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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Since my first set of questions went over so well, I thought we'd try it again !


Let's toss in a little TWIST to this one --

When you REPLY with your answers, you have to comment on ONE item the previous poster mentioned -- any one you want ,but comment or ask them a question .



1- What is your MIDDLE name ? Were you named AFTER anyone ?


Marie.....Yes, unfortunately......named after the little girl on bewitched


2-If you were 18 again, what OTHER career would you have chosen if you could change it ?


forensics, CSI....I would love to be the person that is first on the scene figuring it all out.....I could also work in the morgue......no one can judge me there. :D


3-Name something HISTORICAL you would like to see in our country that you havent gotten to see yet .


As weird as this is because I live in NY.....I would like to see the statue of liberty and take a stroll inside of her....pick her brain. :P


4-What is one pet you would NEVER want to have ?


tarantula, ICK....our pastor has one in his office and it gives me the heebie-jeebies.


5-What styles of clothes were "IN" when you were a TEEN,and whose posters hung on YOUR bedroom wall ?


Depends on the style....I wore baggy clothes brands like fila, timberland, etc. with work boot type boots made by Timberland. There was also grunge, preppy, etc.


6-Name something you wish you had the COURAGE to do,but probably won't be able to do .


Tell certain people how they have and do make me feel.


7-What Hollywood star would you like to have lunch with ?


Tim McGraw....he is Hollywood now, just played in Blindside. :yes


8-Name your favorite candy bar .


Butterfinger & a lot more...;)


9-What ONE thing really TICKS you off ?


My kids telling me I do nothing because they have to take turns doing dinner dishes. :lol


10- What one question would you have for ANY FAMOUS PERSON who is no longer alive ?


Kurt Cobain....How could you leave that precious boy with her (Courtney Love)?!?

LeAnna~Do you atleast think Gordon Ramsey is a hunk? There is something about men like him and Simon Cowell that I find extremely hunky. :yes:devil

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Evening everyone, grandbaby and I was out most of today.We went to Babies R Us to buy a gift off my daughters registry for her baby shower which is this week-end. I decide to buy her the bottles thast she wanted and boy O boy was they expensive, They are called Born Free , 2 for 18.99 I brought 3 sets. My grandbaby got a new toy also. I really wanted her to breast fed but she don't want to do that. During the months I have been picking up a few things for the babyr here and there. This Monday the doctor informed her that it was time that she stop working , which I was glad to hear so I will not be havcng my grandbaby as much until she go back to work which make me sad for he's my BABY. Just thinking about it bring tears to my eyes. At least it will give me time to crochet a little more on those days that I"m not running back and forth to her house.



Julie - I'm so happy that you had fun yarn shopping, for some reason yarn has a healing effect on people who use it, it gives you a clearer thought of what you need to think about. :hug:manyheart I really like the colors in that yarn, have fun decideing what to make with it.


Marisa - pretty lapghan. I had to laugh when you said "Now I just need to send it through the washing machine and hope it comes out alive!!!! " - it will survive the wash it's too pretty not to. :lol:lol


Leann - :bday


Judy - can't wait to see your finish afghan


Linda - sounds like you are having fun designing your quilt. and that what's the craft that we all do is suppose to do bring us joy and laughter. :manyheart


I haven't decided on what to make for dinner and to tell you the truth I'm not in the cooking mood. Grandbaby and myself are stuff with the MickeyD that we had for lunch for he had to have his kiddie meal. With that said BBL :hug

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Linda - sounds like you are having fun designing your quilt. and that what's the craft that we all do is suppose to do bring us joy and laughter. :manyheart

You're right, Cheeria. Seeing something come alive under my fingers is very rewarding and make me feel really good.


I never heard of bottles that expensive. OUCH!!!


I've got 18 of the 21 blocks assembled and joined so far today. Yeah! I may feel it later, but I've made great progress today. :woo:jumpyay:woo

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Since my first set of questions went over so well, I thought we'd try it again !


Let's toss in a little TWIST to this one --

When you REPLY with your answers, you have to comment on ONE item the previous poster mentioned -- any one you want ,but comment or ask them a question .



1- What is your MIDDLE name ? Were you named AFTER anyone ? Ann. Yes, an Aunt


2-If you were 18 again, what OTHER career would you have chosen if you could change it ? Concert Pianist


3-Name something HISTORICAL you would like to see in our country that you havent gotten to see yet . Library of Congress


4-What is one pet you would NEVER want to have ? Spider


5-What styles of clothes were "IN" when you were a TEEN,and whose posters hung on YOUR bedroom wall ? pencil leg jeans, button down shirts, blazer, and deck shoes (think Miami Vice) No posters of heart throbs just pictures of butterflies.


6-Name something you wish you had the COURAGE to do,but probably won't be able to do . Deep sea dive.


7-What Hollywood star would you like to have lunch with ? Sorry Mr. Clooney, I have to dine with Hugh Laurie.


8-Name your favorite candy bar . Caramello


9-What ONE thing really TICKS you off ? Guests showing up late for dinner.


10- What one question would you have for ANY FAMOUS PERSON who is no longer alive ?

Magellan, if you knew the outcome would you still circumnavigate the globe?


Tabby- I've never been to NY. What would you recommend that I see. Where should I stay and what restaurant should Hugh Laurie and I patron?

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thank you Sherri and Cheeria...


Nah, don't think Gordon is hunky...and honestly I think that's mainly because of his attitude...but Simon, if he was nicer, I think I could find him hunky...


Oh and I would like to have lunch with the guys on Top Gear...especially the short one, Richard I think his name is...oh,wait, wait, wait...also want to have lunch with David Tennant, ex Doctor on Doctor Who...


Oh and one more thing, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love had a daughter, not a son...but that was a good question...very sad that he felt he had to "leave" this earth and leave behind his daughter to her mother...

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Judy, FBI or CIA agent or analyst...tell me, are you addicted to the crime shows on tv?

Not quite addicted to the shows, but would rather read a book about stuff like that, 2 of which I have here....but once I realized nursing wasn't for me I hopped from job to job till I landed as a clerk with the FBI, NY Office, at the age of 21... at that time there were no female agents or such a thing as an analyst. Even if there was a place for me, I didn't have a college degree, so was out of luck anyway. Don't know what the situation was with CIA, since I really never thought of them at the time.

The first 2 female FBI agents were in Phil's New Agent's class, which happened when I was a clerk, and they had the same requirements as the men, among which was they had to be 5'8"...which I'm not!:lol Now they're more realistic, I think.

Sorry for getting so long-winded:blush

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Since my first set of questions went over so well, I thought we'd try it again !


Let's toss in a little TWIST to this one --

When you REPLY with your answers, you have to comment on ONE item the previous poster mentioned -- any one you want ,but comment or ask them a question .


Ok, I saw the questionaire and hit reply without looking at anyone's answers- so of course I'll have to go back and then comment on one item the previous poster mentioned:lol


1- What is your MIDDLE name ? I don't have a middle name-Were you named AFTER anyone ? My name is Joanne and the "Jo"part is after my grandmother Josephine, the "anne"part after her sister. My mother's name was Mary Jo and my cousin is MaryAnn- lots of Jo's, Anne's and Mary's. And I don't have a middle name because my mother said that Joanne was pretty enough! (I always felt deprived- so when I got confirmed I picked two names:lol)


2-If you were 18 again, what OTHER career would you have chosen if you could change it ? I wouldn't


3-Name something HISTORICAL you would like to see in our country that you havent gotten to see yet . Grand Canyon and Mount Rushmore


4-What is one pet you would NEVER want to have ? Snake


5-What styles of clothes were "IN" when you were a TEEN,and whose posters hung on YOUR bedroom wall ? Nehru jackets, leather skirts, "hippie clothes". The Beatles poster!


6-Name something you wish you had the COURAGE to do,but probably won't be able to do . Skydive- think it would be lots of fun, but I'm way to scared!


7-What Hollywood star would you like to have lunch with ? Robin Williams- I think it would be lots of fun


8-Name your favorite candy bar . Any dark chocolate bar


9-What ONE thing really TICKS you off ? I can only name ONE??:lol:lol People who are rude or unkind to others and then spout how religious they are- my opinion- don't tell me, show me


10- What one question would you have for ANY FAMOUS PERSON who is no longer alive ?

Mickey Mantle-What was your favorite thing about playing for the NY Yankees?
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Gonna go for now....still going 'round the Jackson ghan:lol


CU all in the morning:hug:manyheart

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Joanne, I loved watching Mickey Mantle swing the bat!!



I hope the Yankees win tonight!


Enjoy the game.

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Not quite addicted to the shows, but would rather read a book about stuff like that, 2 of which I have here....but once I realized nursing wasn't for me I hopped from job to job till I landed as a clerk with the FBI, NY Office, at the age of 21... at that time there were no female agents or such a thing as an analyst. Even if there was a place for me, I didn't have a college degree, so was out of luck anyway. Don't know what the situation was with CIA, since I really never thought of them at the time.

The first 2 female FBI agents were in Phil's New Agent's class, which happened when I was a clerk, and they had the same requirements as the men, among which was they had to be 5'8"...which I'm not!:lol Now they're more realistic, I think.

Sorry for getting so long-winded:blush


Don't apologize to me about being long winded...that was a great answer...learn something new every day...


(psssst...btw, Hub-E was an intel analyst...)

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First-Happy Birthday LeAnna- Sorry this is so late and your birthday is almost over!!!


Can't believe it's almost 7 and it's almost time for another Yankee game- LOL


Since Sheri posted before me- Sheri- do you play piano- and have you ever been to Carnegie Hall or Lincoln Center? They are awesome places! Is there any orchestra that you would like to play for?



Julie- I am glad you took some time to sort things through- and don't ever forget that we are here for you- in good times and bad- that's what friends are for!!


EVERYONE: I've got to go grab something to eat- DH is at the Dr- just a routine appointment-but I'm feeling hungry- maybe I'll just have some salad while I wait for him to return!


Hope everyone has a great evening!

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First-Happy Birthday LeAnna- Sorry this is so late and your birthday is almost over!!!


Can't believe it's almost 7 and it's almost time for another Yankee game- LOL


Since Sheri posted before me- Sheri- do you play piano- and have you ever been to Carnegie Hall or Lincoln Center? They are awesome places! Is there any orchestra that you would like to play for?



Julie- I am glad you took some time to sort things through- and don't ever forget that we are here for you- in good times and bad- that's what friends are for!!


EVERYONE: I've got to go grab something to eat- DH is at the Dr- just a routine appointment-but I'm feeling hungry- maybe I'll just have some salad while I wait for him to return!


Hope everyone has a great evening!


It's 4:00 p.m. here and we're about to head off for dinner and to see Iron Man 2 (last year got to see Star Trek on my birthday...getting to be a tradition to see a movie on my birthday, 'cause a lot of block busters open around that time) so you're not late at all...and thank you...

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In answer to your question, I'd probably like to be a Reading or English teacher . Love to read and discuss books, and always loved doing book reports in school,so that'd be it definitely .



LeAnna - I like how your parents chose your name ! And maybe crocheting is sort-of a way for you to get into designing,etc and eventually start your business !


You picked a wonderful group to have lunch with -- between Robin Williams and Whoopie ! Wow, those 2 alone ,or even ONE of them would be a HOOT !!!





JUDE -- Would you Bunjee Jump if George Clooney was at the bottom holding a basketfull of candy bars ?

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How close do you live to NYC ? Is it a long drive from your part of the state ?


and what part of the CSI would you like to do ,they have the blood splatter guy, the fingerprint guy, the photo guy, etc .


Don't think I'd be able to see an autopsy, but I could do the crime scene part . I like reading those books !

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Cheeria-- you'll have to stop in and tell us all about the shower and the gifts and the CAKE .


Have a good time,and I know you will miss the baby ,but you can still go see him if your girl lives close . Pretty soon there will be TWO !!!







Linda- great job on the quilt, keep up the good work !

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JoAnne- neat how you got your name !


Also ,I forgot the Beatles-- how could I do that ? Played Hey Jude til I wore out the record !


Whats your favorite Beatles song ? I think mine now is Yesterday ...and Imagine ...

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Thanks JoAnne- you guys are all the greatest ! Enjoy the baseball game tonight ,to all of you that watch it .


I'll be watching reruns of Ghothunters I guess -- nothing else on that looks good and we dont get cable .

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First-Happy Birthday LeAnna- Sorry this is so late and your birthday is almost over!!!


Can't believe it's almost 7 and it's almost time for another Yankee game- LOL


Since Sheri posted before me- Sheri- do you play piano- and have you ever been to Carnegie Hall or Lincoln Center? They are awesome places! Is there any orchestra that you would like to play for?



Julie- I am glad you took some time to sort things through- and don't ever forget that we are here for you- in good times and bad- that's what friends are for!!


EVERYONE: I've got to go grab something to eat- DH is at the Dr- just a routine appointment-but I'm feeling hungry- maybe I'll just have some salad while I wait for him to return!


Hope everyone has a great evening!


I do play, although I am very rusty at the moment. No and no, there isn't any particular orchestra I'd prefer. But when I was a kid I always thought I'd end up in NY. Now I've passed the music mantle on to my youngest son. He plays guitar, piano, flute, drums and is planning on taking up the violin.

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Sherri -

Do you have a piano in your house and do you play often ? Also how old were you when you started lessons ?


I do have a piano in the house. Don't play much anymore, but I do run through several pieces every now and then. Piano is in son's room and it is messy in there. Scary! :eek I started playing at 8, but began lessons at age 9 and stuck with them through high school.

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So Sherri ,

Do you play all like Beethoven type music, or all kinds of things ? Sorry, I'm about as musically talented as a frog . I know NOTHING about piano playing ,except I love Andrea Bocelli . Does HE count ?

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I'm really enjoying the answers to this quiz, Julie. Thanks for dreaming it up.


I've got all 21 blocks together and only have one seam to do to have them all connected. Then I'll connect these 21 to the previous 28. Then the borders go on. At that point I can iron it and take a picture. :woo

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So Sherri ,

Do you play all like Beethoven type music, or all kinds of things ? Sorry, I'm about as musically talented as a frog . I know NOTHING about piano playing ,except I love Andrea Bocelli . Does HE count ?


I play classical like Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, etc...in high school I played in a Jazz Band which I found more challenging than the classical. Andrea Bocelli counts. He is a fabulous vocalist.

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