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4 Bags Full

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Hello everyone! I was cleaning/organizing my office/craft room, and I now have 4 garbage bags of yarn that I am getting rid of. It is mostly acrylic. Any suggestions of what I should do with it? There are full skeins, some halfs, many colors, many thicknesses. Thank you for all your help!

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I say take it to a local hospital, teen center, etc to see if they can use it to make afghans for the needy, etc. I am sure that there are lots of chapters who would love to have it. If that doesn't appeal to you, then catorgrize it and offer it for sale. I know I love to get good buys on yarn so it doesn't cost me so much when I make afghans to donate... Good luck on whatever you decide.... I would pay for shipping if you would like to send it to me.

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I sometimes give yarn away to nursing homes....most of those people have nothing...and some of them pass the time away doing crafts..



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Yup, those are all good options


a) get to crocheting! :hook

b) make a donation to someone who crochets for charity, or other RAOK's

c) Ebay it

d) put up a trade request for something you'd rather have, that'd be of comparable value (maybe just list an estimation of the value, based on the average cost of an acrylic skein times how many full skeins you estimate you have, like if you count 2 halves as 1 whole skein?)


not necessarily in that order :lol

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This would certainly be a Project Linus blanket-maker's dream come true, speaking as one myself. :) There are also several other causes like Project Dulaan or Warm Up America that might not have a chapter near you, but surely someone around there who could use the yarn for these might be found on Freecycle or maybe your local yarn shop could suggest someone who does charity crafting.

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I say give it to charity! There are so many deserving ones...You could split the yarn up between different ones...for example, give any baby yarns to project linus, and the others you could divy up between maybe a nursing home and Warm Up America etc. My gramma crochets dishclothes and potholders (she had a stroke and has arthritis so any larger projects are really out of the question) and not all older people have the money to buy yarn! Since most are on fixed income it has to be hard to support their craft! Plus, it's nice to have something that your gramma, mother and so on made for you! Sentimental Value!

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I know that putting it in the trade section here that there are several people that would love to trade or at least pay shipping to be able to use it for charity. You could also look at RAOK lists to send it to someone there requesting scraps for projects.

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This sounds like the perfect yarn to make PURRFECT kitty snuggle mats for the shelter kitties. The kitties don't care what color their snuggle mats are, they are simply happy to have something warm and cozy under their feet, instead of the wire cage. I make snuggle mats for our local animal shelter and they are happy to get them.

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