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Wips Grrrrrrrrr

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Why do I have so many WIPS going is the question I ask myself everyday as I add another one to the list....HELP I cant stop :lol Am I the only one who keeps starting new projects when they see a Pattern they like :think


Im sure Im not :devil ...LOL I know there are many more just like me. :ghug


But do you put them into Priorities? Like I will put one ahead of the others if there is a dead line for it Like if Im testing someones pattern or a gift for someone, but I just find I have too many sometimes and I dont know which one I want to work on next:rofl

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Everyone is different. I have heard that a lot of people write them down and cross them off as you get them done. Then you get the satisfaction of knowing you have it done and can cross it off.


I keep a sketch book for ideas. On my WIP's, I only allow 4 and that isn't counting my box of granny squares. My granny squares I use for all scraps. Then I make myself finish a WIP before I can add another. I usually have an afghan going at all times, but sometimes I need a break from it...so I have other projects to work on.


That is what works for me, but sometimes you just have to figure out what works for you. Maybe you can have 10 going and make a list and work on it.


One reason why I don't like to go beyond 4 WIP's is I forget where I'm at and what hook I was using. As I get older, it's harder to remember.

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I USED to be so smug and proud of myself and say "I only ever do one project at a time."


HA! That was THEN.


Something happened to me... and now I have so many WIPs/UFOs that I'm not sure if I thought of everything when I updated my sig!!


Maybe it's Crochetville? I was FINE until I found this place...


Yep. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :lol:hook

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Right now, I just have one project going. But this is highly unusual for me. I just don't have a lot of ideas to work on other projects right now.


Kind of in a slump.


Or I am learning control. I just don't know which!



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HA! That's why I have a love seat in my parlor. The family keeps telling me that is used for sitting, but I just can't see where they get that idea! :eek I have even put a box together that says 'WIP'S'. It's a catergory now....lol I call it Crochet ADD. The real trick is to actually finish all of the WIP's!

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I have to admit that I have a lot of WIPs. Depending on where I'm going depends on what I take and at the house, it depends on what else is going on around me. If I go get my oil changed or some place where I have to wait and it may be crowded, I will take a project that I don't need instructions (usually something small and simple - usually dishclothes or now socks). When I'm sitting at home and everyone is in the room watching TV, I'll pick up something a little bigger but it is usually something that I'm not looking at a pattern (an afghan with repeating stitches all the way through or something that I'm making up as I go). However, when those few moments come along or when I go hide, I will work on something that requires me to follow a pattern. I have wasted a lot of time over the years trying to work on something while everyone is in the room and I get asked a question or interrupted and I kept losing my place. :no

Some WIPs I just stopped because I didn't like how there were looking. I finished up a few of those this year and I ended up liking a few of them - I actually wore one to work the other day and got lots of compliments. :cheer

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I am guilty of this as well. Actually I find it completely overwhelming at times. I have many many many WIPs on the go. My living room looks like a yarn bomb went off. I just can't seem to concentrate on only one project at a time.



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