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How much time do you spending hooking?

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I average about 2-4 hours a day (sometimes more if I don't log on to the 'Ville :lol)


I go nuts if I don't crochet. I've been watching afternoon cartoons with the kids while I hook, so at least I spend some time with them (and to put the project away when they want to snuggle)

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I average about 2-4 hours a day (sometimes more if I don't log on to the 'Ville :lol)


I go nuts if I don't crochet. )


Me too! I get antsy if I go a day without crocheting; it's worse than smoking ever was for me (which I've basically quit thanks to crochet). I usually get in about 2 hours a night, or longer if I can't sleep or am obsessing over a project. I'm working as a teaching assistant and if I could get away with it, I would crochet during lecture. But I don't think that would go over well with the prof.

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I go in spurts and stops. If I am really, really into finishing something for a specific date, I can go for hours at a time, depending on my work schedule and who's here in the house (read: kids, inlaws, DGS) and if DH is traveling, I can neglect everything and just crochet. If it's something I'm just piddling with, I can lay it down for 6 mos. and then get the notion to finish it.


Having DGS this week, I've been surprised at how much time I can actually get in. He watches cartoons, I crochet, he plays cars, I crochet, he takes a bath, I sit on the toilet and crochet. I think it helps that he knows I am making something for him - he's not torturing me and he's anxious to get the blanket!

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I crochet before getting ready for work, after I'm ready and waiting for the car to warm up and while I watch TV in the evenings. Usually have a project beside the bed too....

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I spend about 2 hours a day crocheting, even on weekends. I always think that I'll have all this time on the weekends and by the time I clean the house, grocery shop and whatever else I do, which now I can't think of, I still only manage 2 hours a day on the weekends, maybe 3. On top of that, I'm slow too so I do not get a lot accomplished and I tend to get overwhelmed with all the other projects that come up that I want to do.


What I want to know is, does anyone's husband get annoyed that you crochet (in his mind too much)? I ask because this is a new hobby for me and my husband is annoyed that I am not paying more attention to him.:P

I don't think that I'm really paying less attention. But, for example, last night we were watching TV and I was crocheting. I can't watch tv and crochet at the same time but I am there listening. He got annoyed becausing I wasn't watching the TV with him. Silly isn't it?


Ahhhhhhhh quite the opposite here, IF hubby doesn't see me crocheting, he is bugging me about "What is wrong?"

IF and IF he would say anything (which he would never) about me not paying attention to the TV, I would wait until he would be watching his favorite sporting event, here FOOTBALL, and BUG him the WHOLE time, hehehe HENCE the name JoBug :think

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How much crochet ing do depends on what is on TV. I like tocrochet and listen to the tv at the same time.


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I don't even crochet every day..some days there just isn't time. I do probably get in 10 hours a week though. Some weeks like this week, lots more. We had a lot of snow over the weekend so I stayed at home all weekend and did lots of crocheting.

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Crochet time is like my prize at the end of the day for getting all my other stuff done. Sometimes there are moments during the day when the kids are quiet, washing machine is running, dishwasher is running, floors are swept (well, maybe not all that...:)) and I'll steal a few moments to do a row or two of whatever I'm working on. But most of the time, there are more 'urgent' things to be attended to, up until the kids are all in bed, baby is fed, and dh has a few minutes of my attention ;). THEN I can have the rest of the evening to just sit quietly and enjoy the pattern my hands are creating with just a hook and some yarn. Ah, contentment :)


Sorry, I rambled :blush I probably get a grand total of 20 hours a week, more if I'm obsessed with something, less if there are a bunch of events going on that week.

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I crochet about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes a day. I never finish a row in a day, but i thin I made this never ending blankie too big It's a ripple with 8 points and 9 up and down. I started it in November planning on having for Christmas, and I am now 1.2 way done.

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Your ripple sounds like mine laura....mine's 3 metres wide and only half the depth that I need. I've been working on it for ages! I won't let myself start anything big until it's finished.

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I am a SAHM, but take my 9 month old daughter to our shop. My dh & I have our own sign business & I do all the boring financial stuff while our 5 year old is at preschool. Then we all go home for lunch & I finally get to crochet when they go to bed at 1:30. If I don't, I do get cranky. When the kids are up, then I do the housework, run errands & stories/art projects.


After I massage my dh feet (I am a former massage therapist!), then I can have some time to myself to crochet. Finally! I usually can go for 2-3 hours of bliss before I conk out. I would like to have more time, but the kiddos are only little for a short while. All of us mommys will have time to spare when the wee ones are on their own.

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I spend about 2 hours on crafts a day. The days my DH is home to help me with housework and to keep my cubs out of trouble I spend a little more on crocheting, then there are days when I get an hour in when everyone else has gone to bed and I am trying to unwind! LOL

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I spend a total of between 6-8 hours a day crocheting. I always crochet for about 1 hour in the morning time with Chloe playing on the floor, then I crochet for her 2 hour nap which sometimes is longer. Then I also crochet for maybe an hour in the afternoon/evening time before dinner and then again a for a couple of hours after Chloe goes to bed. Sometimes its more than this...sometimes it less...just depending on what else I have going on in my life.

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I spend only 1-2 hour a day at most. That is when I sit down to watch tv at night with the family. I have so much else that has to be done that crochet becomes my guilty pleasure. I usually take a week to finish a project (if I finish before I move on to the next one, which is rarely the case).

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