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What is your tip to speed up your crocheting?

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I hold my crochet hook like a pencil and all my movement is in the wrist.


But I do agree with the others, less time at the 'Ville and the refrigerator would increase my speed more.

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:lol I love to crochet fast, too. It doesn't look relaxing, but it is to me. I hold my crochet hook like a dinner knife. It seems to go faster than holding it like a pencil. I also like to arrange my yarn so that I don't have to tug at it all the time. For cotton balls, I re-roll them so they are easy center-pull balls. If I'm using center pull skeins, I arrange them so they are easy to unwind while I crochet. Also, if I'm making something like a scarf, I work long-ways. That minimizes the turning time, arranging time and speeds things up.



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the way that i picked up my speed it to listen to some faster music or watch something that had a lot of action in it.....that makes you go fatster becasue you are keeping time with your hook and yarn....i hope that makes sense

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For me, I find I crochet faster when it's quiet and I'm lying semi-reclined, so the work is resting on my chest and I don't have to hold the weight of it as I make my stitches.


I vary how I hold the hook as I work, so I don't get that repetitive stress pain and other than that, I just get all zen with my yarn.

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I try not to go too fast. I feel like if I'm trying to keep up with the beat of some of the music I listen to, my hands would fall off. lol.

Crocheting is a stress-reliever...so I just try to take my time with it and not be too aware of how fast I'm going. I've discovered if I try to go fast, I end up making more mistakes and having to frog alot more often than if I just let myself go at a nice comfortable rhythm.



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Time yourself you are probably not as slow as you think. I sit on my settee surrounded by wool and crochet like mad. I can get loads done I think it is something that gets faster with time. Give yourself targets like one row / square etc in so many minutes or so many an hour. makes it more fun.

good luck xxx

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read through the pattern and know what is expected. check your gauge;less frogging. work with good yarns; some yarns are ' sticky '... or split as you work....ignore them. work with yarns you are comfortable....I hate ' fuzzies ' and rarely work with them. good lighting can make a huge difference; make sure a shadow does not fall on your work. your hook should be comfortablein your hand... manufacturers are different. I hold my hook pencil style when working with threads, and lighter yarns and hold it fist style when working on heavy projects. You work better ( faster ) a different times of the day use that to your advantage, morning and evening are best for me, afternoons I leave for simple projects like grannies or scarves. having enough yarn to actually finish your project. using a speaker phone...I can't crochet and hold the phone a the same time. I use a clip board to hold my pattern. row markers....I use to waste SO much time counting rounds or rows. Know when to stop....making mistakes, or working too slow or simply not enjoying your crochet time are signs to do something else. music helps, and I listen to books on tape as well. I hope some of this will help. Lots of luck....enjoy

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Here is a wee video I made a long time ago when the subject came up about grip.

My husband was the camera man and did not notice that he was filming some very weedy plant pots but it does show a bit of how I hold my yarn and work SCs & DCs.

I was not trying to go fast so I can comfortably go much faster but the point is, there is no need to go too fast because that is when mistakes crop up.

Remember the Hare & the Tortoise? Slow and steady wins the race.

I have a new camera now so I need to make a new video but I do not know how to get my pictures onto Photobucket, from the new camera.

When I can work it out, I will make a new video.

Hope this helps a bit anyway.

You may even be able to look at the rest of my Album while you are looking at the video.

I am never sure if you can or cant.

Have fun.


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