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Delivered my first batch!

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I had to spill the beans. If anyone can understand what I'm talking (ok raving) about its the people here.:yes


My dad was kind enough:hug to drive me to the SPCA and the hospital today where I delivered my first batch of goodies! 10 PetHugRugs to the SPCA, and about 30-35 booties/hats (22 were sets) to the hospital!


You know something? I'm glad they are finally where they are supposed to be! Not only will they (finally!) be useful, now I have room to make more! Muwahaha! :devil


I was shy as heck, and scared a little, so I just kinda Hi, here you go, read the enclosed letter, BYE! (running away), but the people were so nice! and they SO needed the stuff! So, back to them hooks!


Hugs to all... just had to share my happy bubble!


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You're one up on me! :lol I keep walking past the Red Cross office out here (I have to pass it up on the way to the kids' school), thinking "I should go in there and ask if they could use lapghans or something" but I keep shying away from it.


Good for you!!! :clap You just went ahead and did it. And I bet you feel SO good about it, too, dont'cha? :hook

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That is wonderful - I'm sure that gave you a warm, fuzzy feeling to get them delivered. I've wanted to do some charity crochet but just haven't done it.


You should be really proud of yourself for getting those items completed and delivered :yay

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Awesome! I truly believe it's better to give than receive. It just leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling, especially when something you've made is so well received. Congrats! :applause

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Doesn't it make you feel good to help out like that? But take the credit, give them your name address if you want - maybe the SPCA will post a thank you on their bulletin board if they have one.

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It is an awesome feeling to give away your handcrafts when you know someone could truly use them. It's helping others in a special way. I know at Christmas time, when I gave a box to the special needs nursery, It made me feel good inside.


How just a little yarn and a hook can make the receiver and the giver both feel good.


You are awesome!



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