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Who did what for Valentine's Day for your loved ones?

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we had a huge snow storm and couldn't do much but I made my three children and husband homemade cards. I gave them all some chocolates with the cards. My oldest daughter and I crocheted together (she's ten and crochets very well), my son and I watched cartoons and I cuddled with my baby daughter. :manyheart It was a special day for me.

I finished a keyhole scarf I was working on in a beautiful teal blue and my daughter finished a pillow.


I think the heart you made is beautiful. I wish I had thought of something like that.

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I crocheted my dh socks.... shown in this thread

and I gave him a card and dark chocolate truffles and green M&Ms


and I took care of snowblowing the 800 foot drive 3 times today while he was at work...


HE came home early with a dozen red roses:clap , a card and mint chocolate chip icecream (specifically Hood's Boston Red Sox Green Monster Mint Ice Cream!)....:manyheart


now he's sick in bed:(, wearing his socks:) !

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Well, I awoke this morning to nothing. My husband stayed home from work do to the bad weather today so I prepared a nice breakfast of homemade pancakes. I had a small gift for him at his place on the breakfast table along with a small gift for my daughter at her place.


Still I recieved nothing. I spent most of the morning convincing myself that my husband does love me. He is just not a gifty type person and he does NOT like giving flowers on occaisions that "call" for flowers. He believes they are more special when they are given out of the blue.


I was a bit disappointed because with the bad weather, there really wasn't a way for him to run to the store to pick up something. (in case he really did forget)


UPS arrived today with my daughter's birthday gift I had ordered and the delivery lady went back to her truck for a second package. Lo and behold...she brought me a box of flowers. 18 dozen roses!!! I have NEVER gotten flowers delivered before. I was on :c9 . Not only did my husband remember...but he remembered long enough ago to order flowers for me to be delivered. He even had a gorgeous vase delivered and a small box of chocolates. It was a very special day.

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Unfortunately, I am about 1,000 miles away from my husband right now. I just checked my email though, and he just wrote me the most beautiful letter he's ever written. I feel very special and loved. :manyheart I only wish that I were home. :sigh (My dad's leukemia is back and I'm down south with my parents for a little while.)

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That's so sweet y'all!:manyheart I actually COOKED for my hubby tonight! I made pork chops, mashed taters, green beans, and we had a salad. I also baked cookies!:cchip I don't get paid til tomorrow, so I'll pick him up a set of wrenches he wants...however, I think dinner is more special since I haven't cooked in ages. I was not blessed with kitchen skills!:no


He gave me a beautiful necklace at dinner this past saturday.:c9


Sounds like love is in the air!:manyheart


P.S. thinking of you and your family Ruth.

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My boyfriend somehow managed to get the night off from work tonight. (he must have sold his soul to the devil or something)


He drove into Omaha (he lives in Lincoln) and took me out to a local restaurant called The Upstream Brewery http://www.upstreambrewing.com/ He didnt get to my house till after 830 (Murphy and his stupid laws kept screwing up BF's plans)


We sat, ate dinner, had actual dessert! (MmmmMMmmm...chocolate cookie cake!) My boyfriend had his chocolate beer that he'd been wanting for months. http://www.upstreambrewing.com/Blackstone-Stout.aspx The only time I've ever seen him drink alcohol has been at the Upstream....well...except for last V-day when we went to the casino over in Iowa and they were offering free glasses of champagne for all the people over the age of 21.


I didnt get him a card, and he didnt get me a card, but I did give him a can of Planter's Spanish Peanuts. He bought me dinner AND dessert, so I could care less if I got a card or flowers (allergic to roses anyways)


I just thought it was cool to sit and spend a couple of hours with him. I've been having a crappy couple of months healthwise and so it felt nice to just go out to eat with my boyfriend like a normal person.


oh...and the kiss(ing) at the end of the date...ohhh...that made it worth going out into the -12 degree weather. (warmed me up! :manyheart )



Never been in love before, never thought I would be...it's weird...really weird sometimes, but cool nonetheless.. :yes

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i kicked dinner up a notch and made something nice lol


i made skirt steak pinwheels with mushroom/bacon/onion middles

and a cream sauce for over.

also twice baked cheddar potatos and carrots.


I let the supermarket take care of dessert, i got some little pasteries from the bakery department.


he loved it. :)


this weekend we go for my gift b/c he works long crazy hours. (its yarn, and im picking it out lol)

he did make me a card on the computer and left it on the kitchen counter

for me to find in the morning. it was sooooo cute. :manyheart

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My family and I made heart-shaped cupcakes and just hung out together for Valentine's since we had a snowstorm yesterday. DH cooked a nice pork roast dinner then after the kids went to bed, we snuggled and watched movies. Minus the arguments between my 12yr old DD and her best friend, it was a good day.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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We had movie night at church with a pot luck dinner. There was SOOO much food! Then we watched "One Night With The King" on the big screen in the sanctuary. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it, it is a beautiful love story based on the book of Esther. I could see it over and over again. :)

As for hubby, he's never (ever!) been what I would call "romantic". I don't believe I ever got a valentine card from him, but that's ok. He makes up for it in other area's. He know's better than to bring me candy :no (I've been on a diet for 17 years, lol!), so I guess he's always figured what's the point in flowers. He brought me flowers after I had our babies, and I think that's it. still it would be nice............ :)

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We were obviously all in a candy mood since there were Fannie Mays all around. We also gave the kids some money and my husband gave me a Borders gift card. He took me out to breakfast and lunch and then we all went out for pizza, so I didn't have to prepare anything. (I hate to cook.) The kids had me take them to Game Stop to spend their new wealth today.

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My husband gave me a card with a nice message inside. :manyheart


I gave him a card, a small glass block with a rose lasered in (I'm not describing it well) that has a stand that shines blue light through it, and a little stuffed mouse holding a rose.


A co-worker of his called that night and gave him grief for not buying me stuff and taking me out for dinner! :eek


Today I had an unpleasant interview and was feeling pretty cruddy when I was done in the city. I picked my husband up from work and he knew I was down. So he took me out for a quiet dinner and drove us both home so I didn't have to drive. To me, getting that kind of TLC when I really need it shows his love and affection. :c9

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Lo and behold...she brought me a box of flowers. 18 dozen roses!!!


:flower Wow! 18 dozen roses!! That's a lot! I'll bet you had roses everywhere! :lol Congratulations!



My DH was out of town, so I made a little gift bag and stuck it in his suitcase. I filled it with some of his favorite snacks, some Scooby Doo boxers, and a card. When he got home last night he took me to dinner!



To see the gift bag, just clickon my picturetrail link below. It's in the craft album.

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she brought me a box of flowers. 18 dozen roses!!! I have NEVER gotten flowers delivered before. I was on :c9 . Not only did my husband remember...but he remembered long enough ago to order flowers for me to be delivered. He even had a gorgeous vase delivered and a small box of chocolates. It was a very special day.


18 dozen? (doing math in head...carry the one) That's 216 roses!

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