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63 Squares Crochet Along


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Thanks for help on square 9. I did finish is but I put it away for awhile and will probably rip it out and do it again because it is not very straight. Thanks JulieK that will help alot when I do it over again.



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:eek2 More?

I think that might be the inspiration I need to get back to work on the first one. If it comes out half as nice as the rest of yours I think my sister will be getting one for her anniversary.

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Angie, it's perfectly okay to replace it with another square (blocking isn't gonna fix that one). But if you have any desire (LOL) to tackle it again, I think I see the problem you're having with square #8. I went through the same thing. It looks like you're doing your all of your fpdcs (front post double crochets) right above the previous two fpdc beneath (if that makes any sense). Read the instructions carefully and do what they say, not what you want to do or even what seeems to make sense. :lol You've got groups of two fpdc that make up the chevrons. One of the two fpdc goes right above one of the previous two and the other moves over to the next stitch. I hope that makes a little bit of sense. :P :thinking1


Oh, and LOL :lol I have seen that 63 More book ~ actually, I have it :D! and quite a stack of other sampler afghan booklets! :blush:loco

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Guest xxJessBezzxx

Well, i finally got the patterns/instructions for the 63 squares afghan.


While on vacation, my significant other's mother dropped a lapfull of crochet books in my lap and told me to pick whatever i wanted from them, as she had already done all of them.


So, what did i find? Yeppers....


My only problem is, that a few of the pages had some water damage on them, and stuck together, and thus, are a bit ripped. I was able to figure out most of it, except for one page and i was wondering if someone could help me out.


It is the 20th square, the Plain Square.


The last parts that i can make out is the end of Rnd 1.


If anyone out there could fill me in on what the rest of the pattern is for that square it would be greatly appreciated.


So far, i got three squares done during the last two days of vacation. I'll be using this as a 'scrap yarn' project, and i'm planning on joining it all in black.


I don't have a crochet blog, goodness knows my normal journal keeps me busy enough, but i will be posting pictures in my Yahoo photos as i get more progress done.


I am sooo looking forward to this project!


Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me out with that pattern blurb!

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Hi All-

I just signed up with crochetville, and am interested in joining the 63 squares crochet along. I bought the book about 6 months ago, completed three squares then put it away to work on holiday gifts. Today I was out and saw 63 more easy to crochet squares. Of course I had to buy it. I did however promise myself I would finish book 1 before venturing into book 2. Let's see how long that lasts. Anyway looking forward to crocheting along with everyone....and hopefully finishing this project one day. -Jen

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Ok, Ok, Ok - I give! :hi I wanna join this Crochet-along (my first!) I've had these book forever and a day and still haven't touched it, so give me an excuse! :hyper


How do I sign up? Just tell ya here? Ok - I'm tellin' ya!


Can't wait!:bounce



My blog: http://www.karlacardell.blogspot.com


:dance I just had to put that on here...he cracks me up!

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A New Year equals a New Beginning with my 63 Crochet-A-Long. I started it awhile back, only finished 3 squares and now I'm not crazy about the colors I chose... SO I will be picking new colors sometime this week (great excuse for a trip to the yarn store) :wink and I will get started on those many squares that I look forward to. :spina

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Alrighty... It's a new year and all the hustle and bustle has died down and I have picked up my afghan squares and started working again. I'm so excited.


I only had a few squares done so I decided that I would start at square 1 again and redo the ones I thought could be better. Oh my! Just in the few months since I started this afghan I can see a difference in my tension and stitch consistancy. This second batch is turning out so much better. Also, after reading the posts here and taking in some of the tips the size of my squares are turning out better. With the yarn I'm using I need an F hook to get the 8 inch squares. But I don't seem to need to switch hooks so that's good.


I can't wait to see how it's coming along in another few months, lol.

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Okay it is after the holidays so I am going to give this a shot! I figure I can work on this in amongst all my other projects so I don't get overwhelmed by it - this is by far the biggest project I've tried so I want to take my time on it. If I try and rush through I'll get frustrated and give up, lol!


Now to figure out what colors I want to use - I think I want to do it for my dad - the last afghan my mother made him (knitted) is starting to look a touch the worse for wear.



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thanks for adding me to the list. Glad I was still able to join this one.


Over the last several days of holidays I was able get the first 18 squares done. Got pics taken and will have them added to my blog soon [by the weekend]. Now that holidays are over the next squares will probably take me longer....what with work wanting 8 hours of me a day, haha

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Yay! :yay I'm glad folks are getting back into the squares. I did one square over the holidays and started another. Not much, but it's still progress. :rock

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Ok, I don't want to dredge up bad memories but I have to say #8 is kicking my butt!


I only had a total of nine squares done so I decided, now that I have had more practice, to redo the squares that weren't quite right. I started with square 1. Well the difference in my work was so noticeable that I figured I'd redo them all.


Well I'm up to #8, again. And of course it's not working. My original came out as a slanted square with very faint Chevron pattern. This time the pattern is much more bold but I still can't get the thing to square up.:th


I decided I'd browse through all the old posts and see what I could find for help. Then I stumbled across my very first post here. It's all about the #8 square, lol. I'd forgotten that's what brought me to Crochetville.


Any new theories on how to make this square work out?

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I know, It's really hard to go through the old posts and find stuff. I wish the search function were better here at ezboard. :(


Anyhow, I acutally gave Angie a little advice on Square #8 on the page right before this one (page 43 of this thread). She posted a pic of the square on her blog, and after looking at it, I gave her the following advice. I think it would apply in your situation, too, because I believe you should find this is the problem that makes #8 slanted.


I think I see the problem you're having with square #8. I went through the same thing. It looks like you're doing your all of your fpdcs (front post double crochets) right above the previous two fpdc beneath (if that makes any sense). Read the instructions carefully and do what they say, not what you want to do or even what seeems to make sense. :lol You've got groups of two fpdc that make up the chevrons. One of the two fpdc goes right above one of the previous two and the other moves over to the next stitch. I hope that makes a little bit of sense. :P :thinking1
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Okay need some suggestions!!


I'm going to be making this for my dad - I'm going to try and match the colors in his bedroom and replace the afghan he's been using. He's bringing me a roll of the wallpaper he used (LOL) so I can match colors ... I'd like to use a variagated with a light green, light purple and some neutral (offwhite? aran?) and solids pulling those colors from it - I still have to look to see if I can match the colors. :eek2


So that's four colors, lol. I want to do the squares in the solids and then the finishing/joining in the variagated - any idea how much I yarn I should get? If I use the RH, I'm thinking 3 skeins of the (8o z) for each of the solids (tho that seems like cutting it a little close) and 2 or 3 skeins (6 oz, right?) of the variagated.


Does that sound right? I know I should probably get an extra skein of each just in case but that's $$$ we don't have right now. I'm pushing it with that much already!

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the pattern book tells you in ounces how much you need of each colour.. so i would get what they told me except for the colour you are using to join.. i think that is the one that has the most oz on the book .. and maybe cut that colour by one skein..... and get 2 for joining... better to have too much than not enough..

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It's hard to say for sure. The pattern calls for 74 ounces total, but since RH SS tends to work up larger, you'll need more than what the pattern calls for, I would think. I bought mine (Patons Decor) by yardage, but RH SS doesn't give yardage. Anybody out there using RH SS for this ghan have any input?

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Guest xxJessBezzxx

Lord help me. *chuckles*


I only have five squares done.....and so far The Man has remarked about the last two.


"OOOhhh...can you make me a sweater with that stitch?"


"Oooh....you should do <<this>> with <<that>> stitch."


Then he starts flipping through the book...


Him - "Oooh..i DEFINATLEY want a blanket with THAT stitch."


Me - "No, honey, it's an afghan...not a blanket."


Him - "No, sweetie....a blanket denotes something LARGER than an afghan."


This from the man who thinks the blanket his mom made him for his bed was a piece of cake. It's nothing but HDC.....for a KING sized bed....with about 6 inches of overhang on all sides.


So, yeah....i'm not so sure i want him to see any future squares...


He's already contemplating a "list to do" for my crocheting....

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