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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Sorry for being so absent……….. Hubby and I went away on a “Weekend to Remember” Marriage Conference retreat this weekend and it was wonderful!

Thank you so much for the “get well” wishes!

I’m feeling better! Need to shake this dumb left over cough L

Shay…………. I LOVE the afghan you are making for your son-in-law… WOW!

Diane………… OMGoodness what a beautiful afghan!!! Thanks for the congrats for my sons wrestling meet! How’d ya do at Bingo?



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Hi Ladies! Somehow most of the last couple days got away from me. :)


Judy ~ :hug for what you're going through...but I'm so glad you're safe and are able to check in with us. :manyheart The pictures on the news are incredible.


Dusti ~ Welcome back! We've missed you lots. :)


Julie ~ Your knit baby ghan pattern is adorable! And yes, CAKE is a wonderful thing. I was at DD's for most of the day today and she had a Turtle Cheesecake that someone had given them. Of course, I had to have a piece. :lol


Hi Tabby! I hope you are doing well.:yes What are you working on?


Linda ~ Your day with Rosie sounds wonderful! So sorry about the mice :( - please let us know if we can check our stashes for yarn you might need.


Shay ~ Can't wait to see your ATW! :hook


Diane ~ Yay for having a good time at Bingo! I'm not sure if anyone answered about quoting posts, so sorry if I'm repeating...On the bottom right corner of each post is a box with quotation marks and a + sign. When you click on that, it will turn orange. Click as many as you want and then click on the post reply button. All of the other quotes will show up and you can reply then.

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Hi, Mary and Tam!


I'm 3 saltines shy of having crocheted two blocks worth today. Will work on tails and putting them together tomorrow.

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Afternoon Ladies!!


Ive been a busy little bee today...got my kitchen all cleaned(we are talking spiderwebs cleaned up and dust gone) and my plants behind the sink trimmed....i love when the sun is shinning,then i decided i needed to finish Claude the Cactus so hes done to....now im going to sit down and work on some saltines.


Linda....wow...cant wait to see.


Hi Mary :hugcant wait to see it come together myself because i don't usually work with blues....how is your ducky coming along?


Tammy...glad you were able to get away with DH and have a good time....hope things are going better for you now :hug


Hi Julie and Judy :manyheart


Meet Claude


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Julie - I looked at the pattern book for the 63 square afghan the other day. I thought seriously about buying, but I have way too many things on my plate right now. I'd hate to join the CAL late, too. I hope the knit baby afghan doesn't take too long. I'm going to do a dishcloth for my first knit project. It will be usable even if it's ugly. :lol I'm glad you were able to spend some time with Cam. Is it ever really "enough" though?!? :)


Judy - :hug I hope your power isn't out too long. I heard on TV yesterday that a lot of NJ had power outages.


Dusti - :hi Welcome home! I'm so glad you all were safe. We were worried! :yes Did you have a fabulous, restful vacation?


Shay - That is one cool looking afghan. When you make it, be sure to post progress and finished photos for us. Maybe in 20 years or so I'll be good enough at knitting to make one, too. :lol The cactus is too cute.


Linda - I'm sorry about the mice, the frog pond and everything! :( I am, however, very happy that you didn't gain weight and the afghans seem fixable. Big :hug!


Tam - How nice that you and hubby were able to get away for the retreat! I'm glad you're feeling better and hope that darn cough is gone soon.


The time change is going to kill me! :lol I always struggle the first week or so. This is only the third time we've done DST. I'm in Indiana and until three years ago, we didn't change time. I like it just fine, but it's an adjustment.


I've been meaning to tell you that my mom is having surgery on Thursday. She has a nasty infection in her sinuses that has been going on so long that there is a knot in one. The ENT is going to clean out all of her sinuses plus take some bone out for the top sinuses so they have more space. The ENT said it can't wait any long...he's worried about meningitis from the infection being so close to her brain (or something like that). I'm a little freaked out, but realize it's pretty routine. She has had sinus surgery twice before, but it's the bone thing (and right by her brain) that freaks me out. Her doctor is going to have a neurosurgeon in the room with him though in case anything goes wrong. He, obviously, doesn't expect anything to go wrong or he wouldn't do the surgery to begin with though.


Well, thanks for letting me get that out gals. Have a great evening!

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Hey gang

Just a last checkin before turning off for the night .


Mary- I hope you got a SLAB of cake and not just a SLIVER . If you need me to send measurements, I will .


Tam -hidey-ho, little missie. You sound in better spirits this week, which is great !


Nicole- nope, never get tired of hanging out with my old pal Cam . Me and him are thick as thieves . Today we were talking about At Patricks and people pinching you if you didnt wear green . I had him chuckling about what I'd do if somebody pinched me in the store for not wearing green .


Shay - you seem to be so productive and always get so much accomplished -- you must be one busy little person .



And Nicole - My thoughts will be with you and your mom and family as she has her surgery. It sounds like her Dr is very competent and has all bases covered ,so everything should be just fine . I understand though about it being scarey. Any surgery is .

Keep us informed. ok ?

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Nicole ~ It's always so hard when surgery is necessary. Your mom will be in my thoughts and prayers, too. :hug And you, too...I know you all are really close. :manyheart


Shay ~ Mr. Claude is very cute! My whole house needs a real cleaning. :lol


Linda ~ Way to go on your dragon progress! :clap I've been making lots of squares, too and it's definitely time for more joining. :yes


Hi Julie ~ Have a good night. :manyheart


The time change always messes me up for about a week, so I'm wide awake and the clock says it's time for bed. Gracie doesn't get it either. ;)

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Nicole...saying a special prayer for you and your mom :hug


Julie...hahaha....it seems like i never get anything done and with winter my house is a mess so im just trying to get a head start on cleaning it up.


Mary...my whole house is a disaster zone but spring is coming and i feel like cleaning and opening the windows.We got up to 64 yesterday and they say we will get to 67 today so im hopeful.

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Morning Happy Housers -


How is everyone today ? Here it is still dark out, so not sure what the day will bring weather-wise . I think it is supposed to steadily rise in temp this week ,maybe into the 50's,which is good for Ohio in March.


Today is my day at the new specialist. He has a long name, Dr. K for short.

I have been calling him Dr. Kevorkian .


We shall see what he has up his sleeve in the way of entertainment for me. Something tells me it will not be a trip to Disneyland. No hat with my name in glitter, no cotton candy, but I MAY feel like I rode a roller coaster when I leave .


Anyhow, as long as he can pinpoint what is wrong with me, bring it on .


I am trying to think of another GOOD point today . The other GOOD point is that I will have a WHOLE new building of strangers to TALK to .


SO.. that will be my morning . By afternoon, I hope to be back in the safety of my home ,none the worse for wear .


Will not attempt to bring crocheting equipment with me, they had a strict list of do's and dont's for their waiting room, due to their patient's allergies.


1- No wearing perfumes .

2-No wearing hairspray .

3-No scented lotions or hand cremes .

4-No scented chewing gums .

5-No newspapers( I never knew some people are allergic to newsprint or the ink on it )

6-No packed lunches or snacks . ( this one REALLY threw me . Not that I planned on bringing a picnic basket to the office, but I have NEVER seen anyone pack a lunch and eat it at the Dr's office .)


SO.. it didn't specifically state no YARN,but I'm assuming if they have people THAT allergic ,that there may be some who have allergies to wool-type fibers and that they may tell me I'm not allowed to have it in there .


So, to save the trouble of having to beat up a nurse, and not having the steam to beat one up, I'll just leave my stuff at home .


I'm usually too antsy to do anything while in the waiting rooms . I bring crochet stuff -- too nervous .


Bring a book- can't concentrate .


So,most usually, I play musical chairs, and go around the room, changing seats, sitting next to one person at a time.


My opening line is always WHAT ARE YOU IN FOR ?


The men ALWAYS tell me ,ladies rarely do .



So, I try to come to some conclusion about this .


1- Are ladies more PRIVATE than men ?

2-Are ladies smarter than men ?

3-Are ladies not as friendly as men ?


I don't know-- need to do more research into it . :think


I'll get back to you when I figure it out .


Pardon me for babbling, but the more nervous I am, the more I babble .


( Good thing I don't have false teeth . That pink rubberized GUM material would be melted by noon today):D


Will report in when I check in later on .


PS- got one more block added to Cam's Castle last night !:yay

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Good morning, everyone. We have sunshine again today. Yeah!!! Yesterday it was very windy, but it's calm today, at least so far. It's supposed to get warmer today, too. I think it managed to get to 54* yesterday, but higher today.


The time change really got to me last night. I went downstairs when it said 10:30, but my body said, "No way!" I ended up reading for 2 hours before I could get to sleep. I'm bushed this morning. I'll get with the program by the end of the week. I've never really figured out why they do this in the summer when the days are longer anyway. It would make more sense to do it in the winter, in my opinion.


Julie, my thoughts and prayers are with you this morning. Hope the news from the doctor is good and that he doesn't order a gazillion new tests. :hug

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Julie ~ We'll be thinking of you today as you have your tests. :hug I hope they find the problem quickly so you can feel better soon. :yes


Judy ~ Keeping my fingers crossed that your power is on today. We miss you!


Hi Linda ~ Have a good day and enjoy the sun. :)


Happy housewife chores this morning, haircut and groceries this afternoon...and hopefully crochet time in there somewhere. :hook

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Hey Mary………. Thanks… yeah… it was just what hubby and I needed!

Oh… Linda…. Now is this 3 saltines shy going on the DragonQuilt’ghan?

Shay……… Claude is just too cute!!!!

:hi Nicole…. I will be saying prayers for your mom sweetie! Keep us up to date with her! And how you’re doing with it all…. We want to be here for you!

:whew Julie………… wow… what a day ahead of you! :hug Goodness… with all that… .I sure do hope Dr. K figures out whats up. Man… what a bummer about not taking your crocheting…. But you’re right… best safe then sorry.

We’ll be waiting to hear from you! :hug


Well…. my weekend away with hubby was awesome. A great big eye opener! Hubby and I learned so much!!! We learned how to communicate better… we learned how to deal with our feelings … and not let them turn into something they shouldn’t. We learned the differences between men and women …. What we want… what we expect … and how that all makes us feel. It was just awesome! And the whole weekend started off by a huge blessing from God and ended by His blessing our marriage.

The conference was held in the Ball Room of a Hilton Hotel. So couples were to book rooms in the hotel there. Hubby had booked a two room suite for us… he wanted to have a really cool room for us to add to the “Weekend to Remember” Well… when we got there… they said that there was a problem with our room… Although hubby had booked the room 2 months ago… somehow they didn’t get us booked and all the rooms were spoken for. So because they couldn’t give us a room of lesser value and make themselves look good… they had to upgrade us. TO THE PRESIDENTIAL SUITE! OMGosh!!!! It was unbelievable!!!! We had room service… that treated us like royalty. It was just plain fun! The Conference was outstanding and the room was just a wonderful added bonus!










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Dusti - :hi Welcome home! I'm so glad you all were safe. We were worried! :yes Did you have a fabulous, restful vacation?

Our holiday really was a good one :) This was the first year that I did not travel with a stroller or watch the clock to make sure I was near a restroom every 2.5 hours, and it was so liberating :lol The girls are traveling pros by this point -- they carry their own carry-on bags, they do not need snacks too often, and we can read to each other, rather than me straining my voice for 8-9 hours at a time. We had the perfect amount of time during every lay-over to allow the girls to practice figuring out where we were and where we needed to go to catch our connecting flights, and those skills cannot hurt them in the long run. Both of the girls got up on a surfboard this year, and I was so proud of them. We spent 3-4 hours each day studying, but it was good to have some semblance of a routine some day, otherwise, the sunshine would have been too tempting. I love the beach :hot, and the weather cooperated most every day for a couple of visits.

You and your mother are definitely in my prayers. It sounds as though her doctor is very qualified, and I am sending wishes for her quick recovery. Hang in there :hug


Tam ~ Your weekend retreat sounds perfect. -



We got up to 64 yesterday and they say we will get to 67 today so im hopeful.

Oooooh, temps in the 60s are real spring-like, aren't they? I love tulips, daffodils and the like, but it will be a bit before we see any of those little guys poking up through the dirt. Right now, we are dealing with overland flooding. You have been hearing about the Red River flooding in Fargo, ND? Well, we are tied-in to that river system, and when it is flooding, so are we :eek The yard is deep, but not compared to last year, so I am hopeful we excape the real worrisome water levels. We'll know within the week, whether we have to evacuate -- :xfin it does not come to that!! "Come on wind; blow and help some of this water evaporate."


Julie ~ Sending prayers your way that you have a productive visit with the new doctor. You had me giggling, as you were ruminating about the unfriendliness of ladies in a doctor's waiting room. Your method of "research" reminds me sooooo much of my best friend from college. She would get a theory in her mind, and then she would chat-up everyone on our hall to see if she could draw some sort of (very) non-scientific conclusion (Ie. The roommates who sleep in bunk beds always align their heads away from the doorway, while those that have separate twin beds are more likely to put their heads closer to the doorway. Does it matter?!? No, but she was curious and always polling us for info)


Linda, Julie & Mary ~ Yaaaay for saltine production:cheer Your 'ghans are coming right along.


Continue to stay safe, Judy :hugBeing without power is one way to get into the depths of one's refrigerator -- I like your positive spin on the situation. I am hoping your power is restored, today, and that you and SDR are comfortable this evening.



Mary ~Hope you accomplish all of your chores quickly, so that you can crochet, today. Have a good one!



I did most of my chores, yesterday, so I can play today. I am working on a few 6- and 12-inch squares for friendship 'ghans and comfort 'ghans, but once I do them, I want to start a new purse for me. I keep be-bopping from project to project, but I am not getting bored :D Here's wishing you all have time to work on fun creations for yourself, today :crocheting

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Dusti, it's so very nice to have you back. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time.


Tam, the Presidential Suite! WOW!!! Your weekend sounds awesome.


I am planning on working on the dragonghan today, but we will have to see. My shoulders hurt this morning and I'm itching to start on mom's quilt. I've decided to add a little glitz to it by adding a little of one of the fancy materials that I picked up last weekend to it. Just a little square of glitzy oriental fabric in the center of the blocks where the Irish chains cross. 25 2.5"x2.5" squares. The color tone is very similar to that part of the chains, but much fancier in detail. I'll take a picture once I get it started so you can see what I mean.

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Hi Ho ladies


Back to my Happy House ........in my own little corner in my own little chair, I can be whoever I want to be .... (Sing along )


Anyhow, Dr appt went ok, I think. I really like the Dr . A funny guy ,and believe it or not, I THINK he can out-talk me . He talks FASTER than me ,let's just say that .

He's YOUNGER ,so speed is definitely an area he is better in than me .


They tested me for allergies and found I have allergies to dust mites and tree pollen, along with asthma, which wasn't responding well to the 2 other meds I was on for it, so he switched it to a new one, then ordered an allergy med and a stomach med because my gut always feels gaggy .

He wants me to try these for a month, then see how they are working .If not well, I am to call and come in sooner, if they work good,I can wait and come in a little later, maybe another month longer .

He seems to think that the tiredness is from both these things being uncontrolled ,and kinda throwing off other parts of my body ,thus, the headaches, etc .


They are still puzzled about my BP ,but it is currently behaving ,so I guess they'll leave it alone and hope it stays that way .


So, only time will tell, but hope my new meds do the trick and I get some power back .



Linda- you addition to your quilt sounds like it'll be pretty .



Tam- wow, that sounds like one fancy hotel room ! You oughta see the joint WE stay in every summer ! Looks like it needs condemned, but we like it .



Nicole-- hang in there -- thinking of you and your mom .



Hey Miss Mary-- you sound so very content all the time .It's always nice to read your emails, because they are always so pleasant. I bet you have never gotten MAD, not once in your whole life. I'd like to know your secret .



Dusti- I would have liked to meet your friend who did the surveys on things. I like doing stuff like that, trying to figure out why people react in certain ways to certain things, etc. It's fun to do it ,just for entertainment. Keeps your brain busy .


By the way, how many kids do you have and are they boys or girls or both ? And what ages?

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Julie, it sounds like Dr. K really has it together and meds that aren't doing what they are supposed to can really throw your whole system out of kilter. I hope these new ones work well for you. It helps a lot that he was nice and that you liked him.

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So Linda-

How many more saltines did you get accomplished today, or were you working on your sewed quilt today instead ?

I finally got the next block put together and added on , now onto the 2nd to last block to the bottom ( so 2 blocks to go until I am the whole way down on the left side ) .


At least I'll have more to show on Photo Friday this week ! Gotta get cracking though . I worked on it some early this morning ,but not since I got home ,so I'd better get scooting here .


My favorite show, Biggest Loser is on tonite, so I can watch it and make saltines .

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Shay -Nope, unfortunately ,we were the second people of the day,the first was a lady and her little girl. I thought I might scare them off, and they might think I was trying to kidnap the little girl or something .

I usually steer clear of little kids in Dr's offices and head for the adults . People get a little bit of a scared look on their faces when a stranger approaches their kids, which I can certainly understand in today's world.

Pretty sad, but true . I'd be the same if I had Cam with me and a stranger came up talking to him .


Have fun making your saltines tonite !! I'd issue a challenge to you, but I'm too smart to do that !! You'd make 189 and I'd have 13 done .:lol:D:lol

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Hi, Julie. I got the tails hidden this afternoon and have started sewing the next two blocks together. I have earned almost another block's worth of squares, but the charity CAL starts Thursday, so I'll be doing that next.

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Linda- you and Judy are a lot alike in crocheting. You guys sure do get a lot accomplished ! I always PLAN to get a lot done, but somehow my day slides right on by and I end the day with very little accomplished .


At least I have good intentions when the day starts . I must sit around in a fog all day or I'm a poor time manager. Can't quite figure out WHAT I do with my time .

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