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US $1,303.00 for 1290 balls of DMC Tradition

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yeah, i saw that one too.


Maybe it would make sense to buy these if you had a yarn shop, but I'm not sure how much of a discount shop owners get for such thing from the manufacturer anyway.


Who knows?!

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If I am honest I have spent at least that much on yarn over the years, but, not all at once. Amazing though how seeing that lump sum makes you stop and think, but spending it over time...never blinked!

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You'd think she'd have included a picture . . . . (that's the jealous crone in me talking)


I couldn't spend that much all in one lump on thread - - - I get nervous when I spend $50! Hope it goes to a good home.

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that's what I thought they were. This one is a bit more confusing because it doesn't say the yards, just the weight. The second auction has the weight and the yards.

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