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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi, Nicole!

I felt okay about the loss yesterday, too - it IS their game after all...and the USA team did scare them when they tied it:lol

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Thanks for the offer of the butt-kicking . :yes


I will kindly take you up on it .


I hope you have big shoes because I have a big butt . :D


I also sometimes NEED my butt kicked and no one else is brave enough to do it, so bring it on,girlfriend .:lol

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Mind if I join the CAL? I'm new to CALs and have just started a new afghan pattern. The pattern has been terrorizing my life the past few nights.


You can call me Stacia or Shadows. No need to worry about remembering my name. :)

Welcome, Stacia! :welcome Of course you can join us. :hi If we can help, don't hesitate to ask. Someone here can usually come up with an answer or direct you to someplace or someone who can help. We don't want anyone terrorized by their afghans. :no

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Judy - Ditto! That's exactly how I feel about things. Since both teams had all players from the NHL, I still felt like "my" team won. :yes


Julie - Actually, I do have big feet for a woman!! :D I can get pretty scrappy when needed. :devil


Stacia - Welcome! We'd love to have you along. I'm glad to hear that you are back on track with the afghan.


I'm working on my new flannelghan to match the furniture. I love how quickly these work up. Hopefully I'll actually finish this since it's quick. I'm not holding my breath though. :lol Have a great evening gals! :hug

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Stacia...Welcome to the group...greatest place to hang out and have fun.


Nicole....The whole time i was watching that game i kept thinking of you and wondering if you were watching and screaming at the TV :lol


Linda...How is your weather??You aren't that far from me and we are spoce to get 2 to 4 inch's of snow again...I AM SO SICK OF WINTER :rant I look like this all the time now:wbrr I fear it wont be long and i will be a block of ice...My DH keeps sing songing that the ice age is coming :lol

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Shay - It's probably a good thing that I wasn't watching the game. I probably would have had a heart attack!! I hope you don't turn into a block of ice. I'm used to this winter thing being from Indiana. It gets hot in the summer and cold in the winter. The weather here is never steady.


Okay, seriously going to go...I have to be at work early this week, but I get off work at 12:30 on Friday. :cheer

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Welcome, Stacia!

Talk about hexagons...I was joining ordinary squares yesterday and actually joined a pair OVER an empty space....making a bowl:lol

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Hidey Ho ladies


Just a quick jump in to say howdy . Got off track yesterday,decided to fill out the packet of papers for the next Dr and realized it was going to turn into a novel instead of a simple fill-in-the-blank. Good grief,what a lot of information they need !!!


Anyhow,it's all done and mailed, so that's out of the way. Back to my Castle today !


Welcome Stacia -- that's a very pretty name !


Good luck on your afghan. Everyone is nice in here so if you need help, I bet any of them will help you out . what colors are you using ?

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) We're finally seeing sunshine! Our average high for now is about 60* and it's been in the 30s and 40s...I think we're all tired of winter. :yes


Welcome, Stacia! We're glad you're here. :hook


Nicole ~ Looking forward to seeing your flannelghan! I know you've said you have trouble finishing large projects, so we will be here pushing - umm - I mean supporting you. :D


Julie ~ I think getting back to Photo Friday is great! You're making great progress on your castle ghan. :cheer


Hi to Shay, Judy and Sue. :waving


I have several errands this a.m. Gracie goes to the groomers, voting day, and a few more things to get for DD's next baby shower (Sat). I won't be missing this one! :c9 Have a good day. :manyheart

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Good morning, everyone. It's snowing! :2snow It's March already! :snow This doesn't happen here in Georgia! :flake Not snow this late! :flake I'm so cold. :wbrr I don't want any more snow! :flake I want blooming flowers! :flower Sigh! :sigh The ground is white, but the roads are clear so far, so John went in to work. If I still lived up North this would be normal, but I don't anymore. This is depressing. John keeps saying, "So much for global warming." Yuck! I need to work on the dragon ghan. I'm sure not going out in this! See you all later.

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Morning Mary !

Oh boy ! Another baby shower ! I'm glad you 'll get to go to this one ! At least you won't have to miss out on ALL the fun .


Is your daughter going to be having everyone in the room with her during the labor and all, like some of the girls have now ?



Linda- hang in there. I know you're getting tired of winter, but be glad you are there . I bet you have at least seen a little grass sometime in the past few days or weeks.

We havent seen ANY grass in probably 6 or 8 weeks. Solid snow .

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Linda, sorry about all the snow... up here we go through cycles. Some years we get lots, other years it's like a drought.


Did you hear that the Chilean earthquake actually shifted the earth's axis? I wonder what THAT will do to weather patterns down the road?


Oh, Mary, I'm soooo happy you get to go to a baby shower after all!

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I know this is insignificant compared to what you've got, Judy. I'm just so ready for spring. It is pretty. The first two are of the back yard and the second two are out the front. The little red Ford Escort is my car.





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Linda, those are pretty pics...dangerous for Southern drivers, though, who aren't used to it!


...and I echo what Jules said. It's a "dusting" out here.:lol

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Oh, I know. I'm from Minnesota and it would be a dusting there, too. I'm becoming a Southern gal now, and for us it's a lot. :lol :lol :lol

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Just a quick Castle update .

Got my first 2 blocks of 16 done and sewn together ! I am excited -- looking good ! Will post photos Friday. I'll see if I can get more done by then. I'm trying to juggle several things at once now ,so trying to divide up my time between them all.


Gotta work a little tonite on my purse I think or else my knitting squares. I wanna watch Biggest Loser ( love that show ) ,so I need something where I don't have to THINK very hard so I can pay attention to the show .


Will check in with you all in the morning .

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Julie - It sounds like you're making good progress on the Castle. :clap


Mary - Hurray for sunshine! :sun We had some here, too. It warmed up to just over 40 degrees today. I do have a lot of trouble finishing large projects....afghans in particular. Push away 'er support away, whichever you prefer. :lol I'm glad there's going to be another baby shower for DD. It stinks you had to miss the first one, but you'll definitely enjoy this one. How does Gracie's haircut look? :P


Judy - I did some internet detective work after I saw your post about the earthquake causes the earth's axis to shift. It knocked it off its axis by about three inches, which sounds like a lot until I considered the size of the earth. So, it shorted the day by 1.26 microseconds and shouldn't effect the weather at all according the NASA. We shall see! I also learned that pretty much every big earthquake causes this to happen. The largest change on record was a six inch shift that caused a 6 (point something) microsecond shorter day. I love science especially when it comes to planets. I had fun looking into everything. :D Thanks for mentioning it or I likely never would have known!


Linda - It's definitely not a lot of snow to those of us up north, but that seems like a lot of snow for Georgia. I need to talk to my friend in Macon to see what things have been like for her recently.



I have had the hardest time sleeping the last week or so. I know I've had a lot going on, but geesh! It doesn't help that I haven't been able to put my crochet hook down. I have the first strip (seven blocks long) of my flannelghan done. I also have a little over two blocks done on the second strip. I'm trying to ride the wave while it lasts and whip a bunch out while I'm motivated. Pretty soon some other shinny crochet object is going to move and my crochet ADD will act up again. :devil


Have a great night everyone! Talk to you later

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Nicole, I'm a real geek when it comes to earth science...turned on to it in High School when the teacher would take us out behind the school for field trips. We'd check out the nearby creek, collect rocks, discuss their origins (in our area they were glacial deposits)


I heard about the microsecond change, too...but wasn't motivated enough to check further.


We actually have had a couple of small tremors here in NJ over the years we've lived here. Nothing big...one, I was standing in a store and thought a huge truck had driven by right outside...the other one was in the middle of the night, and just before I felt the bed shake (and no, it wasn't that:lol) our female GSD woke up and jumped on the bed with us!

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Wow, you are doing terrific on your FG ! Keep up the good work !



Judy- the only thing good in our Earth Science class was that the cutest boy in school sat in front of me. Too bad I only got the back view of him, though .


He's a mailman in our town now .


Too bad he's never been OUR mailman .


Story of my life .


Always the bridesmaid,never the bride .


*****Technically, I WAS the bride... this is just regarding this issue ***********

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