kind yet.. slippers, towel toppers and dishclothes in a basket

Step-Dad- Afghan

Dad- Towel topper towels, dishclothes in a basket, afghan


Andie- Golf Tee Holder

Ozzie and Maxie- New Sweaters

Mary- Family Bible cover **sister


Added 02/02 am- Travel pillowghans for the boys (3) for 2 nephews, for me and 1 for my step sons mother... ugh! LOL

The birds are getting cage covers, dont know if they will be sewn or crochet.



Just a few, but first my son's poker chip bags and my granny square purse.



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Guest SevenMacs

I forgot all about wanting to get in on this gift-along. I hope you all don't mind if I jump in late. All your great ideas helped me come up with a list. It's pretty ambitious for me, so I think I'll prioritize it and just get as far as I can before next Christmas. :)



SON #1: violin graph afghan



GIRLS IN EXTENDED FAMILY (2): granny skull hats w/flowers

BOYS IN EXTENDED FAMILY (eight): camo skullies or ski hats w/ear flaps

NEPHEWS, BIL (3): “manly†scarves



CHURCH LADIES (~5): snowflakes or filet bookmarks

SISTERS, NIECES (5 ladies): snowflakes and dishtowels

DANA: snowflakes or filet lighthouse bookmark; (If I have time and/or money: lighthouse afghan)



SILs: fulled purses

SISTER: mittens to match boucle hat & scarf set; fulled purse



MOM: mittens to match boucle hat & scarf set; cocoon sweater; filet bookmark

SPECIAL NIECE: granny square purse (to match black/red poncho); matching headband?



MIL: pretty graph afghan or pillowghan

SON #4: GameBoy holder with pockets for games



FIL: warm hat & scarf for annual early spring fishing trip

SONS #2 and #3: slippers w/camo yarn



DAUGHTER: fun hair scrunchies, granny square purse, new slippers

DH: Graph afghan with Bible or 3 crosses


OCT., NOV., & DEC.: Finish whatever didn't get finished!



Can anybody tell me how to add a button to your blog on blogger.com? :)


Karen, whose signature has quit working :/

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Welcome to the Gift-Along Karen =)


So it's Feb. now... and I for one, completely failed my Jan. Goal. I only got one gift done and it's not even really finished lol.


I have to get on the ball though because I'll be going back to the states for a visit soon (not sure of dates yet) and I want to take along the b-day gifts for May/Jume since I'll be seeing those people while I'm home. Soooo I better get on the ball!


How'd ya'll do last month? *G*

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Let's see ... what did I actually get done? I only had two things down for January. I got the baby blanket done, and Ryan's blanket started, but it's just that - started, lol.


I did get a few other things done - a poncho set, and a blanket for my youngest munchkin. Those really aren't in my "gift plan" anywhere but at least it wasn't wasted time.


I'm off to a good start on February - I started the filet crochet afghan (pic of the first bit in my blog) for dh's cousin's wedding the end of this month, and it looks like that will be done probably by the middle of next week, so no problems with that one. Since I didn't have anything else planned that will hopefully mean I can get Ryan's blanket done and I'll be caught up!

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Guest minwifeof4boys58

I finished all of my Jan projects...


A large fish pillow for my nephew

dishtowel toppers and dishcloths for 2 of my SIL's..


I found the abosolute cutest teddy bear ( flat) made out of grannies for a baby gift I finished my aunts hat & my neices scarf and hat set for Valentines..also a cat bed and I worked on several squares for a few unfinished afgans .. a couple which I will use for gifts..


For Feb I would like to do a purse for my neice and I need to finish a dish towel topper and dishcloths for another SIL

I have 2 baby gifts to work up and I believe I will finish an afghan for one of the boys girl friends.. that way if it doesn't work out by Christmas I can use it as a gift for someone else ~smile~



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Wow, everyone is doing so well!! I have ONE THING DONE LOL


I think I am working far too much right now to get to rushing any faster!


I have one of my neices purses done. That is IT!!


Anyone got cattle prod??? Light a fire under me PUHLEEEEEEZE!!!! LOL



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  • 2 weeks later...

I know it's late, but can I join in? I have alot of gifts to make, and no resolution to do so...lol


I think I'm going to knit some of mine, too (boooo, hisssss) since I have the time this year. Woo hoo!

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Welcome to the Gift-Along Jenn =)


Awww we won't run ya off for knitting a couple things *g*


Personally, I'm not making very good progress on my list, which keeps changing in my head... but I've made a few things. I figure whatever I can get done through the year is that much less I'll have to do last minute.

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I'm a newbie to Crochetville and I want to join too! :bounce


I tried to make my family gifts last year but I fell short since I thought about it too late (and I'm a newbie crocheter). All I completed was a bearghan which turned out to be really cute.


I don't really have a whole lot in mind just yet, I'm still searching. Last year I had problems finding something to crochet for boys ages 2 to 15. I picked up an old crochet book at a used bookstore here in town and saw a pattern for checkers so I think I'm going to make that for one of my nephews and I think I'm going to try and make a crocheted othello game board too.


I'm going to make my mom snowflake ornaments (thread) and prob some kind of wrap/shawl.


I bought a book on slippers and the whole family (ours and extended) just may get slippers this year! :lol


I'm also going to be crocheting a lot of bookmarks this year. Now who and what they are for...I have no idea...but I have a book I'm anxious to start using.


I'm definitely going to have to think this out on paper and then I'll post my list. I think a gift-along is a fabulous idea! Maybe this will keep me more organized this year.

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Woo hoo!


I started a vague list the other day after I posted, and this is what I got so far:


Andy (boyfriend)- He chose a scarf for next Christmas...LOL. made of Noro yarn, it's knitted.


Mom-another doily, or something to do with angels. If I found both in one, that would be awesome. Probably a new scarf too.


Dad-Hat/scarf set. I made him a crochet one this year, and it went over well...I'm going to knit one, so he can have both.


JoAnn-(my sister) a book thong for her birthday, and an afghan for her apartment.


Andy's Mom- Hat, scarf. Also crocheted hers this year, so will knit this time.


Andy's Dad- He gets a scarf, too. He's never been the recipient of one of my homemade gifts (probably because he's DIFFICULT, lol)


Dennis and Becky-(friends) afghan


Steph (friend)-Afghan


Dee-Probably a scarf or hat


Dan and Katie- (Friends getting married this year) Afghan


Probably more book thongs, too. I want to buy some charms to put on them. I made one the other day, and fell in love.


At least for Dan and Katie, the pattern is already picked out, and same for my mom's scarf. I have beads for more book thongs. And Andy, chose his yarn yesterday at the LYS, and the pattern is one I already owned. I feel accomplished a little already :)<img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/dance.gif" />

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