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What are your crafting goals for May?

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Hmm, May goals...


1) make my first FBB

2) start a bed doll for new niece coming in July

3) try some more thread crochet

4) finish dd's dress (sewing)

5) make a bag from Victorian Charm

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How am I doing???? Let me see..


1) make my first FBB~~~~done

2) start a bed doll for new niece coming in July

3) try some more thread crochet~~made a book mark

4) finish dd's dress (sewing)

5) make a bag from Victorian Charm~~~started LOL

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My goals for June (since May is already almost done) include:


1. Attend my first craft fair with consignment inventory

2. Bring on two new designers

3. Build enough inventory to attend a craft fair with only my things (not that I actually would, but just to know I have that much built up!)

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My Crafting Goals for June are:


1) learn to felt. I need to get some brown wool to go with all the other colors I have I want to make the Floral Felted Bag (Nicky Epstein): http://iwpshopinfo.interweave.com/Knits/2004newsletters/fall04projects.htm

2) I want to make a fat quarter bag (sewing) I have the pattern and the fabric just need to sit down and do it. 3) I have a UFO quilt that I started for my daughter and I need to get it finished for her.

4) I want to try some polymer clay stuff. I have the clay just need to st down and do it.

5) Make a lace scarf with mohair yarn I have. I even have the pattern.

6) Learn to knit better and make a sweater.

7) Tool some leather items. (again I have the stuff to do it...Just no time!)

8) Make my niece a skirt and halter I saw in a magazine.

9) purple squares for krafty kitten.

10) Sort out the craft supplies I have to use or sell them!!

11) make doily for swap and mail

12) make the stitch markers for swap I'm in and mail pkg.

13) secret pal swap...mail pkg after I make...OOPS can't say... SHHH!

14) Find a way to store craft stuff in a more organized way that takes up very little room. hahaha!

15) make pine needle baskets ...Have everything except the sinew i think it is called.


Think I will be busy????

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1. finish RR baby blanket for Niece

2. finish (I just "had" to start it tonight) crochet dress in latest knit simple magazine - it's sooo cute!

3. finish peggytoes' thread fairy monkey for my oldest ds (even at 17 they still want their toys!!!)

4. finish a thread crochet flower fairy for my dd


I do have to take a break for a couple of days though, my hands are killing me! I have done probably 2/3's of the RR and I started it yesterday. Not smart to spend so much time, all at one time, crocheting when you have a problem with pinched nerves in both hands and elbows! :( You know how it is though when you get obsessed about doing something!



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I like the idea of putting it in my signature....I am going to use your idea and do that too....

Goals:: for May (and probably June)


Doily Swap

Finish the RR in thread (my thread didn't show up and we leave tomorrow, so I won't be able to work on it this week)

Pineapple tablecloth (won't finish it is hugh but need to keep working on it)

Blue/white lapghan for donation


Guess that is all, don't want to start anything until I am caught up....

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