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The new Lily Chin Book


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Anyone get this new book by Lily Chin?

Couture Crochet Workshop: Mastering Fit, Fashion, and Finesse

I ordered it from Amazon it was supposed to come out on January 1st but it has been delayed 3 times they sent it out on Friday But I haven't gotten it yet. Let me know what you think of it if you have it Thanks!

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I keep wanting to order it, but I keep waiting. I'm curious about if it clues you in on how to structure clothing designs (I'm hopeless), but I've seen pictures of the designs in there and wasn't blown away...the designs look pretty on models but wouldn't work on me

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Mine should be arriving here very shortly, I had my order over at Amazon also but cancelled it and went over to Overstock.com and even though they only offer bookrate as shipping, it will be getting here faster than from Amazon.

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I'm in the same boat...I ordered it through Amazon and it got delayed once or twice and then last week they shipped it, but I'm over here in Germany, so I don't expect to receive it until next week.

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Ok I got mine a few days ago I really love the section on making garments fit and how to make adjustments I also like the section on making your own pattern. I am a little disappointed in the patterns they are pretty blah and like alot of other patterns I have seen there are a few cute sweaters. The book was actually worth the price just for the new info. I am not sure what I expected. I guess when they mention she has designed for all these top Fashion designers I was thinking the patterns would have more KICK? I dunno LMK what you all think

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I got the book today and I LOVE IT! It is awesome. I agree that the patterns are not necessarily to die for, however, they are classic designs that are very well constructed. Most patterns that I have seen so far are not as polished as these are, and for that I am truly appreciative. I think studying them will help anyone learn a lot about design. I am most definitely going to be reading this book several times.

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I still haven't received my book...but it always takes just a bit longer to receive things. The main reason I purchased the book in the first place is for the pattern designing and fitting, not so much for the Lily Chin "patterns." What I'm really going for is compare how I do things with how she does things and pick up a trick or two...I have gone to her website and looked over her designs and while they are nice, I think my expectations were way too high. But her work is wonderful. She does good classic work.

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Ok I got mine a few days ago I really love the section on making garments fit and how to make adjustments I also like the section on making your own pattern. I am a little disappointed in the patterns they are pretty blah and like alot of other patterns I have seen there are a few cute sweaters. The book was actually worth the price just for the new info.


I pre-ordered mine through overstock last summer... It arrived last week. I love this book for the garment fitting instructions alone - honestly that is why I ordered it. I also like the classic twin set. I make 90% garments and I tweak every pattern I do. Now I'll tweak with a bit more confidence and understanding!

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I'm wanting some classic designs. I really don't care for much of the hip looking styles out. I really want the book for the designing your own sweaters. I want sweater made from dk or possibly sport weight yarn NOT ww. I want to make it fitted not boxy. So this will help right?

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THe first half of the book she really offers a lot of good info on how to create your own designs. I know I will be rereading this several times so that it becomes part of my knowledge base. If you take her suggestions and methods, I think you can create anything you like :) Her patterns are not the best though. A couple of them are nice - I rally like the skirts. But if you are looking on info on how to create your own pieces, this book can help a great deal.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got this book on Sunday. The information on getting a good fit is nice. I like how she explains customizing your designed patterns to fit you instead of a one-size-fits-all style.


The patterns inside are pretty classic, but I prefer that over 'trendy' that will be 'uncool' shortly.


She suggests some really smart techniques, but I don't know if I could explain them well without giving too much information that goes with the book.

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I got this book about a month ago and have read it several times already. I agree, the patterns aren't the greatest (though I do like 'ladies who lunch', course that's not why I wanted it. It has wonderful information on designing. Some of it I had already figured out, but there were other things that were just like, huh that makes sense and now my designs are better for it. I would so recommend this book to anyone who wants to design or even if you're looking to make the one size fits most patterns of the world fall off you like they do the models.

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I really like the book and want to focus more on it soon when I get down to designing a sweater for me or the next time I make a sweater.


I did like some of the designs. I might make the twin set someday. I like the sweater and skirt set too but I don't think I'll wear them together. I liked the dress ensemble but I have no reason to wear that.

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I got this book from Amazon. It is great. I got to meet her at the knit out at Mall of America and she signed my book for me. I was so excited. She did have the clothes there and being able to see them in person was so much better. I can't wait to make some of the patterns and I agree that the first part of the book explaining things is great.


Melissa in Central Iowa

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