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The Most Expensive Yarn Ever

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Two weeks ago I totally messed up a 14oz. skein of Handicrafter Cotton. As I was in the middle of a project, and against all my prior behavior, I actually broke the yarn twice. I got two good sized balls of useable yarn and was left with one tangled mess of about 3 oz.


Tonight, for some reason, I decided that I had to untangle that 3 oz. mess. It took 7 (SEVEN) hours. :thair At my normal rate of pay that 3 oz. of useable yarn now is worth about $102.00:eek And I don't really even need that 3 oz. to finish my project! What was I thinking??


Somehow while I was untangling, it became an obsession to get this done -- a fight of good against evil. I hope someone is going to tell me that they spent an unreasonable amount of time untangling yarn -- or else I'll have to send myself to the loony bin.:yes


And to think I could have been crocheting!:bang

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I've been there - and there's photographic evidence! (See here). That was my son's doing, and involved four different balls of yarn, all attached to my project. I nearly threw the whole thing out.


You have my deepest sympathies :)

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Been there done that...more than once unfortunately. I have even screwed up on hand dyed Marino Wool and the tune of $23 a hank. I am still working that one out....grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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That is what my DH is for. He is anal now about how I store my stash. We always joke that I take care of input for our pets and he takes care of output. I don't think he knew that a yarn "barf" was considered an output haha. He is very good at it though, and I get way too frustrated. If he sees a skein starting to get sloppy he will wind it into a ball. What a man!

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You're not alone in this obsession. You are hearby officially invited to join our group of Underground Crocheters in the event that 'they' ever ban it. you'll fit right in! ****

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You're not the only one, I think it was last year that Paulette (FunkyReporter) spent days untangling a knotted mess in some yarn.


Oh, yeah, welcome to the Looney Bin! Allow me to hold the door open for you, pull up a chair and we'll spend our lives untangling yarn. I've, um, been there and done that... and still do when given the opportunity. (there is a picture of some of the yarn in post #29 of that thread)


Don't feel bad. You've now passed to that next level of obsessive compulsive yarn and crochet addiction; it's only going to get worse - oh, and there's no cure.


My wonderful mutt, Chelsea Rose, 'played' with six skeins of Tapestry yarn (nice expensive stuff) and it is tangled into an impenatrable mass - but I keep it in my crafting parlor and come back to it every so often. If I don't untangle it in this lifetime then I will bequeth it to my daughters to carry on the Lord's work...

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I have so many yarn knots and balls of uncontrollable yarn that eventually one day I will destash and offer someone the opportunity to untangle it all!! I have a shawl project that I have been working on for a few months...dd decided to take it upon herself to play with the yarn that was still there, and now it's a mess! It's a JoAnn Rainbow Boucle skien. :oops

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That is what my DH is for. He is anal now about how I store my stash. We always joke that I take care of input for our pets and he takes care of output. I don't think he knew that a yarn "barf" was considered an output haha. He is very good at it though, and I get way too frustrated. If he sees a skein starting to get sloppy he will wind it into a ball. What a man!


oh you lucky lucky woman!!!!! just last night i was asking DH if he wanted to learn how to roll a skein into a ball. i got one of those, "yeah right" looks! i hate rolling yarn into balls, but it's really the only way to keep the tangles out. i pull the yarn from the inside when i get a new skein and its always that first pull that comes out already tangled. its so frustrating, like, why can't they roll the yarn better! i mean, its a brand new skein, i havent even touched it yet, why do i have to untangle it before i even use it!!!!

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