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Look what I made!! (more hooks pg 2)


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I decided that I'd try my hand at making some hooks, since I can't seem to talk dh into trying to carve some for me. I had some extra sculpy clay on-hand, leftover from making knitting needles, and so I made a few hooks. Welllll, they're not too bad, great to look at, but they're a bit bendy. I tried making a swatch with them, but you have to use a reeeeeaaaaly light hand with them. The good part is, so far, they bend right back into shape once you're done...I was thinking that if I test them a little further, they might be good for those with carpal tunnel or arthritis...Let me know what y'all think!!


crochethooks001.jpg this is all four of them together. There's a light pink one (the one that looks white), a gold, a black (which looks blue), and a black-and-gold one.


Closeup of the pink...




...the black...



...the gold...(sorry about the green appearance...still not used to the blue curtains yet)



...and the black-and-gold...




I think to keep them from bending so much, I'll use a wire core next time, or maybe a really thin dowel? :think What do you all think?

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the brown (er, it's supposed to be brown) swatch to the right was made with all four hooks...I did three rows with each hook. I have to refine the hook part just a tad when I'm sculpting it, but they work pretty well...You just can't use an extremely tight grip with them.

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What a great idea! I have so much clay and can never think of what to do with it. You did a great job. I'm "rough" and I'd be afraid that I'd snap them in half, but they're beautiful! I especially love that twisted spiral one! Very pretty!!

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Thanks, all!! I'm going to try to make another batch today and see what I can come up with...I might have some wire somewhere to make a stiffer core to prevent some of the flexibility. The first ones haven't broken yet, but I do need to work on the hook (I didn't come up far enough on the left side, so it makes for some awkward crocheting). I'll post more pics when they're done.

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Okay, here is a better pic of the hooks I made yesterday...I discovered that light from the windows made the black look bluer and the gold look greener. so, I closed the blinds this time/ :blush



These two I made just like the ones I made yesterday, only with a better hook. Unfortunately, when I was testing the black one, it broke--I forgot to seam the clay a little better where the neck meets the handle.



These two 'beauties' (not sure yet if I like them) have a twisted wire core inside. I didn't have a heavy-enough gauge wire, and I think the twists make it just a tad stronger, anyway. That, and the clay sticks better to it. These puppies are pretty strong, and can rival a plastic Bates hook!!



All my hooks together (before the second black hook broke :blush)...


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This may sound silly, but have you tried using a coat hanger. Wire hanger that is. Some of them can be pretty strong and you won't get the bend you would get with other wire. Just a thought.:think

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