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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi everyone, very busy day at work today.

Nice socks, Marisa,

Julie, congrats on getting those dishcloths done.


Nothing much to report here, we are supposed to get thunder storms, and it sure looks like it, very dark and gloomy outside.


I ordered some clothes online last week, since I detest shopping and I am pretty much going around in rags. They arrived today and everything fits well! I guess I'll be doing more online shopping.


My plan for the evening is a little crafting while listening to my audio book.

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Julie- Glad to hear the Dr appt went well and your dishclothes were appreciated. Now, I think a willie warmer would be fun!:devil


Judy- WTG on organizing the yarn! i bought another tote on Sunday and my plan is to organize the yarn by colors too. I guess great minds think alike:lol


Linda- Those Kentucky Derby Hats you made last year are so neat- no wonder you got first place! I'm sure you'll come up with something equally as creative this year.


Cindy- Enjoy your crochet and "reading" time tonight. I plan to crochet some more of my large granny while watching Dancing with the Stars.


SouthernPeach- your quiltghan is coming along nicely! I haven't done any saltines since the 6 dusty blue ones last week. I only have 22 done- then I started this large granny- and well, it is what I've been picking up each evening to work on.


Hi to everyone else in the house and hope you had a great day!


Better go check dinner.

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This new computer is driving me nuts! :yell I did manage to get on here with it though, so I guess I'll get there. I did manage to play a few games on it this afternoon, too. It has a flat mouth that you just move your finger over to move with the buttons below that pad. Just feels upside down to me. Weird! Anyway, back to something I know how to do. Like crocheting. :hook

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Howdy to the House !


Hope you all are having a good day . Mine has been ok, not a good breathing day here today,but just closed up the doors and turned on the air .


Jude- I bet it's good to have your yarn all sorted out neatly by colors,etc .


Joanne- it's nice to have a "Dancing-Watching" partner -- to see what you think . I'll be watching it myself .

They seem to be making a lot of the blonde lady with all the kids --- have seen her on lots of entertainment shows, etc .

She seems a little "rough around the edges, like sandpaper .

I can't decide if I like her or feel sorry for her. It seems she has lots of problems under the surface.

I always feel sorry for people like that who are in the spotlight. must be hard to handle life when you have everyone watching your every move .


Anyhow, I'll be excited to watch it tonite. I'm not sure I have a favorite yet as far as who will win.

I know who I LIKE ( she won't WIN, I don't think.. ) ,the lady named Neicey or whatever -- she always makes jokes about being "big" . She has a heart of gold .

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Linda- I hope you get you laptop figured out. when Sam got me this one, I had a real hard time with this mouse thing( the flat gizmo in the middle,) rather than a regular mouse - but i'm used to it now .

You'll get the hang of it .

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I don't think "the blonde lady with all the kids" can dance worth a hoot! And, hey this is a dancing show! I feel sorry for her, but mostly for her 8 kids.


I like Evan- think he is very talented (must be all that ice skating he does) I also like Niecy- I love her sense of humor and you can tell she is putting her heart into the dancing- she has shown improvement each week. I also like Nicole (lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls). We'll have to see how they all do tonight!


Linda- You'll get the hang of the laptop! Took me a while to get used to it after all the years with a desktop and mouse- now it's like second nature to use it!


Southern Peach- that's neat that you have been commissioned to make a baby blanket- can't wait to see it.


Here's a pic of the I-pod cozy I made yesterday- it holds my I-pod touch and the earbuds. I was dying to use one of the buttons I bought on Saturday:lol


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Jules, except for my sore back, I feel good to have the yarn in all those totes organized. I found out I do have lots of bright colors:lol


Hi everyone, very busy day at work today.


I ordered some clothes online last week, since I detest shopping and I am pretty much going around in rags. They arrived today and everything fits well! I guess I'll be doing more online shopping.


My plan for the evening is a little crafting while listening to my audio book.

A busy day goes nice and fast, doesn't it? I hope you don't get a bad storm and you can have a realxing evening.:hug

Our house is such a lovely lovely house! Hope everybody is having a good monday!

It was a busy one! I hope you had a good day!

Judy- WTG on organizing the yarn! i bought another tote on Sunday and my plan is to organize the yarn by colors too. I guess great minds think alike:lol

Hi to everyone else in the house and hope you had a great day!

I just wish I had been keeping it organized from the beginning:lol

Im taking a break from my quilt ghan and working on an afghan my boss is paying me to make for her grand baby... I am almost 1/4th the way done with it. :) I'll share pics of it when I finish. :)


Here's a pic of the I-pod cozy I made yesterday- it holds my I-pod touch and the earbuds. I was dying to use one of the buttons I bought on Saturday:lol

Great job!:cheer

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Linda- You'll get the hang of the laptop! Took me a while to get used to it after all the years with a desktop and mouse- now it's like second nature to use it!


Here's a pic of the I-pod cozy I made yesterday- it holds my I-pod touch and the earbuds. I was dying to use one of the buttons I bought on Saturday:lol

I know I'll get the hang of it, it's just bugging me at the moment. When I can spend some time alone with it, without being responsible for Kim, too, I'll probably make faster progress.


Your I-pod cozy is really great!


I think I'm just out-of-sorts today for some reason. My joints are achy, too, which is probably not helping either. Plus a sore throat. So it's just an off day for me.


I did take pictures of the material I'll be using for my mom's quilt. The first is the pattern I drew up. Second is the material I'll be using on the back of the quilt. You can see the color, but not the texture. Then are the main colors of the quilt. Last is the glitzy piece that will be at the center of each block where the chains cross.





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Hi house, today my 7 months pregnant daughter was at a stop light in her car and another car ran into the back of her car. They took her by amblance to the hospital and they are keeping her over night for she was having some contractions. They have her on an IV drip to calm down the contractions. I'm so afarid for her but I can't cry in front of my 2 years old grandbaby for already he's asking for his mother and father. Please keep her and my unborn grandbaby in your prayers thanks.

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Linda- that is going to be an awesome quilt- Your talent amazes me!! Hope you feel better quick!!


Judy- I'm with you- wish I had thought to organize my yarn from the beginning! I think one night after work I'll tackle the job of organizing (plus take some yarn out of the trunk of my car:lol) First I was thinking of arranging by type of yarn, but then I thought about it and colors makes more sense:yes

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Hi house, today my 7 months pregnant daughter was at a stop light in her car and another car ran into the back of her car. They took her by amblance to the hospital and they are keeping her over night for she was having some contractions. They have her on an IV drip to calm down the contractions. I'm so afarid for her but I can't cry in front of my 2 years old grandbaby for already he's asking for his mother and father. Please keep her and my unborn grandbaby in your prayers thanks.

Oh, sweetie....I'll be praying...:hug:manyheart:hug

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Hi house, today my 7 months pregnant daughter was at a stop light in her car and another car ran into the back of her car. They took her by amblance to the hospital and they are keeping her over night for she was having some contractions. They have her on an IV drip to calm down the contractions. I'm so afarid for her but I can't cry in front of my 2 years old grandbaby for already he's asking for his mother and father. Please keep her and my unborn grandbaby in your prayers thanks.


Cheeria- :hug for you! Prayers being said that everything will be ok!!!

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Hi house, today my 7 months pregnant daughter was at a stop light in her car and another car ran into the back of her car. They took her by amblance to the hospital and they are keeping her over night for she was having some contractions. They have her on an IV drip to calm down the contractions. I'm so afarid for her but I can't cry in front of my 2 years old grandbaby for already he's asking for his mother and father. Please keep her and my unborn grandbaby in your prayers thanks.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. :hug :hug :hug

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Good morning everyone!


Cheeria- continuing to send positive thoughts, hugs and prayers your way for your DD and her baby!!


Julie- So what did you think of DWTS? I hope tonight is the night that the mother of 8 is voted off!I was impressed with how some of the dancers seemed to step it up a notch. It should be interesting to see.


Hope everyone has a great day!

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Morning Joanne !


Well, I was a little mediocre on all of them last night. They all did well, but none seemed to be standouts to me.

You are right, though, the blonde with the kids just has no rhythm, no dance ability at all.

She seems too stiff and nervous, or like she's trying to hard . I will be surprised if she stays after tonite.


Have a good day at work today !

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Howdy House

Hope all of you are well this AM.

We have a cold wet day here today ... I shouldn't complain,considering how nice it's been in the previous days .

I have got to get back to my castle today -- kinda got sidetracked for a few days ,then I got the dingbat idea to "make a little change" on Linda's pattern --- now I'm trying to figure out how to make the change look right,and not stupid .

Anyhow, that is on my agenda today -- oh, and first I need to get a bath and get some warm clothes on -- it's cold in here today !!!


Will check back in after bit .

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Good morning, House mates!


Cheeria, I hope everything is okay this AM with DD and baby:hug


Linda, those are nice colors for the quilt! You have a good eye.:yes


Well, the heat packs last night worked...my back is in great shape thia AM considering how bad it felt last night. Need to work on baby washcloths for a neighbor's shower next week. I'm older than the mom-to-be's mother, which I find funny - but I always got along with the young-uns on the block...


BBL - have a great day everybody:hug:manyheart

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