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You know you have a problem when....

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You are looking thru your purse for your debit card and find a tiny scrap of yarn.. You just might be near the LYS at lunch time. (by the way, your coworkers all look at each other like "she needs help"):D

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Younger co-workers insist you don't have a life because you work on charity work at home instead of going out to the bar.....

Then I will choose this life :yes

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When you read this thread, laughing hysterically, until you realize, hey, most of these apply to me!!:blush:lol

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You know you are in trouble when,

You have bins and closets full of yarn and thread, then go out and buy an ottoman that opens so you can have more room to store yarn.:rofl

:rofl I have been laughing so hard at this thread, that the DH had to read it, and comment that his statement "that I did not own a skein of yarn, when I went to the store", was true.:rofl

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Younger co-workers insist you don't have a life because you work on charity work at home instead of going out to the bar.....

Then I will choose this life :yes


Ladies around here are always on my case for getting a babysitter and going to candle parties and stuff. I would rather stay home with my kids and crochet and watch a movie with them. Even if dh were here I still wouldn't go to candle parties.


As an aside, do any of you meet people who think there is something wrong with being a homebody? I like my house and the activities I do in it. Why do I always need to be on the go? I don't crochet for something to do to waste time, I do it because I enjoy it. As much as my dh teases me about all my yarn he is glad I buy yarn and not piles of shoes or something like that. He thinks yarn is better as you can make something with it.


It may sound sad that my kids realize that yarn makes me happy but I think there are a lot worse things. It is like gardening or woodworking, a skill that is constructive but it does take time. I often crochet when the kids are in the bath or listening to music. As I am not really into little kids cartoons I crochet while sitting on the couch to keep them company. I save the pineapple motifs and things that involve a lot of counting for when dh is around and I don't have as many disruptions.


I don't mean to break the lighthearted mood of this thread. It isn't like we are any worse than people who cheer for a sports team or something like that.




Another one is you know you have a problem when your kids get into your stash as that is the naughtiest thing they can think of to do.



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You know you have a problem when your boss asks you to go to Office Max and tells you to go ahead and stop in JoAnn's if you want as it is right next door!


You know you have a problem when you walk into any JoAnn's and they call out your name!

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You know you are trouble when your Boyfriend drop you at the yarn store and then goes to work, and says call me when you are done and I will come and get you.

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I was changing the sheets on the guestroom bed (my parents had been visiting and left last Tuesday) and between the sheets was $40 with a note from my step mom "Thank you for everything, go buy some yarn!"

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I was changing the sheets on the guestroom bed (my parents had been visiting and left last Tuesday) and between the sheets was $40 with a note from my step mom "Thank you for everything, go buy some yarn!"

thats so sweet!

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When you have a linen closet and you have nothing but yarn in it.


We just moved and I decided that we have enough cabinet space in the bathrooms for the extra towels and the bedroom closets are big enough for the bedding so the linen closet is for yarn.

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Everyone is always commenting on how well my son knows his colours (he is 4 today). He also knows what all the articles of clothing are too. Way ahead of the other kids......:blush


I would love it if my mom left me some money to buy yarn. It sounds like your step mom actually knows the cost of yarn Crocus...my mom would probably give me $5 thinking it would be enough.



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