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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Jules...no boys in our classes. No distractions, unfortunatley:devil

Catholic High School...grammer school, too...:yes


Gotta go take the pups out...will check in later today sometime.

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Morning HH ladies

I hope you all have a holly-jolly day !


I now have 2 blocks joined on my castle. I spent last night working on my purse,only to see another pattern that MAY bump the other one out and a new one IN .


Not sure yet-- gotta PONDER it a little to decide .....


Anyhow, I think a purse will be a quickie to do, then can get back to the castle and my crochet squares and my poor knit squares which sadly seem to always get last place .

They just look at me and sigh ..........


Anyhow, hope you all have a good day-- will stop in later on ..... gotta get that purse moving this morning, and if I make my hillbilly version, I need more "fixtures" to dude it up .

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Judy - Another science geek! :cheer A lot of people look at me really strangely when I start talking about stuff like that.


Julie - Thanks! :manyheart


Have a great day everyone. I'll probably check in later. :hug

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Morning, everyone. Another science geek here, too. In fact, my HS science teacher wanted me to become a science teacher. Of course, my math teacher wanted me to be a math teacher and my English teacher wanted my to be an English teacher, too. :lol I ended up in nursing and then in accounting. Go figure.


I think I'm going to work on the dragon ghan instead of the flannelghan today. It's been calling me. :lol I really neglected it while working on the first flannelghan for the Games. So that's what's on my agenda for today.


The snow is pretty still, but should start melting today. They were worried about the roads being icy this morning earlier, but I think they are okay now. John just barely made it up the hill and into the garage last night. It's clear now. The sun has done its trick. And it's supposed to get up to 60 or so this weekend, so the snow won't stay around long. :yay


Off to get our day started. :hook

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Morning Linda

Yep, your dragon probably thought you deserted him !


You'll have plenty of time to get your FG done -- the wedding is still several months off isn't it ?


60 by the weekend ? You lucky thing ! We'd be grilling out and mowing the yard !!!!

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Good Morning. :)


Linda ~ Snow! Your pictures are lovely...just don't send any here. :D I can't wait to see more of your dragon ghan. :yes


Nicole ~ Great progress on the flannelghan! :cheer I hope you're able to get back to a normal sleep pattern. Yes, Gracie was a little angel at the groomers - of course they always tell me she is. :lol


Hi Judy! Are you working on big squares, little squares or something else now? :hook


Julie ~ Castles, purses, squares...you are amazing! Photo Friday will be fun this week. :yes DD hasn't said too much about the delivery yet, but knowing her, I doubt she'll want everyone in the delivery room.:think I picture her MIL and I with our husbands nervously pacing in the waiting room. :lol


I worked on Just Ducky last night and have joined two sections of 6 x 9 squares so far. :yay Now it's time to decide on the wall tile color(s). Here is what I used for the first two...DH suggested it and I like it, but am trying to decide what to do this time. HELP!?


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Mary, I like the background on the earlier version...makes the duck jump out. You could do another deep neutral (teal?)


...and I just put my big squares project away so I could work on my knitted square today. It's basket weave and I already frogged it twice. It seems twisted around. I think I have to pay more attention to where I drop the yarn as I alternate stitches.

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Mary, I like the background on the earlier version...makes the duck jump out. You could do another deep neutral (teal?)


...and I just put my big squares project away so I could work on my knitted square today. It's basket weave and I already frogged it twice. It seems twisted around. I think I have to pay more attention to where I drop the yarn as I alternate stitches.


I think it's great that you are learning to knit!


Thanks, Ladies. :manyheart I like all your ideas...that's my problem!:lol I really like the way Cara designed the tiles...medium sage with random country blue squares.:yes I'm on my way upstairs to see what I've got.

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Thanks, Mary - I love knitting! Though I do have a long way to go to get good at it:D

Aww, I'll bet you'll have it mastered in no time! :yes


Very pretty! Congratulations on finishing your first afghan. :yay


Still no decision on the tile color. :blush I'm meeting DD for lunch tomorrow and if I have time, I may go look at yarn for inspiration. :hook


Have a good evening! :manyheart

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Stacia, your afghan is very pretty. Congrats on your first! :yay:clap:yay


Dragonghan grew today. With a little luck it will grow some more tomorrow and I can have an awesome picture update on Friday.


Good luck deciding, Mary. Maybe DD will have a suggestion that clicks.

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:cry I've missed you guys so much!!!

I've been super busy with my three younger boys in school sports... :whew Then t

here is this stupid family drama going on that is draining me emotionally to the point of it effecting me physically. :sigh

Why? Why? Why?


I did get 2 little saltines done yesterday.... yep... a whole whopping 2.... LOL Better than none I guess.. right?

Julie hon............ how are you doing? Feeling any better at all? :hug

Okay... coffee is done brewing... need a refill...

catch up more later!







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Aww, I'll bet you'll have it mastered in no time! :yes

Not sure about that, but I'm very glad I crochet...or knitting would have been even more confusing!!

:cry I've missed you guys so much!!!

I've been super busy with my three younger boys in school sports... :whew Then t

here is this stupid family drama going on that is draining me emotionally to the point of it effecting me physically. :sigh

Why? Why? Why?



I know all about stuff like that, Tam:hug:hug:manyheart

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Morning Glories


Ready to start another day ?


Well ready or not , here it is .


I had a good day yesterday for 3 reasons :


I called my last uncle left who is old and recently broke his hip and just got home, and we had a real nice talk .


I got an Easter card from one of my cousins ,who is also pretty old and crotchety -- he is quite a character in the family ... very cantankerous,shall we say, but I just love him. We have a blast together . Last reunion, he came and sat beside me ,then elbowed me, kinda waved his arm across at all the people in the pavilion , then said to me I HOPE YOU KNOW ME AND YOU ARE THE SMARTEST PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE BUNCH .

He is hilarious . You'd have to know him to get the joke -- he's just kinda grumpy, but funny .

It makes me laugh,picturing HIM buying an Easter card . FUNNY .


THEN our son-in-law stopped last night to visit ,wanting to know how I was . We havent seen him in a long while. He was in Iraq and stopped to see his parents on his way home to Hawaii(they are getting shipped to Korea next, and he won't be back in town for a year and a half ) ,so it was nice of him to stop for a visit .


So, yesterday was a good day .

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Not sure about that, but I'm very glad I crochet...or knitting would have been even more confusing!!


I know all about stuff like that, Tam:hug:hug:manyheart










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Oh Julie…………… what a wonderful day indeed!!!! :hug

I have an Uncle like your Cousin… LOL… I do know what you mean! I know he’s cranky and such… but darn it .. .he’s a fun old guy… and why some of the other family cant just love him for all he is … I just don’t get. He adds character to our family. Oh well… he likes me best…..LOL

Thanks for the encouragement sweetie! I really appreciate it! Family drama is so darn draining! And I want to know… how do I end up involved in it? Why do they all come crying to me? And the dumbest …most selfish decision made just get me. At what point did I raise my child to act like that?

Oh look….. coffee cup empty…. Good distraction! LOL… ………………



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Thanks Judy


That's one good thing about getting older .


You learn to cherish PEOPLE more, maybe because you realize that life is precious and that every day should be a treasure . Even if it's not a GOOD day, try to find something good about it .


I especially try to do that with family . Our family has pretty much scattered and we rarely see them any more, so to get a card ,have a phone call , just anything little like that is a memory I treasure .

A LOT of our family is getting old ,and a whole generation is slipping away . We have lots of younger ones coming up, but the ones I know well are slipping away,so it's like trying to capture AIR in a jar .

I want to remember funny things they say or do, so I won't forget them when they are no longer here .


It's sad that the ones who SHOULD be closest to me are the furthest apart emotionally ,so I just have to hold on tighter to all the others . I'll take whatever I can get though ,and be happy with them .

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