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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Love those blues,purples and can't wait to see the green in there with them,it's gonna be a beauty !


Who will be watching Kim while you are away ?




Mary- I'm glad you had a nice lunch ,but sorry something happened to ruin the end of your day. Try to remember the fun part and let it outshine the bad .


And make sure and concentrate hard on the CAKE tomorrow. I want all the details -- frosting ,cake moistness, flavorings, etc. Doggone, I could eat cake til I blew a gasket .

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Julie - The castle is looking good! :clap


Linda - :cheer I'm so glad you're getting to see Joy!! Hurray about the price on the plane ticket, too. :woo The dragon is looking fabulous! That's one cute little dog, too. :manyheart


Mary - :hug Sorry you had one of those days. I'm glad you were able to have a nice lunch with DH though. How exciting about DD's shower though!!! Make sure to give us all of the details, okay?!?!?!


Tam - Good to see you back here!


Judy - I agree...the friendships here are great. We get along pretty well considering this is an online group. I haven't had much luck with those at all.


Diane - You have some amazing talent! I love your afghans. All of your work is gorgeous. That round ripple is simply breathtaking. I am still collecting squares for the friendshipghan. I'd love more from you if you feel so inclined. :hug


Well, I'm off work until Monday! :woo I get a half day off on Friday once a month. It's a perfect day for it, too. The weather is fabulous. It has warmed up to 40 degrees and it's sunny. Cooper is so funny. Since the sun is out for the first time in what feels like years, there is light reflecting off all of the metal objects. One of them is my bracelet that I have worn since my little man passed (it has his name on it and a few charms). It's reflecting light on the ceiling and Cooper is just chatting at it. It's precious. My kitties were so surprised and excited to see me home early. I'm going to sit around and take it easy today. I'll do a little crocheting and get caught up on TV shows on the DVR. During hockey season, I record all of my shows and watch them later. I have three episodes of Lost to watch. I had to come on here and get caught up with you all first though. :manyheart


Have a great day and evening. I hope to stop by the weekend to check on all of you and make sure you're staying out of trouble. :P

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Nicole, enjoy your extended weekend! Kitties and pups are defintiely used to our routines, and when we change them they get stirred up. It's funny to watch,;)

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Mary, like Jules said: try and focus on the fun parts of your day yesterday...it helps a bit:hug:manyheart

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Julie....looking good....


Judy....Good Afternoon!!!


Linda...That is so cool...i cant wait to see it as it gets bigger and you add in the green.


Mary....Im sorry you had a bad day...i hope today will be better :hug

Nicole...I do that to with recording my shows because im up most of the night so i like watching them late after everyone is in bed.


No to go get photos uploaded,,,be back!!

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Love those blues,purples and can't wait to see the green in there with them,it's gonna be a beauty !


Who will be watching Kim while you are away ?

John has that time off as vacation time. It's when they go to their time share in Panama City Beach. It's lovely there, and their son Jonathan and his two kids are planning on joining them while they're there. So we all get to see our kids and grandkids that week and a half.


Thank you everyone for your compliments on the dragonghan. I get to start adding in the green in the next two blocks. Not a lot of the blue left to do now. Some but not a lot. The green starts sooner on the right side than on the left.

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I haven't sewn any saltines together yet since ive been tied up with yo-yos.


This is my"I must be insane and what was i thinking blanket"Its all my little balls that aren't enough to make saltines out of.Its very addicting.


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Thanks for the hugs, everyone.:hug I have spent most of my adult life dealing with my parents abusive behavior...and have put myself in counseling more than once. Every once in a while, I still let them (mostly mother) get to me. But I am the Queen of Mama Bears ;) and when it involves DD, it really gets to me. Thanks for letting me vent - you guys are wonderful and have helped me through some bad days, even if you didn't know it. :manyheart


Today has been good! I've taken some pictures and just need to get them off my camera. :yes

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I haven't sewn any saltines together yet since ive been tied up with yo-yos.


This is my"I must be insane and what was i thinking blanket"Its all my little balls that aren't enough to make saltines out of.Its very addicting.


Beautiful! :clap I love your name for the ghan! :lol

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Thanks Nicole,and enjoy your weekend off -- now who are your pets, I'm not aquainted with them yet ? Kitties or doggies or both ?


And also, my daughter loves the show Lost .She lives in Hawaii and got to see them filming the first show this year .


Last year, she got to meet the guy who is in the show( I have no clue what his name is ) ,he is really dark-skinned, with kinda long dark wavy hair -- very handsome in an island-sorta way . He was eating in a pancake restaurant they were in and she got her photo with him .

Here- I found the photo --

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Wow, Shay --

I agree with the name for that afghan,but it is a great way to use up small yarn amounts and will be so cool when done !




Mary --Geeminy--- I cannot believe I have ONE OF THOSE too . I thought I grew up in a regular household,but come to find out, pert near the whole family turned out to be more like the Munsters or the Addams Family . I am either Thing or Cousin It .I'd like to be Uncle Fester and live in the basement away from them all .


Anyhow,since I have been programmed to not say anything directly derogatory, I'll just say I know where you are coming from and leave it there .

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Julie ~ I don't watch Lost, but that guy is really cute! I bet your daughter was thrilled to meet him - does she love Hawaii?


How do I get programmed? :wink


Here is the completed "Jasie" ghan, the Just Ducky progress, and Miss Gracie. :)




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All your work is just perfect-- every stitch is exactly right and perfect ! The jasie is beautiful .is the ribbon like a navy blue color ?And the ducky is cute as usual !


I like your doggie-- is he new, or have you had him a long time .


And no, you don't WANT to be programmed . I'm programmed to PRETEND that we live in a perfect family and we are all perfect . I am not to say any differently . People think we ARE a perfectly family .


You really DON't want to be like that. Not a healthy way to handle it .


Better to pick up a broom handle and start swinging it .

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I haven't sewn any saltines together yet since ive been tied up with yo-yos.


This is my"I must be insane and what was i thinking blanket"Its all my little balls that aren't enough to make saltines out of.Its very addicting.

Love it, Shay. And love the name too.

Thanks for the hugs, everyone.:hug I have spent most of my adult life dealing with my parents abusive behavior...and have put myself in counseling more than once. Every once in a while, I still let them (mostly mother) get to me. But I am the Queen of Mama Bears ;) and when it involves DD, it really gets to me. Thanks for letting me vent - you guys are wonderful and have helped me through some bad days, even if you didn't know it. :manyheart


Today has been good! I've taken some pictures and just need to get them off my camera. :yes

:hug:hug:hug Know what you mean and where you're coming from, Mary. :hug:hug:hug

Julie ~ I don't watch Lost, but that guy is really cute! I bet your daughter was thrilled to meet him - does she love Hawaii?


How do I get programmed? :wink


Here is the completed "Jasie" ghan, the Just Ducky progress, and Miss Gracie. :)

Beautiful "Jasie" ghan, Mary. Another lovely Just Ducky going there. My goodness, Gracie just keeps getting cuter and cuter.

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Oddly enough,our girl didnt like Hawaii at first. I think she felt too far away from home or something. They have always been far away from home, but never THAT far away,on an island in the middle of the ocean,so it was hard for her, plus her husband has been in Iraq twice ,leaving her and the kids there alone .

She has adjusted and is ok with it now, but she is looking forward to leaving there in April . They are going to Korea next. I am not thrilled with the thought of THAT ,but she seems ok with it. They have had to move many times, so she's used to it . Army life... you know ?


She's coming home to see us at the end of March for a week. We havent seen her in 2 years .:)

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Also forgot to say-- your vacation plans will work out perfect then,because everyone gets a vacation at the same time !

You'll all have a good time .



Plus-- just checking -- I keep forgetting to ask if you ever got Cam's card ? It should have arrived by now. Sam mailed it on sunday . (?)


I hope he didnt stick it in his visor in his truck. He has been known to do that and forget for days .. :think


Will have to ask him tonite .

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Shay...I would call that blanket (which is beautiful, BTW) my substitute for Xanax. When I work on little squares, etc, I go into a zone where everything is peaceful....:c9



The gahns...and Miss Gracie...are gorgeous! A question: did you tack the ribbon down with somelittle stitches so it can't be pulled or bunched up? I've done that when trimming baby blankets.

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Hello ladies,

thanks for all the kind words yesterday. I usually am a positive upbeat person, but for some reason, things just hit hard yesterday. Thanks for being there for me, it really made a difference. :yes


Mary, your Jasie ghan is very cute. So is Gracie. :hug Hope today is a better one for you.


Linda, Luv the dragon, looking forward to seeing the green. Trouble is adorable. My Addie always wants to be over or under what ever I am working on. She got all freaky when I put the RR on the bed to take a picture. I had to remove her special red blanket and she let me know that she was not happy about that!


Shay, how wonderful your blanket is. Do you have a planned size in mind or are you just letting it happen?


Julie, Nice to meet you too. It will be fun to watch your castle grow. Currently I am working on an afghan for my middle grandson. He is 17. I didn't want to make anything too foofy, it is a Bernat pattern, called Modern Quilt. It looks very geometric. Using Lion Brand Wool-ease in Black, Wheat, Mushroom and Chestnut. Colors are kind of "heathery". Am halfway thru, will post pics when it is done. I luv, luv, luv looking at everyone's pics. Such talented ladies here.


Nicole, I am a DVR nut too. I watch way too much TV but as long as I am crocheting I feel like it is not wasted time. I have to get caught up on Lost, Project Runway, and I am embarrassed to say, I am so happy the NYC Housewives have started. Looks like it will be a real hoot this season. All the houswives are so over the top. Now I have to see who got eliminated from Idol. I do have some left over yarn from my indian blanket so will work on something for you while I watch NASCAR this weekend.


Weather is beautiful today, think DH is going to BBQ. We were going to yesterday and the wind kicked up so had to postpone it. Steaks sure sound good to me, especially when I don't have to cook!


Hope everyone has a wonderful and productive weekend. Thanks again, and like Judy said, you all are the best! :manyheart

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Thank you for the kind comments, Ladies! :manyheart


Judy ~ Yep, I tacked the ribbon in a few places. :yes I also bought lots of extra ribbon, so I can replace it for DD if needed. :D


Hi Diane! We're grilling steaks, too. I feel the same way about TV...if I'm crocheting, it's on. :yes


Julie ~ That's so exciting that your DD will be home soon! Gracie is crazy, but sweet. :lol She is a Cairn Terrier-the light colored version of Toto in the Wizard of Oz.


And I promise to steal, I mean save some cake for you tomorrow. :) DD's MIL has a group of friends who give showers and parties for eachother's kids...weddings, babies, graduations. They are wonderful people and go all out - they've been doing this for years! Her last shower was hosted by six girls she went to U of Texas with and five of them are expecting...all boys!

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I like the heather colors you mentioned -they are really pretty .



Mary- I like the corner hunks of cake with the most frosting ..

That will be a blast of a shower with all the girls expecting baby boys ! What fun !


Linda- I asked Sam and he mailed it . I put 2 stamps on it because it was covered with so many stickers -- maybe that was the holdup. It hasn't arrived back here yet, so I hope it's still on its way there .

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Hey gang


I was just thinking about this group last night .


I may be wrong, but I do believe we are the longest running CAL group left in here . We've got a LOT of posts and LOTS of views .


Have they ever come in and archived them so it's not such a big chunk of a group,or are they all in one spot still ?


Anyhow ,maybe at some point ,we all should kinda gather back in here once our other commitment areas are done,then we can use this as Central Command, so to speak. we could all still CAL--- but work on whatever projects we want. We wouldnt HAVE to all work on the same items. We could work on a same thing as someone else if we chose to, but we wouldnt have to .


I think it's nice that we have all known each other for so long ,and know a lot about each other .


It's also nice to be able to lean on each other when needed .


But maybe it's time to refresh the group a little and try harder to make it seem more like its title ,a truly HAPPY HOUSE .


Maybe spiff up the place a little. Open the curtains, let in some sunlight , paint it a nice sunny color,and hang out a welcome sign to invite new people in .


We've all had difficulties in life ,but we have also all dealt with them and survived them . We have a great support system here. It's actually ODD how each of us almost fit together like a jigsaw puzzle, because each of us somehow has a piece of our life that interweaves with another's .


Rather than dwell on those things,maybe it'd do us all some good to think about the GOOD stuff we have .


I know it's easy for me these days to get into a real slump . I keep telling Sam,please give me a pep talk. I need someone to tell me something positive and good. I am mentally losing the battle. My body is sick and tired ,so now my mind is sick and tired .


SO... if we had a place HERE where we have to come in daily and tell something GOOD ,then maybe it'd help us all .


Even if it's the smallest thing . ANYTHING good . Think we could do it ?


I think it'd help us all,and our Happy House really WOULD be happy again .


How do the rest of you feel about combining this group into kind of a Combo CAL ?

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