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Not doing so well today...sorry - venting...

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:hug I understand somewhat what you are going through. My dad's leukemia just came back, and it's always hard to deal with a terminal or lingering illness. I will be praying for you. Hang in there, and don't let go of the hook! :U
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My thoughts and prayers go with you. I know how trying it can be to take care of a terminally ill loved one, I've done it. You have done the best you can taking care of your parents, and even if they don't tell you, they know that you've done the best you can and that they are loved.


I'm glad you've had your crochet to keep you sane in this trying time.:hug :hug

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:hug What an incredibly difficult time your family has been going through. I'm so sorry. You mentioned Home Care personnel, but have you been in contact with hospice care? I understand they are very good at helping families deal with these things.
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(((hugs))) I second the hospice reccomendation, having been a hospice nurse in my long list of nursing jobs (and that having been my passion, and surely will be in my future). It's a lot to deal with, esp when you have both parents having problems... you need support now and in the future. :hug

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First of all - I thank each and everyone of you for your kind words, sympathetic hearts, well wishes, advice and encouragement and prayers - when I got home from the hospital last eve - and saw all your lovely responses I was a "puddle":cry


Now I had to pass on some snippets of better news -- although I still have that darned virus to contend with (the stomach one - I have had thru this whole thing!) I went to the doctors this morning to get results of my recent MRI I had as a follow up check on my "good" left side (when dealing with BC :pink in 2000 I had to have a right Mastectomy, but opted to keep the left as it was clear) -- and the MRI came back CLEAR - cancer free --- I really needed to hear that and know that after 5 years I wasn't facing this beast all over again -- so I was ":woo -ing" all the way home - and told my dh who drove me in this ice storm we are having here in the East, that the good MRI was the nicest Valentine :vheart I could have received and told the doc when he gave me the results that he had beat my dh to the punch in giving me such a nice Valentine gift!!!!!!!! He laughed!:lol:valday


The other improvement to report is that Dad sounds a little better by phone today and that they are giving him popsicles and other clear liqs in addition to his IV. I think his oncologist sees him today and they are going to be talking about arranging for Hospice to come into the nursing home, which will be a good thing.

He has not had a lot of pain and I know that they like to give Morphine to end stage cancer patients for comfort - I am hoping they will not push that if it is not needed. My Dad likes to be "with it" and not zoned - and I wouldn't want something like that to put him over the edge if he is not in pain....there I go worrying again over him!!! :worried Ugh!

Part of that is the nurse in me as well, I became an RN at 19 and have done just about every venue of nursing - except docs office kind. So I am somewhat familiar with Hospice from home care and nursing home. Since post-BC and the ensuing profound neuropathy I have I have been home and am done for now anyways with the long hours and off shift work I did as a nurse for over 20 years.


Talked to Mom today and it was not sooo bad - she was pleasantly confused and had stopped talking about being kidnapped and other such things -

She had a phone call from Dad in which he gave her a Valentine wish and kiss over the phone that made her happy.:heart


I am continuing to take things one day (and one stitch!) at a time - and yes I do sometimes hold my hook white knuckled I have been given some sleeping meds my the doc - but I don't usually like to take that sort of thing - but have been so run down that it may be for the best for a time anyways.


I will keep you posted on things and I am thankful for this group and this site for all the good it does and support it offers its members:hug :day:ghug

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As I posted 2-3 posts above - there has been some goood news amongst the whole thing --- and I am still overjoyed that my MRI came back negative!!!

Dad is somewhat stable and they are going to finally try and feed him thru his GTube tonight at a slow drip.

The "nova virus" at least that's what they call this modern day grip that has hit our area - hopefully hasn't sapped the little bit of reserves he has after the cancer & chemo tore most of that down. He has lots of hiccuping and dry heaves but it has slowed a bit. And no more temperature.

I spent about 6 hours at the hospital with him today - and of course had crochet in hand -- finished a quick fun fur scarf ( hate making them at this point but it is truly mindless and I can get interrupted with no problem there ) and I finished it just in time to give to the nurse Dad had the whole shift who followed thru on a lot of things that needed to get going - so a **ROAK** not only made her day but mine toooooo:manyheart

Again thank you all for the love and prayers you have expressed...:ghug

My dear hubby is now down for the count with the virus - so between the hospital and home this weekend I will have my hands full of caretaking and crochet as well ----- that will keep my mind off our NH ski trip I have to cancel with our friends tomorrow - such is life....I am making "lemonade" I guess!:think

Peace to you all...

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So sorry to hear about your dad and mom. My prayers are with you. My best friend went through the same thing with her parents about a year and a half ago. There is nothing to offer but thoughts and prayers. TammyG

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