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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hello to the lady that made the jar jacket.... Is that a pattern you can direct me to or did you make that up? I'd like to try one.


Our new computer is up and running. When I get home from work I will see if the camera software made the transition and maybe I can get a picture of my block up here. Keep your fingers crossed. We are still learning this Mac stuff.

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:yesHello the House,


Yay, it's photo Friday! I love looking at all the photos. Everyone is so talented and I get great ideas from all your work.


Marissa, love the tote. I have a fetish for totes, always buying them, have never attempted to make one. Maybe I'll give it a try.


Tabitha, waiting to see the peapod coccoon, sounds cute.


Linda, forgot to ask you earlier, how many rounds to you do on your preemie RR's? How sweet for the NICU. I should check with my local hospital to see if they accept them.


:cheerMary, new baby is almost here. Cheeria, not too much longer for you.


Judy, looking forward to seeing your progress on the ATW, so ambitious! Taking out the border on your pirate CAL is not fun but it will bug you if you don't complete it the way you want it. My brother asked me to embroider some flour sack dish towels for him, you know kinda 50's retro look. He sent the towels and patterns. I stamped them, got one embroidered and was not happy with it. Towels were way too thin. I bought new ones at Hobby Lobby, much better quality, think I will be much happier with them. I just don't want to give it to someone if I don't like it.


Julie, love the 63 squares, the green border is very pretty. What progress on the castle! I haven't seen the pattern so was not sure where it was going. Is that a mote in the foreground? Didn't realize it was that detailed. Great job!


Joanne, even tho HL is a bit of a trip for you, it would be well worth it. At least check it out, and then for future purchases you can buy it online. I made notes on the colors I really liked, and will probably order on line next time. Depends on whether DH will indulge me in a quick trip there. ;) Your jar jacket is very cute. Would make nice gifts for co-workers. Oh, wait, I don't have any, anymore. I do miss that now that I am retired...but don't miss the work. My job now is to crochet!


Julie, I can understand your girl's feelings about moving. We were Navy for 22 years. Moved every 3 years. Always worried about being over the weight limit for the moves. Had to have huge yard sales before we left. I guess that's why I am not attached to "things". My sister has been in the same house for 48 years. Agonizes if she has to get rid of anything. But to me, it's just stuff, however, don't touch my yarn or patterns! :devil


Tam, sounds like you have a busy cooking weekend planned. Good for you, a manicure. I must confess I have never had one. Sounds fun.


Julie, thanks for that link, lots of nice patterns there.


O.K. here is my photo for Friday. 1/4 of my mother's lapghan....Amish Star.


Have a wonderful weekend, I will be checking back in later. Gonna crochet and watch NASCAR.


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Diane, I LOVE the colors ont he Amish star!


Hey guys

If any of you are searching for a cute baby boy pattern, take a look-see at this :



If you click underneath it, there's a little doggie AND a romper outfit that match the set .


It is CUTE !!!

That's a keeper....I can't use the theme right now, but maybe down the road....

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Hi all...just checking in before I go do some real crocheting (meaning doing some serious sit down and work on several rows of crocheting...) Yesterday worked on a baby afghan (the cover afghan on this issue's Crochet World, doing it all in yellow and it has flowers and it's cute) today will work on another shawl and the Heirloom afghan (has to be turned in in two weeks...so have to get busy...) Been doing Suzy Squirrel this morning and I'm down to just having to do the floors and fold up remaining two loads of laundry...woo hoo.


Also need to hang a smoke detector and a chandelier (it's not that heavy...and it was only $20.00!) and finally paint some shelves (or at least one shelf...) and this day is totally golden!


Hope you all are having a good day!

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Leanna - the tulip baby set in April's Crochet world is beautiful, are you also making the hat????


Today I began working on the Half-square Granny afghan in that same magazine, but I'm using Vanna Coice yarn in whatever colorway I have on hand instead of the Red Heart yarn.


Julie that is really a cute baby boy pattern. I especially love the sail boat blanket. Too bad I'm already working on a baby blanket for my soon to be born grandbaby. I did save it in my favorites. Thanks for the pattern.


I have been having a great day today. So far I crochet, cleaned a few windows and iron curtains. I'm planning on spending my evening knitting, watching TV especially Ghost Whisper and eating junk (candy) :lol:lol Talk to you all later.

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Marissa- that tote is really nice- I like the color!


Cindy- Critical care- wow- my youngest DD is also a nurse- she worked in the ER for 3 years and in November she was offered an internship at her hospital in the OR. She really loves the OR, but sometimes misses the ER. I sometimes miss bedside nursing, but my back appreciates my desk job! Sounds like you had a nice day today!


Linda- I agree, 12 day workweeks are not fun. We may be able to work one day a week from home starting next week- that will make the workweek more bearable- especially the 12 day ones!! We'll find out tomorrow.


I finished my jar jacket from attic24 and I'll be making more of these. This jar was too tall for my hooks so I put in some silk flowers I had and will bring it to work to perk up my desk. Posting the pic now and then heading to bed. 5:23 AM comes quicker than I'd like (and yes, to whoever it was that asked me, 5:23 is the time I get up every day- LOL)


I like that jar jacket a lot. Very cheerful.


Joanne I have to admire your DD for enjoying working in the ER. I work at a hospital that is a level I regional trauma center and if there is a bad trauma one of the ICU nurses goes to the ED to help out. I don't like the uncertainty that goes with working there. You can never predict what will happen next.

My youngest dd will graduate with a BSN in May, but the job market is looking pretty slow for RNs around here. My boss thinks that if my hospital is dong any hiring she will have a good chance of getting in though, because I have worked there for so long.

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Jules, we have rain today...supposed to get really cold tonight, but we're close to the water, so will likely still have rain, if anything. I think.



Cindy, I hope work went well (by the time you read this tonight or tomorrow)


Have a good day everyone.

Yup, work was great today. It was very cold here this morning, but no signs of snow.

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Marisa~ your tote turned out awesome!

Joanne~ love the jar jacket! So bright and cheery!

Diane~ your Amish Star is going to be gorgeous! I can't wait to see it all finished!

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My brother asked me to embroider some flour sack dish towels for him, you know kinda 50's retro look. He sent the towels and patterns. I stamped them, got one embroidered and was not happy with it. Towels were way too thin. I bought new ones at Hobby Lobby, much better quality, think I will be much happier with them. I just don't want to give it to someone if I don't like it.



My job now is to crochet!



O.K. here is my photo for Friday. 1/4 of my mother's lapghan....Amish Star.


Have a wonderful weekend, I will be checking back in later. Gonna crochet and watch NASCAR.


The Amish star is so pretty. Your mom will love it.


Wouldn't it be great if crocheting could actually be a job? I'd apply, for sure!:devil


I've seen quite a few embroidery patterns that would be good for towels, especially those day of the week ones. I like to embroider, and am working on a pair of pillowcases.

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As you may have noticed, I'm home. Dh is grilling burgers for dinner, and I'm hanging out here.


I'm having computer problems off and on though, my laptop gets stuck and stays stuck, so I'm not sure how much I will be around for a few days. Might have to sweet talk dh into letting me use his computer!


well, I'd better go see if the table is set for dinner.

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I finished a baby blanket for this week. I am so glad to be done with it! Now I just have to get through 3 testing projects, then I might have a chance to make another tote!


BTW~ the blanket is still wet in the pic if you are wondering why the pink looks blotchy.


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Your Amish star is very pretty ! Who is it for ?


Yea, my girl keeps talking about the weight limit of stuff they are allowed to move, so some guy actually comes in to say how much they can bring with them .They said most people making that big a move just get rid of most of their stuff rather than bring it,so they are pretty much giving away everything they own .


I guess when they get over to Korea, they will get all new (used) stuff that someone else is getting rid of. Kinda like a continual circle .

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Hey Julie, the Amish Star is for my mother. She will be 95 on May 1st. She is in Calif. We will be going to visit her the end of April. It will be the first time in 5 years that my brothers, sister and I will be together for her birthday. Mom stays in her chair most of the time now so I thought the lapghan would be perfect. She has macular degeneration so doesn't see well anymore. Fortunately she doesn't have any cancer or heart problems, not really any major health issues. She says she thinks she will just wear out. She still does have a sense of humor. =)

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Hey gang

For anyone interested, Jude had a good idea : me, her and Cindy have the book called Learn to Knit ,by Barbara Walker . Maybe some of you have it too .


She wondered if anyone would be interested in joining us to use some of the patterns in the book to make some dishcloths or facecloths ?


I think maybe even some of the 63 squares could also be used as patterns for them too .


If anyone wants to join in, you are more than welcome . It won't be a big-type CAL in its own separate area ,just a little something to do in here for anyone wanting an extra project to work on that might not take up a lot of time, but will give you some new dishcloths to use, or to give as gifts to someone else .


I will be joining in as soon as I get to the store ( probably tomorrow) .

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Diane- thanks for telling me. You probably mentioned it before, but I forget things sometimes ,so sorry if I already asked !


So can your mom still see well enough to see the colors ? I bet she will get lots of use out of it .


That will be such a nice visit for her with all the kids together after so many years.


It's hard to get families together when everyone moves away and scatter everywhere -- hard to find a day when they can all meet up .


I bet you'll take lots of photos !

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I like that jar jacket a lot. Very cheerful.


Joanne I have to admire your DD for enjoying working in the ER. I work at a hospital that is a level I regional trauma center and if there is a bad trauma one of the ICU nurses goes to the ED to help out. I don't like the uncertainty that goes with working there. You can never predict what will happen next.

My youngest dd will graduate with a BSN in May, but the job market is looking pretty slow for RNs around here. My boss thinks that if my hospital is dong any hiring she will have a good chance of getting in though, because I have worked there for so long.


My DD got into the ER as an ER tech in her SR year of college. At the time she got in because her future MIL (now her MIL) had worked at the hospital in the ER for 27 years.( Since then, I was able to get her MIL into the company I work for- she was ready for a change- after working so long in the ER) After she graduated with her BSN, they offered a position as a nurse. She really does like the OR better- the stress of the ER was starting to get to her- sometimes she feared for her license when they were overcrowded- people who should have been on monitors were in the hall, etc. Good luck to your DD- Isn't it nice when they follow in your footsteps? :manyheart

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LeAnna....can you pass on some of your energy and good mood this way, please?:)


Honey, you've got it...but honestly, I have to work at getting energy and being motivated...I had one really good week getting stuff done (when I started using carrots) and then the last couple of weeks has been very hard...but I used carrots again today and it worked out really well.


My energy levels are always erratic. I have about as many days where I'm flaked out on the couch as I do running around getting stuff done.


The only thing left to do for Suzy Squirrel is fold one more load of clothes and spot clean the carpet (which I'll do before going to bed tonight) but in addition to that I have some Odds and Ends to do, which is hanging that chandelier, the smoke detector and painting a shelf or two...it's all doable...


Almost have that shawl done...snuck in a row or two there too.


Oh and my carrots: Princess and the Frog, Mr. Fox, Mad Men, Soap (from the 70's) and a week's forgiveness towards my West Wing Complete Series that I still want to get before I leave for Virginia to pick up Harry and bring him home...


Oh and to whomever asked if I was making the little hat that goes with the afghan...I'm thinking about it...haven't decided yet...

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Hey gang

For anyone interested, Jude had a good idea : me, her and Cindy have the book called Learn to Knit ,by Barbara Walker . Maybe some of you have it too .


She wondered if anyone would be interested in joining us to use some of the patterns in the book to make some dishcloths or facecloths ?


I think maybe even some of the 63 squares could also be used as patterns for them too .


If anyone wants to join in, you are more than welcome . It won't be a big-type CAL in its own separate area ,just a little something to do in here for anyone wanting an extra project to work on that might not take up a lot of time, but will give you some new dishcloths to use, or to give as gifts to someone else .


I will be joining in as soon as I get to the store ( probably tomorrow) .


I hope you all have fun with your knitting- I have enough on my plate with :crocheting:lol:lol:lol. I have only been crocheting a little over a year now! I sure like the way knitting looks- I tried it once- I'm not that good with 2 needles- I'm a one hook kind of gal :lol

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