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The Guard's Approval

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Today I was called in for jury duty. I was told the court began at 9:30, but I was there at 9:20 and the baliff was already through the G's on the roll call! Good thing I was further down the list. The courtroom was packed, and the only seats left were on the front row. So I sat on the front row, right next to the jury box, until noon, when I was dismissed. I crocheted the whole time, and didn't speak to a soul.


As I was being dismissed, the guard who sat by the jury box followed me to compliment me on how quickly I worked! I had finished a bright green and yellow potholder from the SnB book - yes, the Skullholder!


I don't know what I would have done without my crochet to keep me focused. I surely would have daydreamed if I hadn't had something for my hands to do. I also worked a scrumble for about 80 minutes, just to have a break from the potholder.


Jury duty = crochet time ~ Joy

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My mother had jury duty yesterday. She has problems with her hands so she couldn't crochet all day, but she brought her WIP with her and got a good amount done.


You are right. Jury duty does equal crochet time!

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I was called to jury duty about a year ago. I didn't realize I still had a tiny (4" long) toy gun in my purse. I had bought it at a toy show over the weekend. Well, the gun was confiscated. I was told I could retrieve it when I was ready to leave the building.


I thought it was a little silly and I was a smart aleck. After the gun was returned, I pointed it at the guard and said "bang bang."


In retrospect, that was pretty stupid. Fortunately the guard recognized the humor.

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I was called to jury duty about a year ago. I didn't realize I still had a tiny (4" long) toy gun in my purse. I had bought it at a toy show over the weekend. Well, the gun was confiscated. I was told I could retrieve it when I was ready to leave the building.


I thought it was a little silly and I was a smart aleck. After the gun was returned, I pointed it at the guard and said "bang bang."


In retrospect, that was pretty stupid. Fortunately the guard recognized the humor.


That's too funny.


It seems like everyone has jury duty lately. Except me. :D I was going to give a gift to the librarian at my son's school today, and she was at jury duty. :( I hope she is there tomorrow, it's the last day of school!

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I have "off" of Jury duty until my youngest goes to School - the whole "primary caregiver" exemption. But then I'll have to file again and say my kid(s) are homeschooled, so I'd be in violation of the law if I left them for that long! LOL!

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I have "off" of Jury duty until my youngest goes to School - the whole "primary caregiver" exemption. But then I'll have to file again and say my kid(s) are homeschooled, so I'd be in violation of the law if I left them for that long! LOL!


I just got my jury duty notice. I sent a letter trying to get out of it. I have 2 young kids (not in school yet). MY husband is a teacher, but doesn't get out of school until 2 days after my jury duty starts. :eek And this is the third time I've been called up in about 3 1/2 years.

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I've been called for jury duty quite a few times and the only time I didn't go was when I was in the Army (I was 19). I feel that it's my responsibility (just like voting) and besides, it's interesting. It's also a break from doing the same thing every day and you get to crochet all day if you want (my last jury duty I was able to make a scarf). I've met alot of interesting people along the way....

Debi Y. :hook

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I think if I had been reading, I would have been told to stop. But I was clearly paying attention - I frequently made eye contact with the judge (again, I was sitting on the front row) and looked up from my work about as often as I looked down at it. It was the closest I've ever come to not watching my work while I crochet.


I think crocheting helped me pay better attention, since I found that I wasn't daydreaming.


The only reason I thought maybe I wouldn't have been allowed to crochet is because of the "weapons" issue. I took a tiny pair of nail scissors as my scissors, but no one even asked to search my bag. Also, one of the courtroom guards was mere feet away from me the whole time (the one who complimented my speed!). I'm so glad I was allowed to crochet. It made the day go by so much faster!


~ Joy

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I have "off" of Jury duty until my youngest goes to School - the whole "primary caregiver" exemption. But then I'll have to file again and say my kid(s) are homeschooled, so I'd be in violation of the law if I left them for that long! LOL!


I just got my jury duty notice. I sent a letter trying to get out of it. I have 2 young kids (not in school yet). MY husband is a teacher, but doesn't get out of school until 2 days after my jury duty starts. :eek And this is the third time I've been called up in about 3 1/2 years.


i am not that lucky either! they give very few exemptions here! i usually just suck it up and go then i am done for another 3 years and believe me when my three years are up i get another notice! noone else in my family does though! go figure

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I crochet all the time in meetings to keep myself focused. It is really helpful because I have ADD and I miss a lot if I am not crocheting. I worked at the same job for two years and for a couple weeks one time I wasn't working on any crochet items. One of my coworkers approached me and recommended that I start bringing my crochet again because my fidgeting was driving him nuts. Hehe

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I had Jury Duty the 14th thru the 18th.....I crocheted during breaks, but was not allowed to during the selection process. I got picked for a jury, and during those breaks, I pulled out my project. By the end of the week, folks were amazed at how far I had gotten!

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