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Thrilled with this BB...

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Danger, danger Will Robinson..:lol .this place can become VERY addicting... I KNOW I have a Crochetville illness when I race back in the living room to turn the laptop on ONE last time to make sure I didn't miss something before I go off to work...WHY does my work scheduale have to interfere anyways :think

Well, I guess I MUST work to be here to enjoy all this great stuff.

Hang tight Angie, you will be to your limit of posts before you know it :hook

oh and you will SOON know, I can't type, or is it my spelling :think now I MUST get to bed, or hubby will off my head, I promised ten more minutes, a half an hour ago :P

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Danger, danger Will Robinson..:lol .this place can become VERY addicting... I KNOW I have a Crochetville illness when I race back in the living room to turn the laptop on ONE last time to make sure I didn't miss something before I go off to work...

You think THAT'S bad?


I turn on my laptop as soon as I get back from taking the kids to school in the morning, and the first thing I check is the 'ville. And I keep it on and tuned in to the 'ville all day. At least once an hour I refresh it to see if there's anything new going on.:lol


Don't get me wrong... I do my work, and I get my crocheting done... but I still have to check every so often, or I'd go nuts! :rofl

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It is so great just knowing the Ville is here. There is always something happening and some new thing to learn.


I guess I am not too far from my 1 year anniversary. Ooooohh, Ill have to take myself out to dinner for that one :wlol

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I'm another one who keeps the Ville up all day long...I check my email first thing while I have my breakfast, then it's pretty much all Ville, all the time...I get what I need to do done of course, but I gotta have my fix LOL!!!



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