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Crochet hook storage

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I wanted to share some placemats I turned into on the go crochet/knit tool trolls. You can see them here


Let me know if you have any questions how I put them together. I tried to share what I did so other can make them too.

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I'm one of those who uses the Crystal Light Tea containers. I just crocheted a cover for it so my kids would stop knocking it over and my needles go flying. This works great for me. I did make it taller than the container because I like leaving a pair of scissors in it. Here are some pictures.


That's what I use too. Well, it actually contained Crystal Light Lemonade, the 12 qt size. It's just the right height.

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I use the long mini-M&M's tubes for my Bates hooks and plastic hooks (old-style boye and white Bates Luxite) and also for my steel hooks.


My aluminum Boye hooks are just a hair too long for the M&M tubes. The top *will* close, but tends to pop open in my WIP bag.


When I was shopping for achool supplies for the kids a few weeks ago, I found cool pencil cases, that are perfect!:idea


The cases are made of plastic and have a box that slides into a sleeve and then have a flap that snaps to the outer sleeve to hold it closed. The Boye hooks fit easily, and there's also plenty of room to keep a 6" ruler, a small pair of scissors, a pencil, and a small stack of sticky notes.


I think I like these better than the m&m tubes. :c9 Now I can see the sizes of my hooks and pick out the one I want without tipping them all out into my hand first :hook (which for me was as likely to end up with all the hooks on the floor or in my lap as with me having the hook I was trying for. Just call me butterfingers, lol).

I even recommended them to a beginning crochet class I taught recently.


And for my various yarn and sewing needles, I've started using the jumbo Tic-Tac containers. I saw them at the dollar store a couple of months ago, and of course, I immediately realised how useful they would be. Oh yeah, and the kids liked getting handfuls of Tic-Tacs so I could use the containers. :hyper

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When I was shopping for achool supplies for the kids a few weeks ago, I found cool pencil cases, that are perfect!The cases are made of plastic and have a box that slides into a sleeve and then have a flap that snaps to the outer sleeve to hold it closed. The Boye hooks fit easily, and there's also plenty of room to keep a 6" ruler, a small pair of scissors, a pencil, and a small stack of sticky notes.


I saw these at Staples a couple months ago, for 99 cents each! I bought a few of them... I'm keeping them for Xmas gifts, filled with hooks of course! :) They would also be great gifts for new crocheters! Or Secret Pals! Or swaps!


I like that they are sturdy, so the hooks dont get damaged - especially important for bamboo/wood hooks! They also big enough to keep several hooks in, as well as a measuring tape, yarn cutter, etc.

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I have a blue zippered case hubby bought me at Wal_mart several years ago. It has the elastic across that is divided into differnt sizes from steel hooks to fairly good size aluminum ones. What wont fit just lays inside loose, along with a small pair of scissors, a pencil, some saftey pins, and darning needles. It is full but I can still get it zipped:)



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I too use a soft pencil case but only for my metals. My other hooks are scattered all over my 'desk' in old Colman's mustard tins,an old tin that I painted bright pink and then decopaged with flowers cut from wrapping paper and an interesting six sided preserves jar that also has confetti candy in it!

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