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Appreciation for Crochet

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Do any of you have a hard time when those around you have not appreciation of crochet work? I visited my sister this weekend and took along a crocheted dress bodice I have been working on for DGD, I thought I might make one for her daughters, my nieces and wanted to measure it up on them while I was there. (I am using the crosstich sundress pattern from Maggies crochet)Anyway I pulled it out and while holding it up to my youngest niece my sister said, why do you do that? Dont you know you can buy crocheted halters and tops at the swapmeet for $10? She went on and on about how or why would someone put that time into something when you can buy them for so cheap.... anyway, I handled it pretty well in front of them all, but it has really really bothered me after I went home. I love to crochet and have done so for over 30 years, but very very few around me give my art any value. Do any of you deal with simular issues? Or is it just me?:(

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Once in a while my oldest GD (she's 16 and too cool for words) will make a thoughtless comment, and my lovely step-daughter has as well. I just remember what I was like at that age and think of something Gerald O'Hara said to Katie Scarlett in Gone with The Wind (altered, of course for the situation) "Ah but you are so young - It will come to you, this love of the land" (or crochet, or cooking, or walking the stream, or cuddling a baby, etc.)

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OH MY GOSH!!! You have no idea how much I can relate to that!! And it happens right in my own house! arggg!! My husband and both of my 18 year old daughters constantly say stuff like "why don't you just buy one" referring to what ever I am making. :irk They just don't get it!! They don't understand why I go gaga over a beautiful afghan for example. I try to explain to them it's like art work, these are beautiful creations but they just don't see the beauty. Or when ever I make a comment about being mad about all the the fabric stores closing and Walmart closing there fabric dept, My husband keeps saying thats because "nobody does that anymore" arrrggg! Thats just not true!!! :no I try to ignore them, Thank goodness for this forum and for all of the crochet and craft blogs out there!! It's the only place where there are people that feel the same way I do about crafts! :yes

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I get snide comments from my family about it too. They do give me some good advice sometimes though. Most of the time they are just so critical of my work until it is done and then they finally get it and just don't have anything mean to say anymore. Once I was talking to a guy, close to dating, but never did. Anyways, long story. He had a child with another woman. While I was making the blanket he made a very mean comment. He asked me how old I was because I was crocheting. I'm 22, so that was a very rude comment to me. He got a piece of my mind after that. He never made another comment about it when I showed him the blanket, he loved it so much that he wanted me to make another one. So don't get so discouraged. They will come around.

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Thank for your support my crochet friends. I doubt my family will come around... but maybe a few friends. I dont care if they dont come around, crochet is also my stress relief so I will continue hookin. It is good to have groups like this to help me ignore the rude comments my family makes.

Hey Crocus I love that quote you have up... great one.

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From what I've seen of my fiance's family, they're like that as well. I'm making things for the children, though, and I'll be making an afghan for each person in the wedding party, but other than that, I probably won't make anything unless it's asked or ordered and paid for.

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Your situation makes me realize how lucky I am. When your loved ones denigrate your efforts and talent, it really hurts. I am lucky that my husband of four years knits, so he knows the addiction and the effort that goes into making something. Also selling my crochet work at the military bases has been such a morale booster. I am thrilled when our young military people come up and admire my work. Some people may never 'get it' but this is a wonderful, comfortable, supportive group here and we are lucky for that.



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When people make comments to me like that I just look them straight in the eye and say "How sad you don't have anything you love to do."


Usually shuts them up right away.

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Thankfully my family and friends are supportive. DH is too--he plays computer games for a hobby, so it's all in what your preference is. I've made caps, baby blankets, placemats and dishcloths for family, and, even though I'm not particularly gifted at it, the others whose names I did not draw are hoping I pick their name this year for Christmas! I guess here in the South handmade items and crafts are still valued.


Just keep on hookin' even if it seems you're the only person who appreciates it! We appreciate you, and we understand.

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I think your family is very blessed to have someone that loves them so much that some inexpensive "get it anywhere" won't do for gift-giving. Handmade with love all the way! I'm sorry they can't see that.


I'm so grateful that my daughter has always appreciated crochet....even though I've only made scarves for her (I'm not known for my ability to FINISH, so "size matters" items like sweaters don't get made.) She is grateful that I will make a baby item here and there for her future children (not that I'm rushing it! :eek )



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If you ever want someone to REALLY appreciate your crochet, visit the "Crochet for Charity" link on Crochetville! So many soldiers, orphans, homeless people, cancer patients LOVE AND APPRECIATE your craft! :yes When you crochet for charities you are reminded with each stitch how blessed you are that you can crochet for others and that somewhere on this planet your project will say to someone "I care." Does it get any better than this!?:bheart

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i am very blessed when it comes to my family and my arts and crafts. i do alot of things, i knit, i crochet,sew, paint, play with clay,do beeding

make jewelry, quilt ect. not once has my family EVER had anything bad to say, in fact they help me by looking at what i am making and giving me their opinion on what i am making , wether or not it needs something or ??hubby has a awesome eye and shows great talent in helping me with stitches, and colors ect. kids brag me up all the time especially to their friends, in fact most of their friends want something i made. i feel sorry for your family cause they are missing out the best of you, shame on them for not supporting your love . anytime you need someone to talk to come on here cause we all know and understand. someday they will get it i hope:yes:yes

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