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Could I too start?

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Hello everyone,

I am from India and I have been reading a lot on the internet about crochet groups.This is a new concept for me.We have nothing like this in India.I would love to start one in my town.I am taking the initiative from you all and letting ladies from my town know that I will be starting something like this and anyone who loves to crochet or wants to learn are welcome to join. I am planning to meet either on the Beach or in one of the temple courtyards.If there are any dos and donts that have worked for you please let me know so that I start this smoothly.

Love to crochet,:think should I or should I not.

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I bet you would have a lot of fun doing something like that! :) This could be as simple or complicated as you would like it to be, and tons of fun!


Something that many people do, is just post on the meetup for crochet page (can't remember exactly where on crochetville it is) what city you are in, and see if anyone would like to meet. You could also start up an online group if you like. There may be one already, as there are sooo many online groups. Many of them are either yahoo or meetup.com, but I'm sure there are other groups out there.


Does your temple have an announcement flyer each week or something like that? Perhaps you could ask to put something in there about when/where you're meeting, and if anyone wants to lear to crochet/knit or just come, they are welcome to. That might be a really good place to start if it is allowed, so that you don't have to worry as much about who is coming if you are nervous about strangers.


I would suggest that you do it! :) The crochet groups are a lot of fun!! I would suggest choosing some place that is free to go crochet at, like where you were saying, because if you pick a coffee shop or somewhere, people might not want to go because it is expensive. Also, you might want a back up place that is indoors in case the weather is bad.


I guess that's about all the advice I can think of right now. Let us know how it goes! :)


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I don't have any advice for you except GO FOR IT!:cheer


How wonderful to bring people together doing something they love - CROCHET! I don't think there is a 'wrong' way to do it - sounds like a lovely way to meet people and make friends and give everyone a chance to help each other! Good for you!:hug


Let us know how your group works out!:hook

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Go for it, Is there a coffee shop or cafe you could ask if they would mind you bringing pple to drink coffee or tea and crochet in their place. I am sure they would be greatful having a weekly meeting of people in there. Guarranteed custom for them and it will give you all somewhere to go.

Have it run at a quiet time mabey after lunch, and for mabey 2 hours at a time. one hour doesnt give you enough time to chat and crochet in my oppinion.

If i had a cafe and someone asked if they could crochet at my place buying a drink or two I would welcome you with open arms.

You could put up flyers as suggested or even a little piece in the local newspaper. You would be surprised how many people would love to meet up. I haven`t set up a group myself but have attended one in the past at our church and have learned so much, It was a knitting group but I took my crocheting with me, it is so nice to meet up with fellow crocheters and knitters and learn where the wool is on offer and the best places to buy wool.

Go for it. It will be so much fun. Let us know how you get on. Love Sian xxxx

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First of all hi and welcome to Crochetville from my part of the world (I live in Austria)


I think you should try it. Maybe it won't be overrun at the first time (or maybe it is) but you should try it for 5 times. Then you see if it is working or not. You can make inexpensive flyers by your own if you have PowerPoint or something like this. If you need help with this just drop me a PM, I worked as layouter/graphic for long time and I am sure I remember the important things ;)


I am curious: is crochet very popular in India? Our priest - who comes original from Bombay - was very pleased to see me knitting a sock (sorry, it was knitting this time). He said that one of his sisters knits all the time, but he wasn't able to tell whether knitting and crocheting is generally popular in India or not.

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Hello and a big THANKYOU for all the encouragement and advice. I live in a small town and it will have to be the beach or the temple as there are no coffee shops or such meeting places here.As for Sussane`s (from Austria) question, I too cant really answer this but most girls learn to crochet a few things like a bag or a baby dress.Then there is one thing that most of us have is a fairly big doily used to cover the plate that has offerings to be made to God. We also have something called TORAN in my native language. It is long piece about 3 to 4 feet wide by about 3 to 6 inches.It is hung over the main door of the house.It usually has scallops or a pineapple pattern.It is colourful and looks very attractive if done well.(If I can I will post some photos of the TORAN) Then again most of them learn the stitches and follow the pattern by looking at it. Not many can have access of books and printed patterns as they are very expensive and hard to get.I teach by the book and make sure my students can read and follow the pattern from the book.

Will let you know as soon as we have our first meeting.Give me a month atleast.


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Crocheting outside is fun, especially in groups. However, if the weather is bad, I would suggest finding an indoor spot to hold your meetings. Perhaps on rainy days, the group could alternate which house they go to. One rainy day it is your house, then the next rainy day another member hosts it, etc.


If there is a shortage of patterns in your town, there are quite a few free patterns online that you could print out. Crochetpatterncentral.com is one of my favorite sources for new patterns. I look forward to seeing the pictures you post of your crocheted items.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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What fun - how good of you to take the iniative to start one up in your community. I don't have any advice but it is fun just to get together, maybe have some snacks on hand and crochet and see the progress of each other's projects (and to share patterns). You might even have a crochet-a-long where you all work on the same pattern together but put your own twist to it (color selection, etc).


Good luck to you and have fun!

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If you google the words "symbol crochet" or "international crochet symbol" you probably will be directed to patterns that use this technique of pattern layout as opposed to writing the pattern out word for word.


It seems to me that since the girls in your town learn crochet from looking at another crocheted piece, this would be easier for them to understand (the symbol crochet, I mean)

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We also have something called TORAN in my native language. It is long piece about 3 to 4 feet wide by about 3 to 6 inches.It is hung over the main door of the house.It usually has scallops or a pineapple pattern.It is colourful and looks very attractive if done well.(If I can I will post some photos of the TORAN)


Oh, this would be great. I am so interested in different cultures and foreign countries, I would appriciate it very much to see this.


All the best for your group!

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