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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good Morning. :)


Julie ~ I'm so glad your tests are over! I hope the new meds will help. :manyheart

Gee, do I have you all fooled. :lol I do have my angry moments...just not very often. I get the most upset when someone does or says something that hurts those close to me. :yes


Judy ~ We miss you! I hope you're okay and that your power is back on soon. :hug


Sorry for the short post, but will be back later!

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Well, Mary

Tep, you sure would have me fooled, you always seem so calm,cool and collected. Like Clark Kent . ( Do you change into superman too ? )


I'm just the opposite, my moods are all over the chart . They change as fast as the blink of an eye ,and if I get mad, everybody runs for cover .




Well, I went out for my morning "jaunt", which usually means some small task like stopping to buy milk, mailing a letter ,or some small task. While driving, I usually think of another small task, then end up being gone WAY longer than intended, and buying way more than needed . :drive:shop







Today ,was a jaunt for a piece of cake . :cake


Mission accomplished . Also came home with some new puzzle books for the grandkids and a sausage mcmuffin for me .


That, folks, is how I keep my girlish figure . :mdust:dreaming:mdust


I thought maybe some of you wanted to know .



Happy St. Patty's Day !!! :clover:clover:clover:clover:clover:clover:clover:clover:clover:clover:clover:clover:clover

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Good morning, ladies! Thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers for my mom. I really appreciate you all. :manyheart I’m really busy getting ready for vacation, which includes the Michael Bublé concert next week. Hopefully I’ll be able to catch up tonight. :hug Have a fantastic day!

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Morning there Nicole -- sounds like you are in for another busy day as usual ! You must be a very efficient time manager .


How is your big FG coming along ? I keep forgetting to stop into the FG group since the Games thing is done now .


Guess I'll run over there now -- you probably have updates posted in there and I am missing them .


Have a good day.

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Hi, ladies


Well, the good news is they know where the problem is - the bad news...not sure WHEN it'll be restored.


Linda, I now know how your hands feel when the cold gets to them...though I'm trying to crochet whenever I can to keep the fingers moving. Sitting on our sunny front porch yesterday was wonderful!

Well, off to see what is going on here...sorry I can't answer everyone's posts, but I've done some speed reading..


Jules, great news about the doctor!

Would you believe I'm getting tired of eating out?:lol

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Dusti, it's so very nice to have you back. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time.


I am planning on working on the dragonghan today, but we will have to see. My shoulders hurt this morning and I'm itching to start on mom's quilt. I've decided to add a little glitz to it by adding a little of one of the fancy materials that I picked up last weekend to it. Just a little square of glitzy oriental fabric in the center of the blocks where the Irish chains cross. 25 2.5"x2.5" squares. The color tone is very similar to that part of the chains, but much fancier in detail. I'll take a picture once I get it started so you can see what I mean.

Thank you, Linda :hug The material you bought for your mother's quilt sounds gorgeous. Everything you make is a work of art, and I am as anxious as ever to see the blocks of this quilt come together. It will be special :cheer


Dusti- I would have liked to meet your friend who did the surveys on things. I like doing stuff like that, trying to figure out why people react in certain ways to certain things, etc. It's fun to do it ,just for entertainment. Keeps your brain busy .


By the way, how many kids do you have and are they boys or girls or both ? And what ages?

SO glad to hear your doctor's appointment went well, Julie :clap Having confidence in your doctor gives you a great start in figuring out a treatment plan. I will say prayers that once your body gets accustomed to the new medications, it starts to cooperate and you find relief. Do keep us updated :hug

You worded it a whole lot better than I did, but you completely understood what I was saying about my friend :yes She is just the curious type, and not intrusive, or anything, but the wheels in her mind are always spinning and making her wonder, "Why did that person do that particular thing in that circumstance?" I may have a passing thought, "I wonder why..." but then it's gone again, and I do not pursue it to the research phase ;)

I have two little dollies -- Kyri is 8, and Annika is 5. They are both very girlie, and our whole house is decked-out in pink and lavender, fairy accessories, books and craft supplies. Now, I realize there are two of them, and only one of me, but their craft workshop dwarfs mine :eek They are always concocting something with ribbon, glitter, googley eyes and pipe cleaners -- mighty creative that pair :yes Here is a quick peek at them, as they were preparing to show DH their newly acquired hula moves


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Linda- you and Judy are a lot alike in crocheting. You guys sure do get a lot accomplished ! I always PLAN to get a lot done, but somehow my day slides right on by and I end the day with very little accomplished .


At least I have good intentions when the day starts . I must sit around in a fog all day or I'm a poor time manager. Can't quite figure out WHAT I do with my time .

Oh, Julie, I have lots of days like that. I have to stay at least semi-organized taking care of Kim every day. We have our routines and there isn't a whole lot of fudge room on parts of it. But I do have hour blocks of time where I can work on my crafts. The fact that she loves watching and supervising what I'm doing is a good incentive, too. Much better for her than dozing in front of movies all day.


:clover :clover :clover HAPPY SAINT PATTIE'S DAY!!! :clover :clover :clover


And, yes, I'm wearing lots and lots of green. I can't prove I'm Irish, but my grandmother always said we were "English, Irish, French, German, Dutch, and Scottish." :devil I've found lots of English and Scottish ancestors and one German one. The rest is still to be discovered.


Dusti, your girls are adorable.


It's a gray, overcast, drizzly day here today. A good day to stay inside where it's warm.


Judy, hope they get that power up and running very soon. :hug

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So good to hear from you again ! I WOULD believe you are tired of eating out. We tried that once long ago in a galaxy far away --- back the first year we were married and both worked full time .


We decided to go 2 weeks and eat out instead of cooking . We got tired of it WAY before the 2 weeks was up .


Just something about home-cooked meals ,isn't there ?





Dusti- your girls are such little cutie-pies. they must have inherited your crafting ablilities if they love to make things and do crafts already .


Thanks for the kind thoughts ,etc about my illness . I am very thankful to have good Dr's ,so have to trust them to make good choices for me .



Linda- yea, you probably are able to keep on a better schedule with a more need for a structured day . I don't have anybody here to keep me in line or even know what I do all the time, so I'm kinda my own boss.

Not always a good thing, because I don't make myself stay on task with things . I often let things slide that should be done .

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Power is back! Thanks to the Ohio Power company....we had them from all over! I waved a thank you as I droe by their parked trucks:D

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Ohio Power to the rescue -- believe it or not, there is a huge Ohio Power plant directly across the river from where our family reunion is held each year, and that is who owns the park where we hold the reunion.

One of my cousins worked there ( he passed away about 10 years ago,) and they continue letting us use the building for the entire weekend every 1st weekend in June in memory of him. Never have to pay a dime, it's ours for as long as we live .


It's a nice group of people .


Sure great to have you back !

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Oh Dusti….. It was an awesome get away! Your girls are adorable!!!

Yeah….. pretty cool huh Linda!?! It was just amazing! Wow… you just keep pumping out those saltines done you.

Julie……. Oh so happy to hear that the Dr. is really tending to you! I sure hope all the med changes and such kick in soon and you are feeling better. Ooooh…. :cake… chocolate or vanilla?

Oh Nicole……….. vacation? To where? Have fun!!!! Keep us up to date on your mom!

JUDY!!!! :yay……….. good to see you!!!!

Well.... a few little get well prayers for my family would be appreciated! We are all taking turns having a stomach bug. YUCK!



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Tam-special thoughts going out your way-- that stomach flu is no fun.. probably the worst kind of flu of all,isn't it ?


Hope you are all soon on the mend, and that you don't all end up with it, maybe some of you will be lucky enough not to get it .

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Tam-special thoughts going out your way-- that stomach flu is no fun.. probably the worst kind of flu of all,isn't it ?


Hope you are all soon on the mend, and that you don't all end up with it, maybe some of you will be lucky enough not to get it .

Thanks so much. Luckily its only a 24 hour thing... and the worst is really only 6-8 hours... the rest is just weakness!










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It's so good to be back!


I've been working on saltines (among other things), but won't have enough for a pic this week. The next time I post a pic I want it to be of 2 blocks put together,

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Hi again. I was all ready to be chatty this a.m. - the phone started ringing and then I had an appointment and the day just went away. :lol


Nicole ~ We'll be thinking of your Mom tomorrow. :hug


Dusti ~ The girls are so cute! They're smiles are infectious. :yes


Linda ~ We had rain yesterday, but today was sunny and in the 60s. I hope you were able to stay warm and crochet a little today. :hook


Oh, Tam! So sorry about the flu bug. :hug Take care and I hope you're better very soon.


Julie ~ That is a wonderful story about your reunion location. Are you still in charge of the planning? I remember that you had great "themes" planned and they sounded like so much fun. :)


Judy ~ What a relief! I know you're glad to be warm and comfy again. :manyheart

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Mary- it was a bad time....for all my neighbors, too...a few of us stayed home, but everyone else bailed...

Good thing it wasn't REALLY cold like it was a couple of months ago.


I'm so glad to have my heat back...my hands need more time though - need to get the heating pad out before I forget.

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:hug to you and your family, Tam.


I've got one block together and the second is part-way together. I'll work on them more tonight I think.


I fixed corned beef with cabbage, potatoes, celery, onions, and carrots. It was funny, though. Everything was almost done when I suddenly realized I'd forgotten the cabbage. I quick cooked it on the stove and then added it to crock pot when I pulled the corned beef out to be cut. Turned out very well. And the house smells great.

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Howdy again ladies --

Just a quick jump in -- Mary -- no, I turned reunion over to one of my cousins who is about 10 years younger than me. She has done it one year previously, so this will be her 2nd year. Last year her theme was Grandma's garden and she decorated the tables with fresh plants, packs of seeds, the small gardening tools and gloves, etc, then sent them home for extra prizes .


This year ,her theme is called Memories and all the older family members are supposed to bring photos or tell stories of what it was like growing up ,so that the younger ones will have the memories to pass on to their kids . Sadly ,we have very few "olders " left .

My mom's generation only has her and one more sister ,then a sister in law and brother in law -- then their level in the family will be gone . My mom was the youngest .


So, its' pretty important to hear their stories while they are still here . Alzheimers runs in their family -- all the ones who have lived to be elderly have had it, so it's already hitting my mom's sister and I think my mom has the beginnings of it herself ,although she flat out refuses to go to a Dr . You'd have to hogtie her and force her at gunpoint to go, then I think she'd just make you shoot her . She WILL NOT go to a Dr and actually makes smart remarks to me for going .

Tough situation .One I'd rather not go into -- just not a good subject for discussion .



Anyhow, I hope to make it to reunion,and that they will have me shaped up by then. I've only missed one in my life and that was when I was pregnant and almost due on reunion day -- didnt think it'd be wise to be 3 hours from home .

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Tam-that's good, then .. You are sure a positive person . It's a good quality to have !

:D I have to be..... hehehe.... Or I'll go nuts............ its rediculous that we have been so sick around here! This isnt normal for us.


Tam, do you keep any Gatorade in the house? Or ginger ale? There were some winters when I always had that handy!

you know.... I dont care for gatorade.... but we do have it around for everyone else. I've been sticking to water. I did drink a small bottle of cranberry juice today.


Hi again. I was all ready to be chatty this a.m. - the phone started ringing and then I had an appointment and the day just went away. :lol

Oh, Tam! So sorry about the flu bug. :hug Take care and I hope you're better very soon.

. :manyheart

Thanks sweetie!!! :hug


:hug to you and your family, Tam.


I've got one block together and the second is part-way together. I'll work on them more tonight I think.


I fixed corned beef with cabbage, potatoes, celery, onions, and carrots. It was funny, though. Everything was almost done when I suddenly realized I'd forgotten the cabbage. I quick cooked it on the stove and then added it to crock pot when I pulled the corned beef out to be cut. Turned out very well. And the house smells great.

Thanks hon!!!! :hug

Oh... gosh... I wish I wasnt sick... I love cornbeef with cabbage..potatoes... celery... onions... and carrots............ oh man.







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Dusti - I'm so glad you had such a good vacation! It's good to have you back though. :yes We missed you! You're girls are so cute especially in their little outfits. :manyheart


Julie - Hopefully the new meds will work very well so you can feel better. :hug With my job, I have to manage time well. It's definitely a learned skill! I haven't worked on my FG the last week and a half or so. I have other projects that needed attention. I hope to get it back out in the next few days though. I'm about halfway through my third strip.


Judy - Hurray!!! :clap How long were you out of power officially?


Linda - You probably do have some Irish ancestry. It's pretty common here. I'm Irish also. My grandfather came here when he was a little boy. I share a last name with today's patron saint. :D


Tam - I'm going to Ohio to see the Michael Buble concert and a couple of hockey games. It's going to be nice to be off work and gone for a little bit. I don't like being away from home for too long. I'm a home body for sure. Get well prayers coming your way! I'll definitely let you know how things go for mom tomorrow.


Mary - Thanks for the thoughts. :hug


Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! I'm pooped tonight and going to bed early. Have a great evening!

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Mary- it was a bad time....for all my neighbors, too...a few of us stayed home, but everyone else bailed...

Good thing it wasn't REALLY cold like it was a couple of months ago.


I'm so glad to have my heat back...my hands need more time though - need to get the heating pad out before I forget.

We would have stayed home, too. The pets are better off at home and we have a big fireplace. I'm glad you're okay. :manyheart Is your water supply safe? I saw on the news that lots of people were having to boil water for a while.


:hug to you and your family, Tam.


I've got one block together and the second is part-way together. I'll work on them more tonight I think.


I fixed corned beef with cabbage, potatoes, celery, onions, and carrots. It was funny, though. Everything was almost done when I suddenly realized I'd forgotten the cabbage. I quick cooked it on the stove and then added it to crock pot when I pulled the corned beef out to be cut. Turned out very well. And the house smells great.

Yummm! It sounds delicious. MIL always cooked that on St. Patrick's Day. She was born in Scotland, but said it was "close enough." :lol


Julie ~ I love hearing about your reunions. All the younger people and their kids will have great memories, as you do. Your mom and my mom seem to have a lot in common. :rolleyes


Nicole, I hope you sleep well. :manyheart


I joined a few squares and made a few more...Gracie has decided if she gets in my lap while I'm crocheting that she will get my full attention. :lol DD has her weekly app't. in the a.m. It's just a little over two weeks until her due date.:c9

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:clapHello the House,


Wow, where did the last few days go?? The weather has warmed up and I got side tracked onto other things. Didn't turn the laptop on since Saturday! Took a little time but I am finally caught up reading here.


Well, daylight savings didn't bother us at all. Arizona is one of the few places that doesn't observe it. It just messes with our TV programing. Alot of the shows are on an hour earlier for us now. I do remember getting adjusted to it when we lived in Calif. Linda, I have to say I agree with you. I also think the time change is backwards. The summer days are already longer, should be adjusting winter days. Sorry that you had to frog your Tree of Life runner. It sounded like such a great idea. Oh, and about your mice....I sure hope you are able to salvage your afghans. I would be devistated. When I was a kid, we had mice really bad one winter. All the food was in containers and the critters couldn't get to anything except the canned goods. So...they ate the labels off of the cans. We spent weeks not knowing if we were opening soup or beets. Parts of our dinner were always a surprise. :D


Judy, glad your pioneer days are over and that you are back online again.


Shay, Your knit bedspread pattern is beautiful. Hope your dream comes true. I'm a pretty slow knitter so it would probably be a nightmare for me. Just the thought of two 47" circular needles was enough for me. :yes


Nicole, I will be thinking of you and your Mom tomorrow. Hope her surgery goes well. :hug


Tam, The retreat with your husband, what a special time together. Sorry that your family is under the weather and hope you are all up and around real soon.


Dusti-I had to laugh about your friends research/survey. It made me think back to when I was working. We were hiring for a key position in our Dept. Business Office/Accountants and those of us on the interview panel were trying to come up with commonalities that we all shared hoping we could use this info to ask specific questions of the interviewees. We found that we all shared 2 traits. 1. Our paper money was in our wallets in numerical order and all bills were facing the same direction. 2. We all folded our toilet paper (rather than wadding), Couldn't quite figure out how to work that into an interview question, so don't know for sure if we ended up with a folder or a wadder. :eek


Julie, love your pattern for the yellow baby afghan. I'd like to try that one. And shopping for gizmos....what could be beter than that. :) Oh, I know...CAKE.


Mary, thanks for the quote tutorial. I should have tried it for this post, didn't realize it would be so long.


Well, I went on a quest last Monday. I have been working on the Nemo afghan for g-grandson. Decided I couldn't put it off, I need bobbins. DH drove me into town, went to Michaels and asked them for yarn bobbins. They didn't know what I was talking about. Kept trying to sell me a round knitter (i think it is called a knit wit). Then tried to sell me a bobbin winder.

Left there and went to JoAnns. They didn't know what I was talking about either. Came home and checked online. Found some but they were almost $1 each and I needed about 25. What to do? I made some out of DH's empty beer carton. They are working great and I couldn't beat the price.:devil


O.K. ladies, I am just about out of my mind. With the onset of spring, guess what has come out of hypernation? Skunks! We have been terrorized for the last 3 days by a skunk. Tonight, it is under our house, the smell is coming inside thru our vents and I can hear the dang thing crying. (don't know if it is one skunk or if it is babies crying. It thumped around for about an hour, my little Addie is barking at the vents and running around going crazy. OMG, the smell.......:yuck I have such a headache! I can almost taste it. :eek Need to go to bed. Hope it is better tomorrow.

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