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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Howdy Hi Miss Nicole -- you sure have a booked up busy life !! Always on the go :yes



Thanks, Jude -- I tried to make it short ,which aint easy for me !!:D


Hey, me and Cam would have a blast in your graveyard behind your house . ;)



Thanks dear old Tam - how are you, little sweetie ? :hug

hey hon............. you know.... I'm hangin' in there. This stupid family drama is kickin' my backside physically though. I have one heck of a cold. YUCK

I'm trying to keep my focus on the good Lord... but guess I needed a good breakdown the other day. I was sitting in my closet putting together a neat new shelving unit... and just busted out crying. I was really drained after... but it did feel good. Sometimes being strong... isnt all its cracked up to be..... LOL

:hughow are you dear?







off to wrestling meet for my 13yr old. pop in later!

love out new/old Happy House



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I know where you're coming from . I think toughness is one of the best qualities a person can have . The ability to handle whatever life throws their way . I was taught to be like that and still expected to be like that. Most of the family leans heavily on me for advice and help . So, it's just hard for me when I crumble .

It's probably not good for a person to force yourself to be that way, but it's the only way I know how to be .

I can understand though when you sometimes just start to fall apart .


I like having time to myself,which I have a LOT of . Then I can react any way I want. I also give myself a lot of talks,which might make me sound like a loon,but I'm really not .


I just SOUND like one . :lol


You'll get through this. I havent known you long, but I can tell you have a very feisty ,strong spirit and can overcome this.:yes

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Thanks, Jude -- I tried to make it short ,which aint easy for me !!:D


Hey, me and Cam would have a blast in your graveyard behind your house . ;)

I noticed how short you were:lol


...and the High School I went to had (besides the creek we used for earth science classes) an old cemetery that I would explore when I had a chance.

Phil and I also had a perfect parking place up the block from our house, too, when we were dating - next to a cemetery.:lol:lol:lol:lol

Never had an issue with them....

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Hi Diane

sorry your weather is still lousy . I honestly never knew the weather was that bad out there. I thought it'd be nice and warm all year.

I've never been out there ,so not very familiar with it, just guessed it'd be warm all the time .


Are you in the northern or southern part of the state ?


We are almost dead center of the state, in a valley.... but are considered high desert. Elevation is 4900. Small town, 1 grocery store, 1 pharmacy, feed store, nearest anything else...about 30 minutes away. Years ago, they use to close the main highway down for 1 day in Sept. so they could herd cattle across to new grazing area. When we first bought out here, the newspaper was only on Wednesday. In the police report one day, the big news was.....patrol car assigned to sit outside of Safeway Market because someone had stolen 10 sunday newspapers out of the rack. :rofl


Just finished 4th panel of 6 panels for g-sons ghan. Luv this yarn...Lion Brand Wool-eaze. Just ordered a sample card of all the colors.


Still snowing so back to :hook

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Nicole-I've missed posting for awhile, did you ever finish your socks?


Julie and Judy-I love cemetaries. DH was 22 years in the Navy before he retired. Moved alot and we were always broke. Cheapest form of entertainment was...a cemetary. Luv prowling thru them. I also do genealogy so have spent many days in them, reading and walking. So interesting to me. My co-workers knew of my love of cemetaries so when I retired....they blindfolded me, kidnapped me and drove me around and around town getting me lost. We ended up in a cemetary. They had my retirement party there. What a hoot! Lounge chairs, blankets and a picnic lunch, wine, presents, etc. All in a beautiful cemetary. What fun!!


Tam-Sorry that times are tough for your right now, I do understand. :hug I had my meltdown last week and you and all of these great ladies were right there to perk me up. I luv our refurbished "Happy House". Thanks Julie.


And to the new Mary, :welcome I'm a newbie too and this is a great place to be. :yes

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My goodness...I was trying to do too many things at once when I posted.


Mary (Skysmom) - I meant to say that the colors for the Ducky are great. Geesh...I'm a mess today!


Diane - Yep, the socks are done and fabulous. They are warm and comfy. Plus the yarn has this cool exfoliating thing going on. :lol Here's a picture for you! post-28827-135897511162_thumb.jpg


Julie - I do seem to always be getting into something. :D I have three home hockey games this week, too. One tomorrow, then one and Friday and Saturday. The season is almost over though. We should get into the play offs, which will extend the season up to a month and a half. We (of course, I didn't have a personal part in it) won the playoffs last year. Two years in a row would be fine by me! :yes


Howdy to everyone else! I hope you have a great evening. :hug

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Well, Miss Jude


Sounds like you and Phil played a little Ghost in the Graveyard in your younger days,little missie !!!



Diane, your town sounds so neat ! I'd love to see it . Our town is pretty little and boring like that too . My all time favorite news story was about a year or so ago.

One guy got mad at his neighbor, so during the night, he went out with a stick of butter,and buttered his windshield and door handles so the guys couldn't get the doors open and couldn't see out the window !!! Hilarious .

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Diane, sounds like you have terrific friends!! The party sounded great.

I love Wool ease...have a few skiens hanging around here...made a dog bone pattern little rug (from an old crochet pattern calendar) but it was too slippery on my kitchen floor for the dog bowls, so it ended up on the pile of blankies my old Susie sleeps on here in the corner of my office.


Well, Miss Jude


Sounds like you and Phil played a little Ghost in the Graveyard in your younger days,little missie !!!


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Julie - I probably won't watch any sports. I do love baseball, but I don't usually watch it on tv unless I'm cleaning or something. We have a minor league here that I go to see a lot. Baseball is fairly boring to watch on tv. I used to always watch NASCAR. I probably haven't missed more than five races since I was three until this year. I got tired of them changing the rules all of the time and telling them basically that they can't race. Then when Danica Patrick started racing in NASCAR, I knew it was time to go.

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Hi Ladies. Just a quick post - today was a busy one and I'm about ready for bed.


I LOVE our new name and focus! Thank you to everyone who came up with the idea. :ghug


See you tomorrow!

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Nicole -


I have no idea who that is -- is it a girl car racer ? Do you mean you like her or you don't ?


I am not only pet challenged, I am sport challenged .


Geeminy -- growing up in this hilljack town, you just aint real ejucated about much of anything .


I CAN cook spaghettios,though . And poptarts .




Mary- good to see you, thanks for dropping in for a minute-- i'm hitting the sack now too. WAY past my bedtime ...

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Julie….. thanks so much for the encouragement and understanding!

Boy I tell ya…. I know God will never give us more than we can handle… but I’m pretty sure He pushes some of us to our limits!

Boy howdy do I know about talking to myself. In reality.. I’m taking to God… but it comes out me talking to myself… or talking to the one I’m dealing with at the time when there not there. I anticipate their answers and remarks… make my point… and then I find peace in getting it out of my system and hearing God say….”did you hear yourself?” Man it stinks when He does that… cuz I’m usually in the wrong… LOL

Thank you again for the encouragement and confidence in me! :hug

Diane………. :hug we’ll get through all this together!!!

Nicole………..those are Awesome Socks!!!!



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First full day in the New and Improved Happy House ~~~:)


So,what'ya all got on your craft'in plates today ? I believe I'll be going back to the castle for another trip.


I almost have another block completed and added ,so I should have a bigger chunk finished to show this Friday . At least I'll have progress on this and on my 63. On it I have one strip of 7 made and put togther, plus one more square and half another . I wanted to get that half a one done. Maybe I will before Friday .


Most of our snow has melted-there are still small clumps laying around but we can see grass again,so that's good .


See you all later on ~~:)

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Hi, ladies!


I'm going to finish the second arm rest cover today - and get back to my Lucy bag (barely started!) and work on my ATW - I hope.

It's very nice and sunny outside...I may be lured out there, instead:lol


CU all later!

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Julie - Yes, she's a female racer that usually races in IRL (Indy Racing League). She has never won a points race, but all the sports guys talk about her like she's God's gift to racing. It's annoying!


I'll be back later to catch up everyone. Have a great day!

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'Morning, Ladies. :) I've just read all the posts I missed yesterday...love having all the activity! It's supposed to be another 70* day here. :yes


I plan on a trip to the store and lots of crochet time today. :hook Went back to the Dr. yesterday and he thinks there may still be a bit of the sinus infection left and thinks the rest is allergies. So one more round of the antibiotics just in case. :( For someone who's never sick, I've been there three times in a month. :lol


I hope everyone is having a great morning! :manyheart

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Diane, your town sounds so neat ! I'd love to see it . Our town is pretty little and boring like that too . My all time favorite news story was about a year or so ago.

One guy got mad at his neighbor, so during the night, he went out with a stick of butter,and buttered his windshield and door handles so the guys couldn't get the doors open and couldn't see out the window !!! Hilarious .

:rofl :rofl :rofl I love it!


It's raining here today, so I'll stay inside and work on something or other. My hands hurt with this weather, so not to sure what I'll get done, but something.

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Nicole- who is the guy in your avatar, is it your boyfriend or a car racer ?




Mary- Better to get one more dose of medecine in if there's any infection left. If they don't get it all, it will come back full force . You want all that sick to be long gone when Luke makes his grand arrival !!!!




Linda- this past week, a lady in town called the police because her cable bill was too high. Come to find out ,she hadn't paid it in months.

What did she expect the police to do, STUN GUN the Cable Guy ? :lol


I'm telling you,we are HILLJACKS in this town .

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Mary - I hope this round of antibiotics takes care of that nasty sinus infection for good!


Linda - Hi there! We're getting rain today, too. :sigh At least it's a lot warmer!!


Julie - Heh, heh...I wish my avatar was a picture of my boyfriend. :D That's Henrik Zetterberg. If you want, you can read all about him here.

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Linda- this past week, a lady in town called the police because her cable bill was too high. Come to find out ,she hadn't paid it in months.

What did she expect the police to do, STUN GUN the Cable Guy ? :lol


I'm telling you,we are HILLJACKS in this town .

Julie, that sounds like the town I grew up near. Except we were too small to have a police force of any kind. :lol

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Yea, the town where we go for our reunion each year is even smaller . They have a police force of one .

I pity him if any big crime ever occurs there . I dont think anyone could ever FIND the place to commit a crime. It's WAY down in the hills .

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