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Pathetic, I know

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I've been going through stuff, preparing for a move, and I gathered all my yarn together. This is it. It's not much, but it's actually grown a lot over the past couple of months. I don't do many huge projects so this is actually a good amount for my needs. It's nice to finally have it all together!




*I'm not complaining. I love my little stash!*

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hey, that looks like my stash! but mine is so small because as soon as i buy yarn i use it right away. when i read about all these ladies with closets and rooms full of yarn, oh, i just couldn't imagine! i wouldnt mind tho, it would kind of be like my own yarn store! someday i'll be like those ladies. ahhh, someday!

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Oh how I envy you! I just bought a huge shoe organizer...the kind with all the boxes...to stash my yarn in and try to get more organized. I have come to the conclusion that I am a yarn and pattern "whore". :devil

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I have to admit that my stash is bigger than I "want". I get addicted to buying yarn (especially when it is on sale) and I sometimes wish that I had the willpower to refrain so that I could use the stuff that I have on hand. Sometimes I think I should sell off the stuff that I have, but then I feel like I can't part with anything! I think that is more pathetic!!!!

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Sometimes I wish my stash was that small. But then I remember that I got it all on sale, and I like all the different yarns. I have one tub that fits under the bed and one tub about the size of yours.


Of course dh probably wishes I didn't have a stash. LOL

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I wish my stash was that small sometimes. Mine isn't like a yarn store, like some others. It's more like a thrift store:P with half used skiens and old ones. But fun to look through and use for little projects. I do find some full skiens sometimes, and that's fun too.


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A yarn and pattern whore???? :laughroll:rofl


You are so not alone on that one - as I sit here at work printing online patterns and placing yarn orders! :heehee

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