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Touchy Weird Yarn people

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When I told my hubby what happened. He asked me why I didn't stick them with my crochet hook. I looked at him with a shocked look on my face :eek and he smiled and said "you do it to me all the time". Which is true I poke him softly with the hook when he teases me about stuff.

If something like that happens again. Well, nothing that strange can happen again, I hope! But if someone touches or grabs my work without asking I think next time I will need to do a little poking. :lol No, seriously I think I will just be assertive and not so shy and passive. In my defense all I can say is that they really did take me by surprise. I have never felt so violated before.


Ever since I started taking my antidepressants I have been a lot more passive and not nearly so hot tempered. It use to be that I would have yelled and slapped their hands for touching my work without permission. But now I am more calm and generally relaxed. I like feeling better about life, but boy is there ever some strange people out there!!! :scared

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Spooky but funny. In this day and age, I couldn't get away from people like that fast enough!


Having said that, I enjoy crocheting on my front porch. It usually attracts the neighborhood kids which is fine .... for a little while. No one has ever bothered me at the doctor's office fortunately. I will usually get a smile from other patients and the nurse will ask what I'm making, but that's about it. I'm sure my body language keeps people away.:lol


I think I would react quite angrily if something like your situation happened to me!:angry

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I have clearly defined personal space and do not hesitate to inform people when they are in it! That's just down right creepy! Ya know - people get the strangest looks when you ask them to "Please stop talking to me."


I would've freaked! It's one thing to admire or ask questions is downright creepy to be followed into the bathroom.


It's good to know i'm not the only one that find the ladies room a perfectly acceptable escape! lol

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The only time I ever crocheted in public was when I went with my mom to her minor surgery. People did stare at me, but nobody bothered me or asking me anything. Hearing this, I think I may have been fortunate...

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I often crochet at the Customer Service Desk at my work, since we aren't too busy during the day. I've started most of my fellow customer service associates on crocheting, so there are usually 2 or 3 projects sitting on the counter at various times during the day.


Most people come in and say, "What are you KNITTING?" Sometimes I say, "I'm not knitting anything, but I am crocheting a ..." On occasion people would pick up our work and examine it, which is rather frustrating sometimes, and other times I can tell that they are really interested and also knit or crochet, and respect my work.


In most cases I like that other people take an interest in my work, but when they feel the need to pick it up it gets annoying.

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I crochet on public transport a LOT. The only real negative thing I ever heard from anyone was some teen mother who got on the bus with her child and her gaggle of friends. They commented on how "lame" I was (being 23 at the time, I guess they thought it/I was uncool). I said that I didn't think that being able to imagine a garmet or accessory of my choosing then actually owning it in exactly the colour/size I wanted was that lame. A couple of them said that they "hadn't thought of it like that", and would ask their grandmas to teach them haha!


Mainly I have little elderly ladies tell me all about what they used to make before their sight worsened or they got arthritis or whatever. I really like it. A lot of people seem to think I'm intimidating, being 5'8", around 225lbs, tattooed, pierced, hairdyed, whatever... I sort of find it funny that people find me intimidating because in reality I'm soft as butter. I like that little old ladies talk to me though, I like that they see me crochet and think "we have something in common" and therefore talk to me. Despite being sometimes 50 or 60 years my senior, sometimes a different nationality, different religion, different upbringing, different everything, they see me crochet and start talking to me. I absolutely love it. I actually really enjoy the company of the elderly. I used to talk to my maternal grandmother about all sorts, and would quiz my maternal grandfather about things like the war, old jobs he used to do, things he invented, what his childhood was like... I absolutely adored it.


In the village I grew up in, there was an elderly lady who I used to speak to at the bus stop and then on the bus. She used to ask me about college, and things I was doing, and she used to tell me that my pillarbox red/pink/blue/green/white/yellow/whatever colour it was that week was "fun" and it "cheered her up" to see a young person with "a bit of life in them". She was the most conservative old lady you'd imagine, and she'd tell me "If I was your age now I'd put those coloured rinses in my hair too!". She'd love my crocheting. I think she'd find it really eccentric.


Anyway... Just going totally off topic!!! My point really, was that I love people talking to me about my crochet. I don't want approval or whatever from people, but I like that people see it and are interested enough to talk to me about it.


But the following into the bathroom I'd find a little odd :lol

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It would really bother me to have strangers come up and touch my yarn. I always make sure to wash my hands first before I crochet as not to dirty the yarn. A similar phenomenon: people touching a pregnant woman's stomach. I always wondered why my maternity shirts were always dirty on the stomach area and then I figured it out.

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I sometimes crochet whenever I am at the doctor's office or some places like that and have had people comment on how nice my things were and that they widhed they could crochet but I have never had anyone try to touch my things.

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Wow, I wonder if the 3rd lady noticed what happened and knew these two. maybe she was trying to rescue you from them. I don't mind when folks comment on my crocheting. but in a doctor office, I definately don't want em sitting right next to me or touching my yarn. I catch things too easily.


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The last time I was in a ladies room it was by accident and I was in a foreign country and everyone screamed but it really wasn't my fault because I couldn't read the sign and they should really have used those international symbols.




Drew, you are too funny. Thanks for the laugh! :hook

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The only time I had someone come up and do the touchy-feely thing with my yarn was when a little girl, maybe 5 or 6 years old came up while I was working with fun-fur at a bowling tournament my husband was in. She thought it was neat so I did a chain for her to wear as a necklace.

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I've had ladies ask what I'm making and a few even ask if they could feel the texture of the yarn as it looks so soft. Never in my life has anybody ever came up and just touched my work like that. To think they were so inquisitive as to follow you to the ladies room, they sound like they were a couple bricks short of a full load.

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