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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Marlene-- yea, I don't quite understand why my parents loved Florida when they went there for vacations, but moving there ,they have really not liked it as well. Maybe it's the thought they are so far away from ALL the family ,and some of their best friends have passed away,so not as many left down there now .




Diane - wow, the amish star is SO pretty ! Love those purples with the black -- your mom will love it too .


Did you say you have the yarn for your next TWELVE afghans ? Wow, that is GREAT !!!

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Hey again Mary-- it sounds like you are certainly enjoying Luke ! I knew you'd be a great grandma and so much help for your girl -- she is probably still kinda tired anyhow, so I'm sure she appreciates all your help very much .

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Cindy- thanks for the photos -- your square-ghan is going to be pretty and the dishcloths are nice too !


I have been working on a couple of the knitted-picture ones, and certain colors DO show up better than others, I'm finding out .


Very nice work on them !!!

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Hiya Cindy !!


Holy Smokes, a whole day shot without being able to get in, then BAM -- I have like 10 pages of posts to catch up to .


Hope I didn't forget anyone ..


For some reason , it was set on VIEWING the THREADS on a different way -- not sure what the setting was called- but it was line by line ,instead of just each person's REPLY just being here like normal ...


I changed THAT and it worked for me . Not sure what caused it or if that was why it wouldnt work, but I'm back, with about 10 posts in a row !!!

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I'm back from Kingston...oh my goodness you are not going to believe what happened to me today...


I went with my sister in law to drop off the afghan at the lady's house who is gathering all the donations...first off her house is gorgegous and overlooks Puget Sound facing the Kingston Ferry Dock...it is just insanely wonderful...and then the lady herself is a quilter and while I don't quilt, if you get two people together who makes things...well you know how it goes, there's show and tell and general excitement and my SIL was just taking it all in as both me and the other lady just go gaga over each other and THEN...


The lady gave me literally 2 trash bags full of antique crocheted pieces...3 absolutely divine bedspreads (just wait 'til I get pics...seriously awesome stuff) and then a bunch of other pieces she had acquired over the years...I'm still stunned...


You give of your heart and it comes back to you 10 fold and then some..

Oh, WOW, LeAnna! That is so neat! Can't wait to see pictures.

My pic today is of a graph'ghan that I hadn't worked on in months. I'm so ashamed! I only put on a couple rows.... so the progress isnt too noticable. But here it is so far.....

Cubs Graph'ghan for my son-in-law





You've got a super start on your graphghan! :clap :clap :clap

WIP quilt ghan "wind walker"


Here is a work in progress pic of my quilt ghan so far! I actually might finish it today! Ive been working on it non stop!

Great start on your quiltghan! Love the colors you're using.

BusyBee, sorry you only see your grandchild once a year. It would be hard. We are going to get a web camera for the computer as the kids have them then we can see them. How old is your gs (I hope I remember that right)?

My grandson is 6 and 1/2 years old. He's just finishing up Kindergarten. Only about 7 weeks until I get to spend time with him and his mom. We're all looking forward to it.

So here are my pics for today. Mom's Amish Star

Diane, your Amish Star is marvelous. Great job!

Here's some pictures of what I've been doing this week. Two dishcloths and some work on my friendship afghan. My phtotography skills leave something to be desired, so it's hard to see the snowman on that dishcloth, but it's there. I did a different edging than the pattern called for.

Your pictures are just fine. And you've accomplished a lot.

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Wow, so now that you have all had to read about 10 of my posts in a row ...


I thank all of you for the dishcloth interest, but maybe we'll just hold it off til early fall . We did get a few more interested ,but maybe after summer would be best . It DOES tend to be a busy time of year for lots of people, then once fall comes, things settle more into a routine .


Thanks to all who shared photos today - I will have Sam snap mine when he gets home, which should be within the next half hour or so --


I have a digital camera, but it's much slower and harder to load the photos onto my machine -- his is fast and easy to do, so I get him to be the picture guy .


Sorry about the inability to get in here all day -- have any others of you had that problem ?


It may be time to see if we need to archive some of the old posts in here- they will still be viewable ,but you'll have to read them in the archive area.

I'm not sure if that's what is happening or not ?

Haven't heard back yet from the leaders to see ..


Anyhow, I'll stop my yapping now -- I'll be back to post my photos here in a bit . :)


PS-- if I missed replying to your post,I'm sorry -- did try to get to everyone ...:yes

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Hi Linda- I missed seeing you in here today,then see you posted right before me -- have you gotten your FG finished up in time, or still working hard on it ?


Coming close to time now,isn't it ? Was it this coming weekend ?

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Photo Friday pictures:

These didn't turn out the best, but they aren't awful of the curtains I've been working on this week. Four shortened and hung in the master bedroom and one made and hung in the office.


Then one block added to the dragonghan. I've almost finished making the saltines for the next block, too. That'll be in next week's photo.


Then there's the most recent prayer shawl. I still have to hide the tails on it and then get it washed and sent on its way to its new owner.


And last but not least is the start on my hat for the Kentucky Derby party that's coming up before long. More flowers than hat! :lol :lol :lol




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Hi to everyone in the house. My daughter got back from Washington DC early so she picked up my grandbaby early now I'm free to play. Yipeeee. I did some crocheting and have to make two more half granny squares in the mustard colorway, then I can start on the cream color ones. After I make 9 cream color half grannies than I will begin attaching them. It is my plan to attach the granny squares together as I go. This will be my long term project. I also worked on my knitted baby blanket.


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Here is my progress for the week and also a picture of what the Half-Granny Square will look like once it is done.

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Hi once again house,


Here is the rest of my post:


Diane - I love your Amish Star ghan, beautiful work. I wonder can the Amish Star Ghan be crochet in different colors?????


Tam - Nice Clubs Graph'ghan, don't worry I'm making slow progress also.


SouthernPeach - Your quiltghan is coming along nicely. I love your colors.


Cindy - I love your colorful friendship ghan. You do some nice knitting work. How do you make the snowman stand out more than the other knit stitches?????


Well got to run to make dinner. I'll try to check in again real soon. :hug

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I came home from work today to find a nice surprise waiting for me. Tammy started a hook case ROAK and I was the lucky recipient of the "spring is here" hook case.


She not only sent the hook case, but the case was filled with hooks, needles and a pair of scissors.


To say this made my day is an understatement!!!! Thank you Tammy!!!:hug


Here's a pic of the beautiful case- the pictures don't do it justice!



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Here is a picture of the large granny I started this week--I have to run out for a pedicure and manicure now, but will be back later to catch up on posts and look at everyone's pictures!


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Hi to everyone in the house. My daughter got back from Washington DC early so she picked up my grandbaby early now I'm free to play. Yipeeee. I did some crocheting and have to make two more half granny squares in the mustard colorway, then I can start on the cream color ones. After I make 9 cream color half grannies than I will begin attaching them. It is my plan to attach the granny squares together as I go. This will be my long term project. I also worked on my knitted baby blanket.


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Here is my progress for the week and also a picture of what the Half-Granny Square will look like once it is done.

Those are lovely, Cheeria.



I came home from work today to find a nice surprise waiting for me. Tammy started a hook case ROAK and I was the lucky recipient of the "spring is here" hook case.


She not only sent the hook case, but the case was filled with hooks, needles and a pair of scissors.


To say this made my day is an understatement!!!! Thank you Tammy!!!:hug


Here's a pic of the beautiful case- the pictures don't do it justice!

What a nice gift!

Here is a picture of the large granny I started this week--I have to run out for a pedicure and manicure now, but will be back later to catch up on posts and look at everyone's pictures!

Love your big granny square! Great job.

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Linda-- wow ,those pictures are all great ! The curtains look very nice ,are the door ones the ones that need rods at the bottom too ? Those would have been hard for ME to do, of course, I can't SEW at all, so anything sewing would be hard .


The dragon is looking terrific ,and the shawl is gorgeous ! What a lot of work !


And I'd love to see you modeling that hat-- it will look like a whole flower garden on your head !

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Ok guys-- got Sam to snap my photos --

First 2 are of knit dishcloths-- one is a heart ,the other, I got the hairbrained scheme to make one for each nurse in my Dr's office --appointment is Monday 8 AM -- we'll see how THAT goes -- I doubt I'll get 4 done in that time .

I wanted to do them in their initials ,so I have the M done, now have an N, a G and an A to do .


Know what I'll be doing all weekend !!!! :lol


And last but not least is the castle -

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Here's some pictures of what I've been doing this week. Two dishcloths and some work on my friendship afghan. My phtotography skills leave something to be desired, so it's hard to see the snowman on that dishcloth, but it's there. I did a different edging than the pattern called for.

Great work on the cloths!! And I agree with your changing to white for the border of your friendship squares. My colors are more intense than yours, which is why I changed my mind...but from white TO black.:lol

Photo Friday pictures:

These didn't turn out the best, but they aren't awful of the curtains I've been working on this week. Four shortened and hung in the master bedroom and one made and hung in the office.


Then one block added to the dragonghan. I've almost finished making the saltines for the next block, too. That'll be in next week's photo.


Then there's the most recent prayer shawl. I still have to hide the tails on it and then get it washed and sent on its way to its new owner.


And last but not least is the start on my hat for the Kentucky Derby party that's coming up before long. More flowers than hat! :lol :lol :lol


I love the look of sheers on windows:c9 And the prayer shawl is beautiful, as always. I absolutely love the colors on the dragon ghan, too...

Remember: we need pic of you in the hat, too;)


I did some crocheting and have to make two more half granny squares in the mustard colorway, then I can start on the cream color ones. After I make 9 cream color half grannies than I will begin attaching them. It is my plan to attach the granny squares together as I go. This will be my long term project. I also worked on my knitted baby blanket.


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Here is my progress for the week and also a picture of what the Half-Granny Square will look like once it is done.

Thats going to be gorgeous!!! :cheer:cheer



I came home from work today to find a nice surprise waiting for me. Tammy started a hook case ROAK and I was the lucky recipient of the "spring is here" hook case.


She not only sent the hook case, but the case was filled with hooks, needles and a pair of scissors.


To say this made my day is an understatement!!!! Thank you Tammy!!!:hug


Here's a pic of the beautiful case- the pictures don't do it justice!

Beautiful - Tam outdid herself!!! Enjoy it, Joanne....you certainly deserve it!:hug:manyheart

Here is a picture of the large granny I started this week--I have to run out for a pedicure and manicure now, but will be back later to catch up on posts and look at everyone's pictures!

The colors are beautiful together!:cheer:clap

Ok guys-- got Sam to snap my photos --

First 2 are of knit dishcloths-- one is a heart ,the other, I got the hairbrained scheme to make one for each nurse in my Dr's office --appointment is Monday 8 AM -- we'll see how THAT goes -- I doubt I'll get 4 done in that time .

I wanted to do them in their initials ,so I have the M done, now have an N, a G and an A to do .


Know what I'll be doing all weekend !!!! :lol


And last but not least is the castle -

The castle is turning out great!! And I see what you mean about choosing colors so the pattern shows up. Esp in pictures. Good knitted cloths, Jules!:clap

Still working on 63 square sampler. This is progress so far. Of course, Samantha had to test it out.

Soft and pretty colors!! Good work:cheer

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Hello the House :clap


What great pictures from everyone.


Cindy, your friendship 'ghan....I likeee very much!


Julie, Yup, I do have yarn for the next 12 afghans. I have been buying yarn for about 1 or 2 every other week or so since the beginning of the year. It helps not to get hit with $ part of it all at once. Also, I just spent 1 day inventorying my stash of full skeins. Between both things I ended up with yarn for a dozen.


Cheeria, love the block and 1/2 grannies. Waiting to see pictures of the knitted baby blanket. The Amish Star pattern was originally done in aqua, turquoise and black. I changed them to the purples because it is my mother's favorite color. I think it would look great in any combination. Here is the link for the original pattern. http://www.happyyellowhouse.com/htm/quilts.html


Joanne, your large granny is coming right along. How do you know how much yarn to buy? Don't you just love getting surprises. What a great gift. And Tammy, that was such a special RAOK.


Linda, I just love sheer curtains. They always look so fresh and crisp. Very spring-like. And yet, I have mini blinds and not a curtain in the house. :think Go figure. Your Dragon is really growing. Love the prayer shawl. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to be working on one. It just feels so special.


1wani, such beautiful squares. The colors look so soft. Samantha looks soft too. :D


Gotta start dinner. Stuffed bell peppers. Yum. Will check back later. :hook

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Jules...funny, but after you emailed me to say you had gotten back on the HH thread...I couldn't get on! Ended up rebooting my 'puter and it worked.


Off for tonight - have a good one, everybody:hug:manyheart

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